Argentina (25)

Paso de la Patria, Argentina: sol y playas

Este fantástico destino turístico, al que se le dice localmente El Paso, es uno de los sitios de veraneos más populares del litoral argentino. Multitudes de personas se acercan a disfrutar de sus inmensas playas de arena en la época de calor.


Restaurantes con especialidades de pescado y bares, suman a una vida nocturna que hacen a este balneario un sitio ideal para unas buenas vacaciones. Su cercanía a la ciudad de Corrientes capital y su fácil acceso, lo hacen más que recomendable para conocer

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Close your eyes and imagine yourself amidst the sun-drenched foothills of the Andes. The air shimmers with crisp mountain freshness, and a glass of vibrant liquid dances between your fingertips. This is the magic of 
Torrontés wine, Argentina's hidden gem waiting to waltz across your palate and into your heart. Forget the usual suspects; Torrontés wine offers an exhilarating adventure, a tango of unexpected aromas and refreshing flavors that will leave you wanting more.

But before we emb

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La ciudad de Salta y su teleférico

La ciudad de Salta (Salta capital), cabecera de la provincia homónima, es una ciudad del noroeste argentino que cada año recibe una cantidad enorme de turistas.

12398481454?profile=RESIZE_710xSus atractivos son variados y por esta razón la visita a la ciudad merece de varios días para conocerlos. Tiene museos, un cabildo y parques, y toda la tradición de la ciudad que se puede disfrutar con comidas típicas o con una recorrida por su área céntrica.

Y un paseo destacable es su teleférico, con el cual se llega a la cima del cerro

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La Puna Catamarqueña y su naturaleza

La Puna Catamarqueña, localizada en el noroeste de la provincia de Catamarca del también noroeste argentino, es un lugar único. Esta zona de la Argentina es de los pocos sitios que quedan donde se pueden encontrar grandes extensiones sin ver a ningún habitante, y hasta hay muchos terrenos sin alambrado. Sin lugar a dudas es ideal para quienes quieren alejarse un rato para estar en contacto con la naturaleza.


Por un lado se puede disfrutar de sus espectaculares paisajes con cantidades de volcanes

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Ciudad de Santa Fe: su costanera y museos

La ciudad de Santa Fe es la capital de la provincia homónima y ofrece diferentes atractivos para conocer. Su larga costanera con un faro y un puente colgante, con balnearios del otro lado del curso de agua. Además, sus museos (hay varios) invitan a una visita imperdible. Sus inmensos parques completan una estadía con picnic incluído y al aire libre. Dispone de buenos servicios como alojamientos y variados restaurantes como para pasar una estadía cómoda.



Se llega por autopista desde Rosario, y ta

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En la provincia de San Luis del centro de Argentina, tenemos el parque nacional Sierra de las Quijadas, que es sin dudas un sitio único por sus paisajes llamativos. Quienes visitan este lugar pueden apreciar sus sierras con formas geológicas, en un ambiente de material rojizo. Además, al ser un área protegida se disfruta de este paseo en contacto con la naturaleza.



Es un parque nacional con vigilancia y facilidades para quienes desean conocerlo. Hay senderos de diferente grado de dificultad (

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La provincia de Catamarca, en la Argentina, ofrece sin dudas un sinfín de atracciones relacionadas con lo que cubre gran parte de su territorio: montañas.



No solo porque en parte de ella está la cordillera de los Andes y la Puna, sino porque también tiene sierras que corresponden a las más antiguas Sierras Pampeanas. Las primeras están hacia el oeste de la provincia, y las pampeanas más hacia el centro y este.

Incluye una de las áreas más altas de toda América, con varias cumbres que superan los

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La zona andina de Chubut presenta lagos de gran extensión. Son amplias superficies de agua rodeadas de montañas, por encontrarse por la cordillera de los Andes. Junto a los bosques dan paisajes espectaculares

Muchos son accesibles y se pueden visitar, ya que están cerca de varios destinos turísticos de la provincia. Algunos de ellos:

-Lagos Futalaufquen, Verde y Rivadavia: se pueden acceder desde Esquel y Trevelin desde el sur o desde Cholila por el norte a través de la ruta provincial 70, y perte

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Now that COVID restrictions are largely a thing of the past, once-in-a lifetime, bucket-list experiences are again within reach - with the caveat that our will to see the world is tempered with an awareness of travel's negative impact. So the pandemic was an awakening.

Offering handpicked riding holidays, specialist tour operator Ranch Rider has rounded up five dream horseback adventures that align with our newfound consciousness:



Siwash Lake Wilderness Resort, British Columbia


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7 Awesome Active Vacation Ideas for 2023

10994000853?profile=RESIZE_930xAndy Blackledge

If you like some action on your vacations, there's no doubt our planet is packed with all sorts of active, adventurous, and sometimes downright adrenaline-pumping options. Some are "soft," requiring no great skill or physical fitness, while others will delightfully challenge you. How to narrow it down to just seven? Well, let me give it a try!

