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Gay-Friendly BA Sohotel, Palermo, Buenos Aires


BA Sohotel


By Roy Heale

Palermo with its cobbled streets, historic architecture, parks, the Zoo and the Botanical gardens, the largest exhibition center in the country, its racetrack, the polo field, and the Galileo planetarium, is one of the city's most historic neighborhoods and well represents the Buenos Aires of yesterday and today.

Considered to be a funky, bohemian neighbourhood, Palermo is popular with residents and tourists alike due its festive atmosphere. It is the largest barrio, or nei

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Wolf Song Lodge


This gorgeous 5 bedroom 4.5 bath cabin is nestled within 6.6 acres of wilderness, & is very family-friendly.  Our home is gated, for extra privacy & security & has a fenced-in backyard. We brought in a chainsaw artist; to hand carve bears into the massive beams in the center of the living area!






  • Home Theater 
  • Ultra Comfortable Leather Recliners 
  • Surround Sound
  • Wet Bar
  • Hot Tub
  • Jacuzzi Tubs 
  • Wood Burning Fireplace
  • Panoramic views
  • Swimming Pool A
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In February 2009, Martinique and its sister island Guadeloupe took an unaccustomed turn in the world's headlines with heated general strikes over inequality and the cost of living, resulting in the first ever cancellation of Martinique's Carnival. The poobahs in Paris responded by raising salaries and other concessions, President Nicholas Sarkozy paid a conciliatory visit last summer, and things pretty much returned to normal.

So when I headed down to check things out a couple of weeks ago, I f

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Although, our world has always been on the evolution; but the evolution in last two decades certainly outclass the one took place in last hundred years. Now, what makes these twenty years stand out? Just one thing and that is information technology. Since the inception of information technology and since it has become an integral part of our lives, our world is not the same like before and will never be again.
Each and every aspect of our life is dominated by this phenomenon. A decade ago, had a

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Ba mountain is considered one of the most magnificent mountains in Binh Dinh province.A visit to Ba Mountain in Binh Dinh will thus offer tourists enriching experience and learning opportunity about both Vietnam history and natural wonders.

Situated South of Dam Thuy Pond in Phu Cat District, Ba Mountains (also called Pho Chinh Mountains) is considered one of the most magnificent mountains in Binh Dinh province. The whole area of Ba Mountains consists of more than 60 mounts with diverse height an

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For any couples who are falling in love, staying at Dalat city will be a perfect choice. Considered as a rhythmic land of flowers and romance, Dalat will refresh your love and turn it into a happy ending for sure.

“Listening to the noon going down in the romantic town, a Da Lat-violet is filled with fog…” (Written by Minh Ky, Da Cam)  is lyric of a famous song about Da Lat – one of the top prioritized destinations in Vietnam for its romantic and flowerful beauty. Located in the South Central High

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I don’t know about you, but I’m doing a happy dance this week along with the rest of nature in Costa Rica. The rains have returned! The land here welcomes the beginning of Green Season like a parched traveler finally reaching a watering hole after a long dry desert-crossing.

Green-01-300x225.jpg?width=300My gardens are thrilled … if I can get a little anthropomorphic. The flowers seem to stand straighter, as if to drink in the rain even better. After just 3 afternoons of rain this week, already millions of tiny fluorescent

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Everest Base Camp Trekking

       One of the famous trekking of Nepal!

Everest Base Camp Trekking is known as high altitude trek which is one of the most popular trekking routs in Nepal, It is bottom of Khumbu Ice fall and more than thousand of trekkers go to visit every year through the historic route of the world’s highest mountain. This trek is starting from Lukla after flying from Kathmandu or walk from Jiri and we are walking via Dudh Koshi known as “Milk River”, climb upwards to the Namche bazaar which is called gate

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Navitas Cacao Sweet Nibs

9008767859?profile=originalYou aren’t buying a chocolate bar experience with a bag of Navitas Cacao Sweet Nibs. Instead you get the cacao bean's raw essence in unrefined crumbled bits that are gently rolled in raw cacao liquor and then lightly sweetened with organic cane juice. For diehard chocoholics, they are the perfect answer to getting your unadulterated fix of this Mayan superfood…kind of like coffee appreciators chewing on perfectly roasted yet slightly sweetened beans. For those of us preferring them as an accent

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Summer break, for all of those in the north, is nearly here. This year, do something really unique and different for your family vacation! Go on a family surfing vacation in warm, tropical Costa Rica.

