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Fun in Bangkok

9008790273?profile=originalThe “city of angels”, Bangkok, is the capital and most heavily populated city of Thailand. It is giving shelter to more than 14 million people. Bangkok is one of the top tourist destinations around the globe. It is not only famous for its dynamic nightlife, but also for its historical tourist destinations.
The city is considered as heaven for shopping lovers. The places like Siam Square are the city’s best shopping area with variety of national and international brands. Street shopping will be

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Nightlife in Bangkok

9296578278?profile=originalIt is truly said by someone that your trip to Bangkok is not complete without experience the nightlife in the city. After the busy life during the day, city comes alive again in the night. Bangkok nightlife offers the best experience for tourists as well as locals that they cannot afford to miss. This is the major reason why cheap Bangkok Flights are popular worldwide. Bangkok itself is home entertainment with countless karaoke bars, discos, GoGo bars and pubs. There are lots of live dance perfo

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Costa Rica is one of the world's top destinations for newlyweds to honeymoon. The Central Costa Rica honeymoonAmerican nation ranks third in the world, after Hawaii and Italy, and above other destinations like Greece, Tahiti and the Caribbean, according to Perfect Honeymoons & Holidays Travel.

With multiple attractions, tropical climate, beautiful scenery and exotic character, Costa Rica is an unforgettable honeymoon getaway. Only a few hours' flight from North America, Costa Rica is blessed with spectacular beaches

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The express boats run over the Chao Praya River which is a main river in Thailand that flows via Bangkok to Thailand. Without getting stuck in traffic, you can easily get around the city with Chao Praya boats and enjoy the fantastic view of the city from the river.
The journey starts from Sathorn Pier and proceed towards north where you can see the marks left by some famous writers like Joseph Conrad, Somerset Maugham and many more. After spending few more minutes on the boat, you will get your

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Deep in the forests of southern Anhui province, Huangshan Mountain is a beacon for tourists from every part of China and an increasing number from around the world. The mystical mountains shrouded in mists have been revered throughout Chinese history as one of the most spectacular sights in the country. Every year, the number of visitors to Huangshan increases. However, even at China’s most famous mountain there are ways to escape the hoards.

This summer, The China Guide Travel Agency has started

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This holiday season, in addition to unique shopping opportunities, visitors to historic downtown Galveston can enjoy a free holiday event called “Lasers, Lights and Magic in the Park.” During Thanksgiving weekend on Saturday, Nov. 30, Saengerfest Park, 2302 Strand, hosts the 2nd annual Lasers, Lights and Magic in the Park Celebration. The park will transform into a holiday spectacle with music, a special appearance by Santa Claus and twinkle lights synchronized to music, all culminating with a h

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The Gorgeous Greek Island of Kos

forms part of the Dodecanese archipelago and is the third largest island after Rhodes and Karpathos.  It is actually the result of a range of mountains sinking, following a colossal seismic shift back in the distant past.  The nearby islands of Kalymnos and Nyssiros share the same origin, being remnants of the same mountain ridge.

The lovely climate, with the sun shining all year round, and above all the beautiful beaches, make Kos one of the most appealing destinations for travelers.


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Best 5 Costa Rica Honeymoon Destinations

You’ve met the man or woman of your dreams. You’ve planned your wedding down to the last sugared almond and flower arrangement. Now it’s time to think about the honeymoon.

wedding-08-300x266.jpg?width=300Costa Rica is one of the top destinations in the world for newlyweds to honeymoon. According to Perfect Honeymoons & Holidays Travel, Costa Rica ranks #3, right behind Hawaii and Italy, and outpaces other major destinations like Greece, Tahiti and the Caribbean. In 2012, 10.7% of Costa Rica’s tourists (166,000 people) were newl

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Group Tours Proving Popular With Gappers


Gapping season has arrived, and adventurers from across the globe are now looking forward to twelve months of unabated thrill seeking on distant shores.  According to Acacia Africa, a growing number of independent backpackers are opting to add in a group tour – overland expeditions, voluntours, and small group safaris proving popular with gappers.

