medical tourism (6)

Why India Is a Medical Tourism Hotspot


The world´s most populous country is also one of its richest in terms of what it has to offer visitors on all fronts - culture, history, cuisine, natural attractions, and much more. And apart from all that, India has also become one of the top ten countries visited by foreigners for healthcare,
thanks to its modern medical infrastructure and technology; talented physicians; prices for procedures which are among the world´s lowest; minimal wait times; and widespread fluency in English.

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Medical-tourism-internationally-a-big-business.jpg?width=300As healthcare costs skyrocket in top nations around the globe, many people are going on sick leave and vacation at the same time.

The world medical tourism industry has become a $10.5 billion business based on the availability of high-quality medical services at reasonable rates in many developing countries. Patients are traveling abroad not only for quick-recovery cosmetic surgeries or dental procedures, but also for sophisticated surgeries, such as cardiac, orthopedics, neurosurgery, Bariatric,

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Come Wellness beckons you to India - the land of Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation

Ayurveda, the science of life, recommends healthy living, healthy eating, counselling, meditation, yoga, massage, group therapy and natural remedies to help the body and mind find balance.

Ayurveda can cure any type of disease/ailment without any side effects. More than cure ayurvedic medicine believes in prevention of diseases by eliminating the toxins in our body.

Some of them diseases ayurveda cures are:

  • Allergies
  • Alzheim
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Tips for Destinations Seeking Medical Tourism

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Tourism and health have taken on two new meanings. Health tourism can be broken down into two components, people who travel to a particular spot for medical reasons, such as cancer centers or for specific operations such a coronary bypass, and people who travel to a location for medicinal reasons such as rest and relaxation.  Medicinal tourism caters not to the sick but to those who seek new levels of wellness.  Examples of medicinal tourism are spa or centers that cater to non-essential cosm

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Medical Tourism Biz Booming in India

From NMT Images

What was as a footnote in the travel industry, medical tourism, has grown into a full blown industry. And India is taking the lead in attracting a huge number of patients from around the world to its first-class medical and tourism facilities... at third-word prices.

Travel Daily News (a travel and tourism trade news portal) headlined the trend with “Indian Medical Tourism market poised for stupendous growth,” and went on to say that what’s driving the rush to India are not just t

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Medical Tourism in Costa Rica

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Costa Rica
has a longstanding tradition of attracting holidaymakers around the world. Most of them have a craving for green, relaxing and adventure. However, people have recently discovered the undeniable fact that it has also become much more than an ecotourism destination.

This country is nowadays a location where you can find proficient consultants than can provide you with high quality medical care at a small portion of cost than other places (e.g. United States, Canada and Eu

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