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India For the Holidays

More and more people are choosing to celebrate their Xmas holidays at tourist spot.So if you are planing to be able to relax this Christmas then it is suggested to go for a winter vacation with your family. These days there are good number of places where one can enjoy the Christmas holidays at ease.

India has always been the on of the top vacation destination for tourists from all over the world.India has mind-bending diversity in the form of various attractions makes it a big hit with travelers

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Essential things to do around in Halong Bay,



What can one do around Halong Bay besides taking that
once-in-a-lifetime cruise into the UNESCO World Heritage site here? Fear no
more as I had one extra day around Halong
City when I visited Halong Bay, Vietnam
recently. So here are 5 things you can do around Halong Bay
if you have time to kill waiting for your junk boat cruise.

Bai Chay Tourist Wharf and Jetty

Bai Chay Tourist Wharf. It is
here that most of the travelers w

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Orchha, A Hidden Treasure of India

OrchhaOrchha is a little hamlet that is known for its palaces and temples built in 16th and 17th centuries. Orchha literally means “ the hidden place “ or “ hidden treasure”. It is the erstwhile capital city of Bundela rulers. It was once the capital city of the mighty Bundelkhand Empire. The architectural splendor of the monuments in Orchha reflects the glory of its rulers. Orchha lies on the banks of River Betwa that is surrounded by forests that adds to its glory as a tourist attraction. From time

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I found an interesting biking path called "Sentiero della Bonifica" and I want to share this infomation with the friends of Tripatini. This path is very interesting for naturalistic and historical reasons, it cross two Tuscany districts the one of Siena and the one of Arezzo.
The starting point is reachable with the train and you can rent a bike and just bike along the bank viewing the marvellous Tuscany environment and the lakes of Chiusi and Montepulciano.
You can find information on the offical
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The Best Ice Skating Rinks Around the World

Most Europeans head for the powdery thrills of the ski slopes during their winter holidays, but ice skating is fast becoming an alternative to the ski trails. Every year, some of Europe’s most beautiful cities transform into fairy-tale lands, and the natural rinks provide the perfect setting for an adventurous city-break.

A skating vacation doesn't have to be a mad dash across the ice, but an enjoyable winter city break. Whether you choose to master the art of the triple Axel on the CO2 friendly

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by the World Tourism Organization

International tourism continues to recover from the decline of 4.2% suffered last year under the impact of the economic crisis. In the first eight months of this year, the number of international tourist arrivals exceeded the record achieved during the same period of the pre-crisis year 2008. According to the latest issue of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, worldwide arrivals between January and August 2010 totalled 642 million, some 40 million more than duri

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20 Places to See Before They Vanish!

Last-chance tourism or the boom, doom, and gloom of visiting vanishing destinations...The idea that one day soon it would be possible to see a polar bear only in the zoos and destinations such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Maldives, the Everglades, or the ice cap on Mt Kilimanjaro will vanish, whether it's because of rising sea levels, desertification, torrential monsoons, melting glaciers or ocean acidification, climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet. We may be one of t

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Top 10 Winter Sun Getaways

Whether you are tired of the long cold winters (yeah, not even eggnog and mistletoe can cancel out gray skies) or you just need to get away from the crowded Christmas shops, the festivity of the season is about blissful time, spent with friends and family and there are many ways to enjoy the holidays this year. If you fancy a bright and filled with sunshine Christmas vacation this year, why not head up for an exotic destination?

There are many fun-filled destination, where you can find your Chris

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From NMT Images
Transportation Security Administration Bans Print/Toner Cartridges. Waste of Time?

In its latest commendable but misguided attempt to to stop terrorists, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) just announced that toner and ink cartridges of more than 16 ounces will be banned from all US-bound passenger aircraft in carry-ons and checked bags.

USA Today Travel reports that the move is a reaction to the “thwarted terrorist plot” last week when explosive devices were found on
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Nepal Trekking Info

The best way to experience Nepal’s unbeatable combination of natural beauty and cultural riches is to walk through them. The immense contrasts in altitudes and climates found here support an equally spectacular mix of lifestyles, vegetation types and wildlife.
Trekking in the mountains of Nepal is more a cultural experience than a wilderness expedition. You will be passing through picturesque villages inhabited by diverse ethnic groups. You will see Chhetri farmers working in their fields and Ta

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The Wisconsin 6 Cheese pizza introduced by Domino’s last month takes their efforts of getting behind the pizza one giant step further. As part of Domino’s American Legends specialtypizza line, the Wisconsin 6 adds cheese head fanaticism to Domino’s newhand-tossed crust and tasty herbed sauce proving once again that onlytop quality fresh ingredients are used to make each and every pizza.

