ecuador (7)


When it comes to Ecuador travel, most of the attention goes to the Galápagos and Quito - maybe with some to spare for quaint Cuenca up in the Andes. But the country’s largest city and business capital, Guayaquil down on the Pacific coast, is despite its big-city amenities still seen as rather grey and uninteresting to visitors - mostly a destination for business travellers.

Even so, there’s one historic neighbourhood, tucked away at the end of Guayaquil’s reconstructed malecón (and these

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The Basics Of Guayaquil, Ecuador

It's a great idea to make the trip to Guayaquil with an array of activities, regardless of how big or small your group. We're not going to advise the places and attractions you go to while in Guayaquil, however, we could provide some suggestions regarding what there is to do in the city. Similar to many other towns, Guayaquil has both good and bad spots to go to and, if this is your first time to Guayaquil or if you've visited previously, you must take advantage of your visit. It's a good idea t

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South America's Iconic Vicuñas


Visitors to part of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru (where it's the national animal and is even on the country's coat of arms) may come across this quintessential South American mammal, a camelid related to guanacos, llamas, and alpacas (which are descended from vicuñas) The smallest of the camelids, vicuñas stand about three feet tall at the shoulder; weigh between 70 and 150 pounds; and have long necks and legs as well as relatively small heads with long pointed ears.


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Maria the Diva in Ecuador

On their quest to find out more about the birds of Ecuador, Adios Adventure Travel arranged for the Virginia BeachFriends School 4th & 5th grade girls get up at 4 am to arrive atthe La Paz reserve, near Mindo, Ecuador, just to see the famous Andean Cock of the Rock. After glimpsing thecolorfully red bird, they continued their march through the jungle wherethey saw an even more rare bird, thegiant antpitta. These birds are rarely seen and our girls saw“Maria” who was coaxed out of the forest by a
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800px-Lobo_marino_%28Zalophus_californianus_wollebaeki%29%2C_Punta_Pitt%2C_isla_de_San_Crist%C3%B3bal%2C_islas_Gal%C3%A1pagos%2C_Ecuador%2C_2015-07-24%2C_DD_11.JPG?profile=RESIZE_710xDiego Delso

As concern for our shared global biosphere rises, many are taking it to heart when it comes to travel, as well. Along with booming ecotourism, both providers and consumers in the travel and tourism sector are looking to promote tourism that's "sustainable" - a trendy buzzword, for sure, but one that simply means striving to minimise as much as possible any negative impacts on our increasingly beleaguered environment whilst allowing visitors to enjoy and learn more about it. And today

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by José Alejandro Adamuz

One of the best ways to get to know a country is through its markets. What you find is not only its products, but an entire way of life, of feeling, of talking… dare we even say, of falling in love with the place. An entire country is exposed to our senses, through its people and its culture. And so in order to get to know Ecuador better, we’re going to take a stroll through one of the most important markets – not just of the country, but of all South America. Get yo

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10915004701?profile=RESIZE_930xChris Oakley

If you find should yourself spending New Year’s Eve in a Spanish-speaking country, you may notice that the locals have an interesting tradition of their own for this special night. As the big moment nears, participants will suspend clusters of grapes over their mouths (or have a loose handful of them) and eat one with each clock strike of midnight. These are “las doce uvas de la suerte” (the twelve grapes of fortune), which of course is what everyone wishes themselves and others f

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