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Turtle Release in Cabo San Lucas

Cabo Adventures has released their latest new tour called “Sunset Turtle Release”. They are working very closely with Asupmatoma to offer their mutual guests the opportunity to explore “Rancho San Cristobal” located on the pacific ocean side of the bay. This special tour will educate participants about the turtles that visit local beaches and allow them to take part in releasing the turtles into the sea. For every space purchased, a percentage is donated towards the protection and care of the tu

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Luxor, Egypt

Travel Thursday: Luxor, Egypt

OCTOBER 7, 2010

Last week I talked about a few of the days we spent on the Red Sea in Egypt for some rest and relaxation. But being the go,go,go people that we are, we could only have some much rest and relaxation. From Hurghada we headed by police convey to Luxor.

We really did need a police convey to go from Hurghada to Luxor because of tourist threats. They don’t recommend that tourists drive the long dessert highway between Hurghada and Luxor so we hired a car and

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by Ed Wetschler

Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols was no rocket scientist, yet even he understood that Manhattan’s historic
Chelsea Hotel was both a good deal for a New York City hotel and a major hangout for artists, famous eccentrics, musicians, writers, and other celebrities. The musician’s appreciation of this most excellent combination was rather abruptly interrupted in 1978, when his girlfriend was stabbed to death
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Hurghada, Egypt

Last week our Egypt trip started in Cairo, and then we headed to Hurghada on the Red Sea for rest and relaxation. We flew from Cairo to Hurghada and headed to our inclusive resort, the Sheraton Soma Bay.

Map of Egypt

This was our first time staying at an all inclusive and it was a much needed few days of nothing! We didn’t leave the resort at all and just enjoyed sun, sand, snorkeling and the food.

Sheraton Soma Bay Facade

We enjoyed snorkeling on a reef right off the dock, read a few books, and even got our traditional Thanksgiving.








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By BuzzInRome

Can photography interpret the future, can it provide Futurspectives? This is the underlying question that the Photography Festival of Rome, on display until October 24, will try to address. Bumpy ride, Maps and Legends, Unpublished-Unknown are the three main sections of the Festival, complemented by the work of Tod Papageorge on the city Rome, Giuliano Matteucci’s pictures of Africa, and a preview of “Mutations 3″, the new production by the European Month of Photography.

The ninth ed

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Is Rock Star Bono Bogus About Helping Africa?

Rock star Bono and wife produce eco-friendly products to support Africa

Bono is one of the biggest rock stars on the planet. The former U2 lead musician is also an outspoken humanitarian activist on helping Africa and Africans fight poverty, illiteracy, AIDS and HIV. He’s enough of an authority to have met with world leaders to lobby for greater efforts to help Africans help themselves and write editorials in the New York Times.

So why is Bono manufacturing his eco-friendly line of t-shirts and ot

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Christmas in India

Arrival of Christmas marks the birth of Jesus. It signifies spreading love and peace among fellow human beings. In India, people celebrate Christmas with great fun and festivity. People start preparations for Christmas by decorating their homes with dazzling Christmas lights, balloons, candles, flowers and Christmas tree. Churches are decorated with burning oil lamps and red flowers.

Attractive Christmas gifts are the integral components of Christmas in India. People express their love and affect

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Guide to Booking Cheap Airline Tickets

The capacity to reserve airline tickets has evolved immensely through the history of air travel from a lengthier manual operation to an electronic operation with minimal intervention needed. Though this might
seem like a drawback to employees it has opened the doors for internal
movement inside the airline business and greater efficiency with the
reservation system leading to in real-time showing of flight information
that helps both the airline and the passengers.

Since the advances in technology al

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The Big Waltz Comes to New York City


By Denise Mattia


One, two, tap. One, to, tap.
Some sat on the edge of the newly built fountain at Lincoln Center’s Josie Robertston Plaza on Saturday, October 16th and watched while hundreds of New Yorkers of every age learned how to waltz Viennese style. Professional dancers were on hand to coach the audience on how to perform the sometimes intricate steps and turns.
Other pros demonstrated the movements for the audience from the temporary stage set between the Met
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From NMT Images

If a review in TripAdvisor (TA) or any other rating site is bad, then probably the experience was bad.

