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Brazil Visa Requirements

I just wanted to jot down a few things about visiting Brazil. First you need a visa. You can get a visa by using a surrogate company, these are people that you pay to travel to a Brazilian embassy and get the visa for you. These are typically expensive ($300 or more) and take time. Brazil sets up their fees to match what the country of residence charges Brazilian citizens, which in the case of the United States is $100. We personally visited the Brazilian Embassy in Miami, dropped our passports
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As the local travel movement gathers pace (www.localtravelmovement.com), and debates rage, we thought it was time to wade-in with the adventure sports perspective and suggest a few other good reasons why participants have plenty to gain from following a 'go local' approach.

Whatever your interests and motives for travelling, the benefits of local travel are well documented and often screamingly obvious - get to know the real people and places you are visiting, and ensure your trip provides maximu
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A Pre-Travel Tipping Tip

How many times have all of us reached into our pockets for some money to tip a baggage handler, tour guide etc. and all we have are large bills. My wife came up with the idea of before leaving on any of our trips, that we go to the bank and in our case (United States) get 100 one dollar bills. Then we make sure that we have some of them with us where ever we go.. We have found that tipping in most countries can be your home currency, especially if it is dollars or euros. It has simplified our ti
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Sports Tourism Big in Africa this Summer

It is set to be a year of massive sporting events, 2010 kicked off with the Winter Olympics in Whistler, and the whole world is anticipating the FIFA World Cup in South Africa this summer. There are many economic and social benefits to hosting international events. Whistler attracted 250,000 visitors to the area and $10 billion in revenues. Along with the financial injection, a host city will see development to infrastructure, increased jobs, and a continued development model of growth even afte

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21st Amendment Brewery's Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Beer...Genuine Refreshment!

21st Amendment Brewery's Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Beer...Genuine Refreshment!

First, an explanation about where 21st Amendment Brewery gets its name. The turn of the 20th century witnessed thousands of small breweries operating across America. Just in San Francisco alone there were about 40 breweries within the city limits. By comparison, today there are eight with a population more than double what it was in 1900. These breweries not only served great tasting beers but also captured the ess

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The Next Top 10 Travel Tips

I thought I'd share my latest post from The Travel Doc. Thanks for sharing (:

The Next Top 10 Travel Tips
Lisa Teller
The Travel Doc

Earlier, I wrote my Top 10 Travel Tips. I had a number of people offer suggestions, so I thought it was time to write the next Top 10 Travel Tips.

Hope these are helpful!

1. This one is from a friend. Pack with travel cubes - or any other type of bag within a bag. This helps keep clothes organized and when security rifles through everything, "things" won't go flying.

2. W
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Having read some shocking stories about Jos town in central Nigeria over the past few weeks, I would like to also bring you some positive news about the country, to counter these generalisations which give the impression of the whole of Nigeria being a violent country.

In Oyo state, in the South-East of the country, our local expert in Nigeria, Fasoranti Oluseyi Taiwo is organising an educational youth project to increase the awareness of secondary school students towards or about the concept of
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Coggeshall - Village With a Rich Heritage

Located along the ancient Roman Stane Street, in the heart of rural Essex, the picturesque, award winning village Coggeshall is a true treasure trove for all those who love chocolate box cottages, centuries-old listed buildings and a peaceful setting away from the hustle and buzz of the modern world.


If you travel to Coggeshall today you probably wouldn't guess that the little market town was once one of the most important industrial centres in this part of the East of England.


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My Top 10 Travel Tips!

This is posted on my travel blog The Travel Doc. Thanks for sharing (:

Top 10 Quick & Easy Travel Tips

Travel can be fun. Travel can be exciting. Travel can also be a painin the neck. Here are 10 quick and easy tips to make your travelsbetter.

1. This is my favorite tip, so I put it first. If you are spontaneouswith your travel or find yourself somewhere you are unfamiliar with,check out the postcards in the gift shops. That will give you a quicksnapshot of local scenery and sites. I had an unplann
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¿Cómo surge el YO?

Internarse en la barranca de los Jilgueros, en la Sierra nte de Puebla, no es fácil. Salimos del Campamento Tlatempa cerca de las 7 am. Las espinas y los saltos en las rocas para no caer al fondo logran que el llegar al río sea complejo y lleno de aventura. Pero más complejo se torna el mundo interior del explorador que llega hasta allá y descubre un poco de esa tierra que al mismo tiempo nos muestra nuestra pequeñez. Hay numerosas paredes por escalar. Los senderos te invitan a un viaje por el p

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Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer in Peru

Volunteering your time to an organization and dedicating some of your time to a cause is one of the most noble and meaningful things a person can do. Whether assisting the poor, taking care of abandoned children or helping communities grow, the simple and generous act of participation is a rewarding experience to both the volunteer and the people they help.

Being that our own volunteer program is only months away we thought it a good idea to highlight why volunteering in Peru is such a special an

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I have just spent a couple of days in the fascinating colonial town of Diamantina which is on the diamond circuit of the gold route that runs from Diamantina to Ouro Preto and then on to Paraty and Rio de Janeiro. Set amongst rolling hills with lush vegetation and tropical flowers and plants, Diamantina is a fascinating city with plenty to do for a two or three day stay. Visiting the waterfalls and seeing the cave paintings en route to the hamlet of Biribiri which was one of the main producers o

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Partying Penguins in Patagonia


There is a little island in the very bottom of Patagonia called Isla Martillo. It is not far from Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world and the main port for cruises around Tierra del Fuego and down to Antarctica. There, if you are very lucky – and take the right excursion -- you can get to know two types of penguins –Magellanic and Gentoo -- up close and very personal.


While these birds don’t come down to the shore to greet your zodiac, you might be misled to believe that that
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Exploring South Georgia Island


Antarctica is one of those places where history fuels a desire to step on those grounds where early explorers left their footprints and perhaps even their souls. Thus, most of the guests on board of the Plancius, owned by Oceanwide Expeditions, had perhaps not in equal measure, exploration and adventure in mind by joining an expedition to South Georgia and Antarctica. The two days spend at sea from the Falkland Islands to South Georgia, already prepared us for a journey that would be more of a p

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A journey through the Kingdom of Ife

When German archaeologist Leo Frobenius first discovered beautiful terracotta sculptures and copper cast head pieces in Nigeria in 1910, he proclaimed that he had discovered Plato’s lost city of Atlantis. European attitudes were so negative to African abilities that he reasoned that the artworks must be the work of foreign settlers, inconceivable to be created by African hands.

Eventually as more works surfaced through further discoveries, explorers began to change their attitudes. The Western wo

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Growing up in Hawaii you develop an appreciation for cross cultural mingling, especially in cuisine. Kurt Winner, my husband a native New York to Hawaii transplant
and an avid chef, developed this favorite family recipe years ago. You
can use it to create kabobs along with fat quarters of red,green and
yellow bell peppers and onions or as a simple marinade for grilled
chicken. He favors it served Buffalo New York style with an Oregon
twist; alongside some Oregon Rogue bleu cheese dip and crudites.


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