sushi (3)

A Sushi Class in Upstate New York


The “How to Make Sushi Class” at the Mohegan Manor in Baldwinsville, New York is the perfect gift for the hard-to-get-for person. Mohegan Manor is located in a historic building built in 1911 as the Oddfellows Mohegan Lodge. The lounge was the original post office for Baldwinsville. It was beautifully restored by Dennis Sick and has been the home of Mohegan Manor since 1989. Mohegan Manor has a restaurant, bar, and event facilities plus a Sushi Club with a dedicated sushi chef.  The club is loc

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Best San Diego Sushi: Zenbu

Since I'm not an expert on sushi, I asked Shira Bliss of La Jolla Wine Tours for advice on finding the best sushi in La Jolla.

Shira combined her love of walking, fine wine, and gourmet food into a tour company that introduces La Jolla residents and visitors to local restaurants and wineries. With business partner Paul Anthony Vild, she started a guided food and wine walking tour that has expanded to include wine train tours, beer tours, and tours to San Diego wineries.

"There are seven sushi bars
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La Jolla Wine Tours



Where are La Jolla’s best restaurants?

Our eclectic food and wine scene can be a bit overwhelming for the first time visitor, but Shira Wiseman will be happy to help you get the lay of the land.

This local foodie offers culinary walking tours of the village and, in the process, helps fellow San Diegans and out-of-towners find our best food and wine gems.

Her three-hour excursions include four to five stops, including local restaurants, a purveyor of chocolates, and a little-known source for gourme

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