With simple logic, says the aim of the hotel or airline or resort should not be to stop negative reviews, but “ to stop negative experiences in the first place. Cure the cause not the symptom.”

But the authoritative travel blog, Gadling reported that TA’s reviews are rubbing enough hoteliers the wrong way, that several hundred of them have joined forces to purs
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A Holiday Vacation? Eight Reasons Why You Should

The holidays are approaching and you may be getting more and more excited about having time off from work or school. Well, how about taking it one step further and get excited about a Caribbean vacation during the holidays? Should you take that plunge and book an exotic vacation during the holiday season?

Of course you should, and here are some reasons why.

Image1. A holiday vacation makes a great present—whether you want to be extra good to yourself or score major points with a loved one, a vacation
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Goa Holidays


Tourism in Goa is generally focused on the coastal areas and tourists’ activities are mainly limited on Goa beaches. It is thesmallest state by area. While on a trip to India, you may explorevariety of lucrative Goa packages that are generally availablewith tour operators in India. You may opt for luxury or budget packagesas per your preference. You need to spare at least three days for Goatrip, although the recommended ideal time for Goa holidays is one week.

Panaji is the capital city of Goa, w

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Financial meltdown, economic slump, subprime crisis? All of these words seem to belong to the past for the tourism industry in Rome.

The number of tourists visiting Italy’s capital in August grew by 11,5%, Vicemayor Mauro Cutrufo said on October 6, citing figures from a study of the Ente Bilaterale del Turismo del Lazio – EBTL - Tourism Board of Employers and Employees of the region of Rome.

June and July also posted two-digit growth figures: 10,6% and 11,2% respectively. Actually

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Alice Sutherland of Savory Faire not only serves up a delicious afternoon of good eats, but also shares historical knowledge in an entertaining way that isn't at all touristy or kitschy. You won't be bored but you'll definitely be full by the end of the tour.

Savory Faire is a a great deal for visitors to the oldest city in the United States. $45 goes a long way with five stops, generous food portions and an even bigger heaping of historical information shared by tour guides, all covered in two a
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The Twitter Virtual Concierge

From NMT Images
Enter the UK’s First Twitter Virtual Concierge

Britain’s largest hotel chain, Premier Inn Hotels announced what it calls the UK’s “first Twitter concierge service.”

Travel Daily News says it will “shake up the traditional concierge service” by letting guests tweet@PremierInn and ask for recommendations about anything from local family activities, the nearest karaoke bar, emergency medical care, theater tickets...all the stuff that one would normally ask a human concierge.

At the mome
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I'm new to Tripatini, but I'm curious on who's on here and how it's used.

So I'm sharing news from Golf Gulf Shores - let me know what you think of the Gulf Shores publicity, and how we as agents of travel publicity, can help them get past the negative travel messages from the summer. It's time we all told the rest of the story - the sign of recovery.

Get the word out: Beaches are clear, NOAA has allowed and extended recreational fishing for the popular Red Snapper in the Gulf, and the golf course

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Q & A on Maldives

Do I need a visa to travel to the Maldives?

You do not require a Visa prior to arrival in the Maldives. All tourists from all the countries are granted free 30 day visa upon arrival. However, all the visitors need a valid travel document. If a passport expiry date falls within 30 days of arrival, tourists cannot extend their stay beyond the passport expiry date.

What is the time difference?

Maldives is five hours ahead (GMT +5.00) of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

What vaccinations should I have?


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Khajuraho - India's World Famous Temples


Khajuraho is famous for its exquisitely carved temples in stones with the erotic sculptures in the divine art form. Millions of tourists from world over flock to envisage this impeccable Hindu art form of 950 A.D - 1050 A.D.

Khajuraho, the ancient city of India is trapped in the mythical folklores. The beautiful artwork of these temples is the second most traveled tourist destination after Taj Mahal of Agra. The mature and candid artwork sculptures of sexual and erotic postures have gained the at

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Hot Vacation Destinations

If you are planning a trip to a world destination, you will have many places from which to choose. The trip you take will depend on what you are looking for and the money you have to spend. Consider the following destinations.

Paris is an amazing city and a very popular tourist destination. You can go to the top of the Eiffel tower and see amazing views from high above the land. You can dine on some of the best food in the world. You can visit museums like the Louvre, which houses the amazin

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