Hotels (483)

Six-Star Hotels? Don't Believe It

From NMT Images

So far no international classification for hotels exists,but that hasn’t stopped ambitious hotel marketers from slapping any number of stars, diamonds, cacti on their properties and touting them as 5 or 6 or even 7 star properties,whatever that may mean in real service and amenities.


I think the ratings inflation trend began with the Xanadu-  frenzy in Dubai, especially with the luxury hotel, Burj Al Arab (Tower of the Arabs), built on an artificial island and billed as a 7-Star s

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We reported frequently in New Media Travel that hotels notoriously use photos of empty swimming pools, restaurants and rooms in their marketing material for fear of offending potential customers. Their thinking is that couples without children, for example, will be discouraged by pictures with children in them, while families may be be turned off by photos  featuring adults.

Enter Socialgraphics which claims the days of travel marketers having only the basic customer information they ask for, a

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What would you guess most determines how we choose a hotel? Price? Location? Recommendation by a friend or someone else?

In a connected social media world, it's surprising to discover that what our friends, and friends of friends recommend, say on Facebook or other sharing platforms, counts for only 6.8 % in determining what influences our hotel choices.
"Past experience" weighs in at 11.9%.

In truth, according to what actually influences a hotel choice is location.
For exa

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Sri Lanka's Amazing Ulagalla Resort



There are some places so special that one feels the need to tell everyone but at the same time would like to keep it a secret so as not to have it inundated with people. Such a place is Ulagalla Resort in the heart of Sri Lanka. Ulagalla is located between the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Anuradhapura, which was once the capital of Sri Lanka; and about 20 miles north of Dambulla, which is also a UNESCO World Her

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Peru's a Perfect Place to Ring in the New Year

Why is that? Well, Peru offers a New Year’s experience to appeal to virtually any and every type of traveler. It’s famously filled with the mystical and the historic. It also offers high culture, unsurpassed ecotourism, and adrenaline-pumping adventure. Add in a plethora of superb hotels, restaurants and spas, and it all adds up to a special occasion you’ll never, ever forget. Another year? Bring it on.

Top Peruvian New Year’s Traditions

To ensure a new year full of good luck and prosperity,

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A Sushi Class in Upstate New York


The “How to Make Sushi Class” at the Mohegan Manor in Baldwinsville, New York is the perfect gift for the hard-to-get-for person. Mohegan Manor is located in a historic building built in 1911 as the Oddfellows Mohegan Lodge. The lounge was the original post office for Baldwinsville. It was beautifully restored by Dennis Sick and has been the home of Mohegan Manor since 1989. Mohegan Manor has a restaurant, bar, and event facilities plus a Sushi Club with a dedicated sushi chef.  The club is loc

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They live in the sea, are on the World Wildlife Fund’s “Endangered Species List”, and frequent the waters around Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast Tortuguero National Park. Their lives, though on similar paths, are a bit conflicted.

I’m talking about sea turtles and manatees. One draws crowds of up to 50,000 tourists each year; the other lives a hidden life and was thought until recently to be extinct.

Costa Rica's Tortuguero National Park is a unique ecosystem web of water & forest

Tortuguero is one of Costa Rica's most popular ecotourism destinations – a microcosm of rainforest, f

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Boutique Hotels Win Acclaim in Costa Rica

Boutique hotel L'Acqua Viva in Costa Rica's Nosara beach

Personally, I prefer staying in small boutique hotels. Large chain hotels have their function, though I rather like when the receptionist remembers my name and is personable enough to care how I am and how my stay is going. I like waiters who remember I favor water without ice and that my mid-afternoon coffee is an absolute must … with a healthy shot of warm milk, if you please. I am deeply grateful to attentive staff who think up and suggest new things to do or places to visit, without being as

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It’s just a decade old, but as you’d expect, this resort on the South China Sea beachfront in the small Malay sultanate ruled by one of the world’s richest men — originally built as a royal palace by the sultan’s very naughty kid brother to the tune of more than US$1 billion — has been in the front ranks of Asia’s top hostelries ever since. With 420 rooms, suites, and villas on a lushly landscaped 45-acre (180-hectare) spread, the palatial joint is awash in soaring columns and all manner of sum
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Have you ever stayed in a convent?  Surprisingly, many of our fellow travel fanatics out there have shared with us that they have, indeed, spent some time staying in converted nunneries or convents.  Besides the inherently peaceful aura that seems to surround these modernized convents, many of them are located in absolutely gorgeous locations, and offer the traveller a different perspective.  I'd like to share our experience at El Convento, a gorgeous hotel in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.  Read

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Do you like to work out in your hotel’s gym when you’re away? If you happen to be staying in Denmark’s Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers, keeping fit while traveling will help generate the hotel’s electricity and earn you meal vouchers in their restaurant. The flagship eco-hotel is the first hotel in Denmark to generate all of its power from renewable sources – solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling pumps, and stationary bicycles connected to generators which provide the hotel’s electricity.