Go for adventure on a Del Mar family surf vacation in Costa Rica

Really get away from your daily routine of life, have fun on an adventure, experience new places, make new friends, create family memories that will last a lifetime. A family surf vacation is not only active and healthy; you and your kids also will learn a new culture and language.

Give the kids a lifetime experience of fun on a Costa Rica family surf vacation

Top Costa Rica sur

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(part 2 of 2, for more pictures see here)

9008765691?profile=originalFirst you have to realize that Puerto Lobos is not your typical Mexican coastal beach town, with palapas and cabanas, mar y sol, margaritas, mojitos and chicas in bikinis.  Oh sure, there’s a beach… miles of it, in fact.  And there are plenty of structures there, too.  Some people actually live there; others visit on holidays from the big city.  And there are even a few chicas playing there, also, most of them under six years old.  After that age they hav

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Mountain Lake Lodge


This beautiful property—the peaceful “Mountain Lake Lodge”—is a perfect retreat for any and all families who are just looking to get away from it all. As one of our cheaper cabins—coming in as cheap as $395.00 a night—you can stay here with little thought towards your finances. In fact, with its isolated location and ample sources of entertainment, you’ll have the ability to completely cut yourself off from your worldly worries.

Some of the highlights of this gorgeous home include 5 rustic bedroo

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The Cabin Rental Store

Welcome to The Cabin Rental Store:

Your Great Smoky Mountain premier vacation cabin destination. We are privately owned and operated and offer a wide variety of cabins sure to indulge all of your vacation desires. No where else will you find cabins with the amenities we offer. All of our cabins come standard with:


Many of our cabins feature Private Indoor Swimming Pools. Our cabins

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(TTBS) With the slower economy, everyone is looking to save some money on their Disney World packages. Here are our top 10 ways to save money on a Disney World vacation.

#10 - Be Flexible - If you have a flexible work and school schedule, tell your Disney Specialists. You may be thinking about a summer vacation, but if you can visit in later summer than early summer, your Disney Specialists may be able to offer a discount package to Disney World. If you are flexible with your dates, you have a

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The Sparkling of Dray Nur waterfall

The waterfall is created by the water of Krong Ana and Krong No Rivers. There's a cave underneath the waterfall that brings exotic experience to the adventure travellers.

The 30m falls, which are also known as Cai or Vo (wife), originate from the Krong Ana River. According to a ancient story, a long time ago, a man of Kuop Hamlet fell in love with a girl who lived on the other side of the Serepok River.

Their love remained hidden from their parents until they were inseparable. Unfortunately, they

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Tra co beach is one of the most beautiful beaches with A fine and fresh sea environment,A picturesque view and paradisaical beach.

Based at the first point of the S-shaped Vietnam, Tra Co beach, one of the most beautiful beaches, is an important stop-over when tourists arrive in Vietnam from the north.


Tra Co beach is located in the Northeastern extreme of the “S-shaped Vietnam”, in Quang Ninh province. It is by the border with China, and around 8 kilometers from Mong Cai mountainous town

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El pasado domingo 24 de marzo, la comunidad costera de Nosara creó el evento «Sabores de Nosara». En él se ofrecieron distintos platillos que variaron desde los más típicos de la cocina criolla como los gustos más exóticos de la gastronomía internacional.

Según Agnes Pinheiro, organizadora y tesorera de la Asociación de Seguridad de Nosara, hubo presencia de varios chefs de la zona. Así, se contó con personal de los locales: Café de París, Casa Romántica, Casa Tucán, Gilded Iguana, Giardino Trop

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Green Season Begins in Costa Rica!

I don’t know about you, but I’m doing a happy dance this week along with the rest of nature in Costa Rica. The rains have returned! The land here welcomes the beginning of Green Season like a parched traveler finally reaching a watering hole after a long dry desert-crossing.

Green Season in Costa Rica means lush green countryside

My gardens are thrilled … if I can get a little anthropomorphic. The flowers seem to stand straighter, as if to drink in the rain even better. After just 3 afternoons of rain this week, already millions of tiny fluorescent

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In spite of the reports suggesting social media is the way to connect with and service customers, it just may not be true. reports that 62% of customers are looking for more support through social media.

But brand reputation and promotions still top the list of how companies use social media.

Econsultancy reported  a while back that the retail industry has the highest percent (45%) of customers using social media as  their "voice,"  and contacting (and getting) support throu

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