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9008753868?profile=originalTo make your vacation more fun, adventurous and luxurious, we have carefully categorized the three main types of vacations available within Sri Lanka, Maldives, Singapore & Thailand.

welcome_logo.pngIf you are a honeymooner or want spend holiday with your family or need a hideaway to relax the best choice we suggest for you is one of our eye-catching resort islands.

welcome_logo.pngIf you want some adventure or discover the beauty of Sri Lanka, Maldives, Singapore & Thailand both above and underwater at the same time, the best s

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The fun-loving beach town of Jacó lights up as “beach party central” on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific Coast. Just an hour from the San Jose metropolitan area on the Route 27 and Costanera Sur highways, Jacó is one of the country’s most developed beach towns.

Jaco-02-300x199.jpg?width=300Jacó spreads out in front of a low green mountain range along an azure horseshoe bay and features hotels, funky restaurants, souvenir and surf shops, bars, discos, casinos, and a wide beach. Just before Jacó is Playa Herradura, home to the ren

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Friday, February. 22, 2013
The GlamourGals Foundation Hosts “Illuminate” Cocktail Benefit “Expect the Unexpected” The 3rd annual Illuminate, held in support of the GlamourGals Foundation, will take place at the Museum of the City of NY at 1220 5th Ave, NYC, from 7-11 pm. Join special hosts for an evening of cocktails, dancing, live and silent auctions, exclusive gallery access, plus some extraordinary entertainment. Guests will have exclusive access to the galleries at the Museum of the City of

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10 Things to Know to Travel to Costa Rica

Costa Rica. You’ve probably heard of it. The tiny Central American country is big in tourism news. You may even know someone who’s been there. When you hear the name, you probably think of beautiful tropical beaches, rainforest, surfing, volcanoes, hot and steamy jungle.

But what’s important to know so you can plan a visit?

Check out our top 10 list of What to Know for Travel to Costa Rica:

1. Where is it?

Costa-Rica-02-150x150.jpg?width=150Costa Rica lies at the bottom end of Central America, sandwiched between Nicaragua to the nort

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My God, it wasn't just your run-of-the-mill gorgeous outdoor destination, it was a freaking, sparsely populated island in the Galapagos! "How could you people walk away from the sky and ensconce yourselves in walls. For chrissakes, come outside and sleep!"

Those were the thoughts that passed through my mind as I dragged my mattress off the rustic, yet sturdy, hand-cut, wooden bed frame and dragged it across the floor of the cutest little cabin I'd ever been in, and slammed it down outside on th

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Costa Rica: diversión en el agua

Costa Rica es un país centroamericano entre Nicaragua y Panamá. Está bordeado por el mar Caribe al este, mientras que el océano Pacífico baña los litorales al oeste. Posee una extensión territorial de 51.100 Km²; y una cobertura marítima de 589.682 km². Las playas se extienden por más de 1.100 kilómetros.
En la línea costera costarricense se puede practicar una gran cantidad de pasatiempos. Hay para todos los gustos: buceo, canotaje, natación, vela y esquí acuático. Mención especial merecen el s

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En Panamá, un Colibrí Como Despertador

por Cristóbal Ramirez

Estrés en la ciudad, disgustos, malos rollos. ¿Una vuelta por el Caribe? Volamos a 
Panamá, donde los días se estiran como chicles y parecen tener más de 24 horas. Ciudad de Panamá, su capital, se divide en tres partes. Zona 1: Panamá la Vieja, fundada en 1519 y destruida y saqueada en 1671 por el pirata Henry Morgan. Sólo queda la torre de la iglesia y algunos muros. Zona 2: Casco Viejo de Panamá, fundado a finales del siglo XVII. El aire salino da en la cara mientras se

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One of the joys of traveling is picking up that little something special to bring back home. A unique gift from a unique place that will remind you months and years later of the fun trip you enjoyed.

Beads from Bali are a unique item in Pranamar Villas' gift shop in Costa Rica

In the case of world traveler Susan Money, owner of Costa Rica’s Pranamar Oceanfront Villas and Yoga Retreat, all of her treasures from international globetrotting are specifically brought back home to delight other travelers, in the Santa Teresa Beach hotel’s gift shop. The small gift shop in Pranam

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by Jack F. Stanley

You know many of our Presidents drank. Some were real boozers. I figured I would write a very short bit on the ones who were moderate to heavy drinkers.
I will only list deceased former presidents. Also we had several Presidents who drank in their youth and gave it up. They will not be listed here.

Although the Presidents that drank on average have lived longer, although the odds are changing as time goes on and people are drinking less than they once did.

I will list the ag

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Call it some kind of fierce, intuitive desire to protect the Olde Continente (e's added here for effecte), aka Die Mutterlande, but I've often experienced a fierce fight-or-flight response when faced with the old travel-writing truism that "Seattle is America's most European city."