Snorkeling in Belize

The 700-mile Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is the world's second largest, and the 190-mile long Belize Barrie

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South America's Iconic Vicuñas


Visitors to part of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru (where it's the national animal and is even on the country's coat of arms) may come across this quintessential South American mammal, a camelid related to guanacos, llamas, and alpacas (which are descended from vicuñas) The smallest of the camelids, vicuñas stand about three feet tall at the shoulder; weigh between 70 and 150 pounds; and have long necks and legs as well as relatively small heads with long pointed ears.


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Argentina's rich winemaking heritage dates back to the early 16th century, putting it in an entirely different league than neighboring new world producers Chile and Brazil. Spanish settlers planted the first specimens of vitis vinifera in monastic vineyards throughout Argentina's central, western, and northeastern regions.

Soon an extensive agricultural irrigation system of ditches and canals modeled after those of the Incas drew water from melting Andes snow caps into reservoirs, utilized to th

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Buenos Aires Gay Bed & Breakfast Palermo Uno

9008833684?profile=original9008834456?profile=original9008834069?profile=original9008836058?profile=original9008836090?profile=originalModestly Priced Gay Accommodation, Buenos Aires Style With Latin Flair

By Roy Heale

For members of the LGBT community who are planning to experience adventures in Buenos Aires tourism and would prefer to stay at a gay bed and breakfast, Buenos Aires now offers an exclusive gay venue in trendy Palermo.

Located in the heart of Palermo Soho, this exclusively gay Palermo Uno Bed & Breakfast offers guests an urban resort experience. Owned and operated by an Argentine travel guide and journalist this is

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Mr. Gay World: Anuncio de los Directores Continentales

MGW: Continental Directors Announced





Comunicado de Prensa 

For Immediate Release


Mr. Gay World announces Continental Directors

Mr. Gay World gets ready for fourth annual global competition with a

well rounded volunteer advisory board from all corners of the globe.


Sydney, Australia - October 11th, 2011 - Eric Butter, President of

Mr. Gay World announced today his new global volunteer advisory board

representing all corners of the globe.  Butter

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BUEGay Great Wine Capitals announced the “Best of” winners

19 companies from Mendoza, Argentina, were awarded for their excellent performance in the field of wine tourism. The winners of each category are published below.

Mendoza, Argentina, dressed up to present the 2012 “Best of Wine Tourism” awards, which gathered important provincial authorities and local business people.

50 nominees, with their wine-tourism related projects, participated in this contest. Wineries, hotels and restaurants, among

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Argentina: don’t miss it

9008632489?profile=originalArgentina: don’t miss it


A country the size of Argentina has countless outstanding landscapes. Argentina covers a vast mass of land; with Bolivia in its northern point, all the way through Patagonia, and bordered by Chile and the Andes Mountains in the west, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast, and the Atlantic Ocean in the east.


The geographical location of Argentina gives the country an enormously varied climate and landscape, from high mountains to beaches and deserts to humid fores

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IGLTA: Asociación mundial de turismo gay y lésbico
No te pierdas la 28va convención anual de la IGLTA * del 10 al 15 de Mayo, 2011 en Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Establece contactos y asiste a los programas educativos con los lideres mundiales del turismo LGBT.
Realiza valioso contactos de negocios y “networking” antes de la convención de Florianópolis, Brasil del 2012. Citas de negocio dentro de agenda de la convención.
Se parte del área de empresas latino americanas en la feria que llegara a miles
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We want to share the best service in Buenos Aires to find a beautifull and lovely apartament.

buerental Vacation Apartments Argentina can assist you with all of your real estate needs in Buenos Aires Apartments are located in the best locations, in addition, to our temporary rent of fully furnished apartments in Buenos Aires.

The staff provides tailor-made and one-on-one personalized service. We understand that real personal approach to our customers is the key to our success. We are offering luxu

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Puerto Madryn, Argentina Vacation Essentials

9008595875?profile=original Oceanside Diining on the Beach


By Roy Heale


Located at the heart of one of Argentina's most popular eco-tourism destinations is the port city of Puerto Madryn. From this central point eco-tours depart daily for whale watching, visits to the sea lion colonies, the penguin settlements, wildlife parks, dolphin watching, and much more of the local wildlife. The region is a popular breeding ground for many species and has been recognized as a World Natural Heritage Site since 1999. The clear blue wa

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Mendoza's Gay Vendimia (Wine Festival) in March

9008590854?profile=original                                                                         Mendoza Winery


Located in the Andes mountain range of Argentina, Mendoza is a year-round vacation destination. Renowned globally for being the capital of Argentina's wine making industry----especially the renowned Malbecs---Mendoza is also a center for skiing in the higher peaks during July, August, and September. The annual Vendimia wine festival in March is the highlight of the year with festivities for all ages and a spe

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