Arno Delport, Sales & Marketing Manager for Acacia Africa comments, “Social networking has played a huge part in this trend, and it’s no longer group e

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Trekking Sapa, Northern Vietnam

I was beaten, destroyed to the core and past the point of no return. I was exhausted, shattered, cracked, smashed, distort, deranged, confused, broken, in pain and ruined – and that’s just the travellers diarrhea! I haven’t even started to tell you about the way I felt after an obscenely long hike through Sapa’s remote wilderness. The day before, Nic and I had talked with the hostel manager and booked a day hike through remote villages and wilderness. Before his recommendation on which tour we s
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Find Your Inner Lone Ranger On A Riding Holiday


Disney’s Lone Ranger unmasked its fair share of critics, but tour operator Ranch Rider claims the iconic scenery; explosive train journeys and Native American narrative is turning armchair travellers into Wild West wanderers.

Ideal for anyone hoping to find their inner Lone Ranger, the riding holiday specialist has rounded up five of its best ranch stays where greenhorns can get into character. Tony Daly, Managing Director of Ranch Rider, comments “New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, California

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Waterfall fun in yanoda

Speaking of travel, i would to talk about an outdoor sport held in yanoda which is a top class attraction in hainan. It's combained climbing and paddling during the trip.Group tourists paticipated the event by the guildline of professional Coach.  On Summer, most of tourist from home and abroad came to here to paticipated it . Let me introduce how was the event and why so many Travel Agents wants to push it to tourists?

To begin with, The outdoor climbing sport called as Waterfull Fun , held in

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Costa Rica posee 27 parques nacionales, 58 refugios, 32 áreas protegidas, 15 humedales pantanosos, 11 reservas forestales y 8 reservas biológicas. La totalidad de territorio protegido representa el 25% de su extensión geográfica completa. Un lugar especial dentro de estos lo ostenta la Reserva Natural Absoluta de Cabo Blanco. Esta forma parte del Área de Conservación Tempisque, en la provincia de Puntarenas. Cuenta con una superficie terrestre de 12,7 Km.² más 17,9 Km.² marinos. Fue la primera z

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In a region where you wouldn’t find even a stray camel, naming a road after the ungulated dromedary should have been the work of some intrepid imagination. Or a distinct lack of it. During the British Raj both were in abundance. But whatever the Camel’s Back road lacks in nomenclature aptness, it makes up with sheer panorama. The four kilometres of clean air, good health or introspection winds serenely from Library Chowk to Kulri Bazaar in Mussoorie, the popular hill destination in the northern

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Hi Travel Media Peeps!


Does anyone know any writers based in Tuscany who might be interested in updating of the next Fodor's Florence and Tuscany Guidebook?  I'm the editor of the book and one of my writers had to back out at the last minute so I'm looking for someone to fill the spot ASAP.


The work is very detailed and involves checking and writing listings on restaurants, hotels, attractions, etc.,and a few long-form sections as well. I need someone for  the Southern Tuscany chapter and the Ea

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How Badly Did TripAdvisor Blunder?


The case involves Mr. Ziggy Hussain who runs the popular Ziggy's Spice House in downtown Halifax (Nova Scotia), Canada.

According to the Halifax Courier, TripAdvisor summarily removed 280 reviews after its "fraud detection system indicated suspicious activity."

The result: Hussain's restaurant was demoted from the number one position in the town to the bottom of the list. Worse, TripAdvisor actually claimed the restaurant was engaging in "criminal activities" by breaking the law in publishing fr

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medio ambiente

El Fondo Cooperativo para el Carbono de los Bosques (FCPF, por sus siglas en inglés), es una alianza global centrada en la reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación forestal. Este programa crea un marco de trabajo y de procesos para ayudar a los países a prepararse en cara a estos retos. Asimismo, asesora para acceder a incentivos financieros, demostrando cómo se pueden aplicar a nivel de país.

Costa Rica fue la primera nación del mundo beneficiada a través de dich

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Qué Es el Spotting?


Estamos acostumbrados a ver fotos espectaculares de aviones. Ya sea  en tierra, despegando, aterrizando, en crucero (volando en altitud de crucero), en hangares o en pistas, de día y hasta de noche,  muchas veces nos sorprenden porque no somos capaces de averiguar desde dónde han sido tomadas.

Los spotters, son fotógrafos en su gran mayoría amateurs, cuyo hobby es el de fotografiar aviones. Para ello buscan los lugares más recónditos para tomar la mejor instantánea, normalmente desde los aerop

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