
Almost every wildlife enthusiast has fretted about ‘the one that got away’, about ‘losing that perfect moment’ and “I wish I…” That is capturing a scene from the natural world that will still, long after the actual moment has passed, live on in a photo album, or nowadays a digital file somewhere.

If you want to enhance your capabilities of taking that shot, then join EcoTraining on a Wildlife Photography Course from 6-12 March at the Karongwe Game Reserve in Limpopo, South Africa. Not only will you learn the secrets of the trade and just how to take those great images. You will do it under the expert guidance of Graham Cooke, he of “My Life with Leopards” fame. No question he will be more than willing to share tales of his adventure taking care of the two leopard cubs that became such a big part of his life.

Graham, with years of experience as a field guide and game ranger and always with camera in hand, will divulge just what goes into taking THAT shot that will make you the envy of family and friends. Mornings and afternoons will be spend out in the bush looking for photographic opportunities while lectures, demonstrations and discussions will fill in the gaps.

Taking great wildlife photos is not as easy as it looks though. There is a lot of thought and time that goes into producing those great images that we see around us. The purpose of EcoTraining's wildlife photography course is to reveal some of these thoughts to budding wildlife photographers and at the same time to give photographers time and opportunity to put these thoughts into action.

A typical daily programme at the camp follows a routine of rising early, usually before sunrise, enjoying hot coffee and biscuits while you listen to the bush waking up and then leaving the camp for the morning drive and photography session in the wilderness.

You will get back to the camp at mid-morning, ready for a hearty brunch, where after a lecture on the topic of the day will be presented. Then you will be free to have an afternoon siesta; practice your newly learnt knowledge and techniques or simply relax and absorb the nature around you.

Early afternoon tea and eats are served before you head out on the afternoon drive for another photo workshop session in the wilderness. After dinner, there will be time around the camp fire for informal discussions on the day’s photographic events.

Come on, what are you waiting for, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, book your place! Go to www.ecotraining.co.za for more information or send an email to enquiries@ecotraining.co.za.

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