As European settlers migrated west across the United States, Wisconsin’s climate and rolling grasslands made it

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Medical Tourism Biz Booming in India

From NMT Images

What was as a footnote in the travel industry, medical tourism, has grown into a full blown industry. And India is taking the lead in attracting a huge number of patients from around the world to its first-class medical and tourism facilities... at third-word prices.

Travel Daily News (a travel and tourism trade news portal) headlined the trend with “Indian Medical Tourism market poised for stupendous growth,” and went on to say that what’s driving the rush to India are not just t

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The writer Sinclair Lewis famously observed, “Travel is so broadening,” but I’ll bet he never imagined it could teach you to walk with a book on your head. On November 27 and again on December 29, the Ritz-Carlton, South Beach will reprise its successful “Charm Camp,” a one-day immersion program for teenage guests of the female persuasion modeled on finishing schools of days gone by, but smartly updated for the 21st century. Held for the first time this past June, it also attracted local girls w
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Weather in the Seychelles

The Weather of the Seychelles is relatively stable year round and The Seychelles islands do not experience weather extremes. Many people ask me when is it Winter in the Seychelles- my answer never!!
The Seychelles does not experience radical temperature changes. The temperature in the Seychelles rarely will go below 24°C or rises above 32°C providing for a warm climate all year round. Does it not sound wonderful when you are sitting in the cold dull dark winters!!

Seychelles however does experienc
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US Virgin Islands: Paradise Awaits You!

– St Thomas/St John Trip to Paradise.

Spirit left late by 40 minutes from Ft Lauderdale as they were waiting for a flight connection to arrive so people weren’t stranded. What a nice thing to do for an airline. Normally they just don’t care. Arrival into St Thomas, pretty uneventful. A 22 year old tried to smoke a cigarette on the tarmac! To funny, although not so funny to security. They were like – what are you crazy dude this place could explode.

Arrival to Marriott Frenchman’s Reef. It was a pl

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Holiday Gift Ideas

How To Whittle Down Your Holiday Gift List

By Denise Mattia

We all know that shopping online is easy and convenient. Here are ideas that will fit your budget and delight those impossible-to-please friends and loved ones. They include eco products, fashion accessories, gadgets, electronics and specialty gift items.

For Fashionistas

In an emerging brand that consists of luxurious fabrics and
attention to detail,
April Marin creates classic functional fashion at an affordable price. The collection easi

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Africa Safaris 101: The Game's Afoot

by Julian Harrison

Swahili for “journey,” the word “safari” originated when Arab slave and ivory traders ventured through wild country where the tribes were least sophisticated and most dangerous — and where the elephants and other trophy animals dwelled. Today, safaris in Africa are among the world's most popular and venerable forms of adventure travel and ecotourism; the continent's top areas for photo safaris are its south and southeast, mainly due to wide-open ecosystems home to countless fau
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Stranded by Hurricane Tomás in Costa Rica

Here's how bad Hurricane Tomás is: The outside world barely notices that Costa Rica has been hit – and hit hard – because Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and other countries are getting hit even harder. It's an eco disaster and a human disaster, and I can see it from the window.

I'm writing this from an office in Puerto Jiménez, in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula, where they've been kind enough to let me crib some wi-fi waves. I'm stranded in this tiny, tumble-down Pacific Coast village. Just outsid

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Starting at the Plaza de Mayo, home to the presidential palace, Casa Rosada (Pink House) today at 18h00 the march will follow the majestic Avenida de Mayo to Argentina’s most important democratic institution, Palacio del Congreso, an imposing domed architectural masterpiece whose steps symbolise the Andes and extravagant fountains represent the Atlantic Ocean. The march, inspired by the Stonewall Riots of 1969, has both purpose and meaning to the gay community of Buenos Aires. Gay Pride a time t
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Except for the tinkle of harness bells and the occasional grunt of yaks, the valley is silent. Early morning mists shrouds the lone hut in Merathang, a pasture bordering Merak and Sakten villages, in the extreme north of Trashigang, Bhutan.

Inside, 38- year old Sumba is woken by the sound of droplets of rain dripping9008576683?profile=original through a hole in the roof and splattering in to an aluminium pot on the floor. Assuming its dawn, he gently sneaks out of the woolen blanket shared by his wife and three children. H

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