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The travel industry gets lots of headlines for cruise ships that have to be towed into port, delayed flights and lost baggage. So it's nice to be able to wrote a good news story about the US travel industry supports US military personnel, both retired and active. Here's some of what airlines and hotels were doing for uniformed service men and women on Veterans Day, and beyond.

American Airlines is partnering once again with The Sands Foundation and the USO to host wounded warriors and their spous

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Dalaman, Turkey

I love to travel as much as possible, and I always travel by cruise. However, I heard very good things about Dalaman, Turkey. It’s a quiet, peaceful town in southwest Turkey and has beautiful weather. I’d also heard great things about a fantastic 5-star hotel called hotel Grand Azur; however I still love my cruises so I didn't know what to do. I can only get the time off work once a year to take myself and my wife away on vacation.

So after hours of research I discovered that we could spend a wee

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Hotels in Hurghada

Hurghada is one of the most attractive destinations in Egypt. It is a place full of surprises and rich cultural and historical heritage. Pretty much as all the country of Egypt. Visiting Hurghada will bring you an unforgettable vacation. It is a place which is full of tourists coming to spend a great holiday. There are many resorts that will fit your budget, no matter if you are looking for a luxury holiday or you are traveling on a budget. The history of this destination is something you should

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Hotel Bellechasse - So " Couture "

The Hotel Bellechasse Saint-Germain has an elegant design hotel situated a few steps from the famous Musée d’Orsay and the Louvre, in the heart of Paris.

This intimate, sophisticated to the details: all the interior design has been beautifully conceived and designed by the great couturier Christian Lacroix.

The hotel has 34 rooms decorated with original wallpaper and high-impact stage and decorated with colors, subjects, and furniture pieces that suggest a unique neo-classical and bohemian spirit.

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Of Twitter, Burgers and Hotels

From NMT Images
Of Twitter, Burgers and Hotels

I don't much like case studies. The ones that business school students labor through.

I prefer the kinds of quick case studies I get in Entrepreneur magazine.

In his “Talk of the Town” column in this month’s magazine small business “thought leader,” Chris Brogan, talks about Joe Sorge who runs AJ Bombers, a burger place in Milwaukee.

Sorge does with Twitter something close to what we reported Chicago and other cities are doing with Foursquare.

He trolls
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Paris' Amazing Hotel Moderne St-Germain

I stayed in Paris with a friend two weeks ago, and it was awesome. It was the second time I went to Paris, but for the first one I didn't stay in an hotel. This year, my friend and I saved some money to have an unforgettable trip to Paris. We chose the Moderne St-Germain Hotel ( ), following my uncle's recommendations, and were completely overjoyed when we discovered the hotel and our room!

We had the superior room with a white and red theme. There was a very
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Bedbugs are ugly little creatures that suck your blood while you sleep, leaving nasty bite marks. And they seem to be everywhere, including in the headlines. With holiday travel season approaching, it’s important to know how to avoid bringing bedbugs home from your hotel. Here are some top tips for protecting yourself from bedbugs when you travel:

Before you book a hotel


When packing for your trip

  • sealable plastic bags are your best
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You don't have to play golf to enjoy a stay at PGA National Resort & Spa. But it helps.


9008733698?profile=originalAlthough the plush Palm Beach Gardens resort radiates with recreational diversions, golf is the engine that keeps it humming. 9008734266?profile=original



With prime time for snowbirds right around the corner, the South Florida oasis

will open a new course Nov. 1 and will welcome participants to its "Institute of Performance," a training facility designed to help both beginners and professionals -- plus the vast army of golfers who rat

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The Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pennsylvania has it all – luxurious accommodations, private cottages, excellent dining, a world-class spa, two swimming pools, four golf courses, boutique shops, and, oh, so much more. And of course it is in the Sweetest Place on Earth.  

Located on a hill with a view of Hershey gardens and the countryside, The Hotel Hershey is a member of Historic Hotels of America. Built during the 1930s during the Great Depression, the construction meant that the people of Hershey

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