Fight generally wins, and I go immediately to sarcastic, Socratic responses.

(Why, because of the medieval walls, pocked and battered by time and war, surrounding the Pike Place Market?)

They tagged Seattle with this ros

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Almost every wildlife enthusiast has fretted about ‘the one that got away’, about ‘losing that perfect moment’ and “I wish I…” That is capturing a scene from the natural world that will still, long after the actual moment has passed, live on in a photo album, or nowadays a digital file somewhere.

If you want to enhance your capabilities of taking that shot, then join EcoTraining on a Wildlife Photography Course from 6-12 March at the Karongwe Game Reserve in Limpopo, South Africa. Not only will y

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About us

The Best Choice you ever Select..

Amazing Asia Travels & Tours ( is a hotel booking agency specializing in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Singapore & Thailand hotels accommodation at excellent rates.

Our website aims to offer a simple, quick and secure booking process whilst providing detailed information to allow informed choices to be made. Furthermore, is able to confirm which hotels are available so that you can book immediately with the assurance that

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Kashmir as Honeymooner’s Paradise

Kashmir, the heaven on earth entices honeymooners from around the world in large numbers. As you step into spectacular ambience of valley, breathtaking natural beauty will welcome you with arms wide open. Beauty of the valley is defined by magnificent blend of snow capped hills, exquisite flora and fauna and rich culture.


People planning honey to Kashmir get an interesting unification of awe-inspiring nature, thrilling adventure and soothing religious richness.  While strolling around the valley,

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Under water Ship Wreck

A little over 300 years after it was scuttled and left to lie at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Quedagh Merchant was discovered in 2007 just off the coast of the Dominican Republic's Catalina Island, off the southeastern coast near La Romana. Four years later, this famous shipwreck was opened up to the diving public as an imaginative new attraction, the Museum of the Living Sea. The story of how it got there is a real life tale of Pirates of the Caribbean and one of which Captain Jack Sp

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Tall, impressive Volcano Arenal is at the top of everyone’s list of places to visit in Costa Rica. Towering above the rainforest that surround its base and the beautiful Lake Arenal, Volcano Arenal’s perfectly symmetrical conical shape makes it a stunning sight.

Map of Arenal Volcano and Lake in Costa Rica

Even though Costa Rica’s most active volcano is taking a rest lately from spewing lava, gas and ash nearly every day and night, standing close to an active volcano is still a thrilling experience. The much-loved volcano entered into an in

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9008749894?profile=originalRadio Netherlands"There are more than 40 million widows in India - 10 percent of the country's female population. And for the majority of these women, life is what some have described as a "living sati", a reference to the now outlawed practice of widow burning."

Enter Nicki and Kria.

Blog Entry: Late January: BostontoBindis

"Thursday night Nicki and I sat in front of a group of about fifty widows and single women. They sang for us, covered our shoulders in white shawls, had us light a cand

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Sarapiquí is one of my favorite places in Costa Rica.

Rust red-orange earth meets up with jade green water of the Sarapiqui River, next to fluorescent green grass and darker emerald-green, thick rainforest. Jewel-toned birds and butterflies swoop here and there, and this time of year, the cicadas bring a tumultuous cacophony to the sunshine. Colors seem more vibrant here. Maybe it’s the moisture in the sun-soaked air. Maybe it’s the abundance of nature.

Sarapiqui, Costa Rica is a popular tourism destination in the Caribbean lowlands

Sarapiquí is considered one of the world’s m

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Follow the Camino, the World Camino Experts since 2006, is proud to announce the launch, on the 16th of January 2013, of the first ever Honeymoon Walking Holiday on the Camino de Santiago.


The Camino Romantico: A Romantic Get-Away designed by Follow the Camino!


The Camino Romantico is aimed at lovers looking to spend a romantic time together on the Camino.


We thought about everything to make this week as romantic as possible. We transformed the last 100 km of the French Way into an oasis of roma

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When traveling around Costa Rica, there’s nothing better after a big day of hiking, rafting, zip lining or other adventuring, than slipping gently into steamy thermal springs so hot they make you tingle all over. Decadent, sultry, igneous water laps your tired muscles into spaghetti-like relaxation. Finer still to have a frosty tropical fruit drink in hand. Lay your head back, steam rising all around you, and the cares of the world melt away.

SPRING-04-Tabacon-300x232.jpg?width=300Costa Rica’s hot springs are a popular vacation attrac

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Dress Code in Dubai

Dubai and UAE have varying degrees of tolerance to clothing styles from across the world. Nevertheless, dress code in Dubai is quite liberal, in comparison to several other states in the Middle East. 

There are legal guidelines about what is acceptable, but, in general people are mostly allowed to wear what they like. However, it would be wise to tone down your dress code in other emirates of UAE (other than Dubai), especially in areas where there is greater proportion of nationals or Emiratis.


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