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Visiting Costa Rica’s Caribbean Coast is almost like going to another country. Very different from the rest of Costa Rica, the Caribbean coastal towns of Limon, Cahuita and Puerto Viejo highlight their Jamaican-African ancestry with reggae music, Creole patois spoken alongside Spanish, a very laid-back attitude, and cultural cuisine like Jamaican spice cake, rice-and-beans, coconut shrimp, and papaya juice.

Cahuita-03-300x225.jpg?width=300A main draw to the area is, of course, the Caribbean Sea – known for its crystal clear aqu

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Tour du lịch Hạ long

Thăm quan tour du lịch Hạ long, quý khách không thể bỏ qua điểm du lịch hang Sửng sốt, 1 hang động thuộc loại to nhất ở đây.


Vị trí: Động nằm ở trung tâm vịnh Hạ Long, cách động Sửng Sốt 5km về hướng đông bắc. Đặc điểm: Động có 3 ngăn, luồn lách qua từng khe đá, nhiều nhũ đá có hình người, hoa và các con vật rất đẹp, sống động. Động Tam Cung nằm trên đảo Mây Đèn - một hòn đảo nằm gần như tách biệt với các đảo khác. Hòn Mây Đèn vách đá dựng đứng chênh vênh, rừng cây xanh tốt.

Ở cả ba ngăn động, n

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Sen Village attracted tourists in Nghe An

Starting from Vinh City along Road 49, and turning at a red earth road lined with shady eucalyptus and "filao" trees, visitors reach Sen village, whose scholarly name is Kim Lien (Golden Lotus).

There are several lotus ponds along the village roads. The house in which President Ho Chi Minh lived during his childhood was a thatched bamboo and wooden house. In the house there are some pieces of furniture such as a wooden bed, a bamboo bed, a jute hammock and an altar, the same as those used by loca

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Unique cafe in Nha Trang

Located in the centre of Nha Trang city, Lam Café is one of construtions that Vietnam Architects Association awarded “Vietnam green architecture 2012”.

Không gian cafe độc đáo mà gần gũi ở <a href=

The unique feature of this café is its open design with unique ventilation system serving for bring the sunshine and fresh air into the café.

Lam Café is a project designed by A21 Studio. This café has an using area of 350 square meters and the total area is 800 square meters. It is near the residential area so designers had to be careful to design

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Responsible Cruising in West Africa

Cruise tourism is a billion pound industry focusing on offering quality services to their guests whilst visiting exotic locations with beautiful sceneries. A recent report from the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) estimated that cruise tourism in Europe alone generates goods and services worth more than €32bn and provides over 311,512 jobs.

However, over the past few years, this industry has been increasingly criticised for its irresponsible practises and the negative effects that th
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Positively Tenby (Wales)



The view of Tenby from my parking spot

One of my favorite spots in Wales was the town of Tenby and nearby Caldey Island. I was spending a week driving through Wales, and those were two stops on my itinerary.

Tenby is a lovely old seaside town with remnants of its Medieval walls, sandy beaches (I had been told in Cardiff that Tenby had the best beaches), colorful buildings and wonderful shopping, along with some gorgeous coastal views. As always, I wished I had more time to spend there.



Early mor

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Swadee Ka. Relax in the cool azure blue pool as you gaze out at the secluded stretch of warm white sands, only a few feet away with the spectacular green jungle as your back drop.

The pool bar in the centre of the pool will serve you anything from an ice cold Singha beer to a freshly made coconut lassi, sweetened to your taste.

If you prefer your fruit picked that morning you can buy a colossal bag of mouth-wateringly juicy pineapple or lychees from the 'wandering beach lady,'

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En Marraquech, el Cuscús de la Abuela

4111937233_21ebbeca78_z.jpg?width=560Callejones llenos de polvo. Niños correteando y sorteando a los turistas. El olor a especias que se mete en los pulmones. Una moto por aquí, un burro por allá y los gritos del que quiere vender para ganarse el pan diario. La mezquita como un espejismo. Le parecerá un sueño, una película exótica o un relato de Las mil y una noches, pero Marraquech es real. Y esto es la medina, laberíntica como ella sola y donde no es difícil perderse. Se pueden comprar babuchas típicamente árabes, cuencos de cerá

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A Tale of Two Cities: Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Map of the United Arab Emirates
I have lived in Abu Dhabi for almost two years and I am quite acclimated to my new home, but recently I had the opportunity to visit the famed Dubai. 100 KM's to the north.
I will have to admit something very embarrassing. It was my first trip to Dubai. A mere two hours drive away and I had never visited one of the world's most famous cities. I guess it boils down to my not having a concrete reason to go there. I am kind of strange that way. And I tend to be lazy. I
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It all started one day in Malaysia while I was traveling around the world, over a bowl of roti canai at a guesthouse breakfast. A fellow traveler, from Britain, who had just come from a India, and I began talking, until he made a statement that seemed so ridiculous, so far-fetched that I refused to believe it could possibly be true.

As many of you know, I eat spicy. Rare is a dish (besides those from my mother's kitchen) that is too hot for me. That is because, within India, a country famed for i

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Keep in Touch with Your Studies while Enjoying

Most of the students face tribulations in their studies such as they find it hard to make a balance between their studies and social life. This is a very basic problem faced by most of the students in their daily lives.

As every student needs time for their social gathering, sports and to have some enjoyment, it is often difficult for them to create a balance between their studies and other activities. Most of the students opt for different ways to create a balance between both but to find a perf

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Tuan Chau island - A New wonderful island

Tuan Chau island is a new wonderful island with beautiful natural and interesting intertainments, has attracted many domestic and foreigner tourists!

Ha Long, one of the World Heritages, comprises thousands of big and small islands. Each one has its own characteristic with various caves: Sung Sot Cave,Thien Cung Cave, Trinh Nu Cave. Tuan Chau Island is the only soil island of all. It is not only a place having beautiful natural surroundings: pine trees, lakes, beautiful beach…but also where Presi

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Tasting Banh Duc (Plain rice flan)

“Bánh đúc lạc” is the most popular in the north and it is considered one of the most rustic and simple cakes in Hanoi cuisine.

It is considered one of the most rustic and simple cakes in Hanoi cuisine, but the way to serve it varies thanks to Hanoian gastronomists. “Bánh đúc lạc” is the most popular in the north.

Bánh Đúc

The main ingredients are non-glutinous rice flour or corn-flour and peanut. 

How to do:

Firstly, grind soaked rice with water in a grist mill; next, add lime juice to the flour solu

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Will buying an airline ticket soon be as personalized as buying a suit from a sales person? Probably, as trends go.

It's no surprise that airlines want to personalize their relationships to their customers. If they can figure out how, it would be a huge step toward making the ticket-buying process a lot more individualized, and rewarding.

And why shouldn't it be?
After all, buy a book from Amazon or any savvy online retailer, and you're guided to other books you might like based on your readin

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High Noon in Small-Town Mexico


Guitar case
 full of weapons, guns swinging from each hand, whole bars full of villains wiped out by one man and his sharp shooting. It is surely the hallmark of only one man, an actor who can keep both a male and female audience simultaneously breathless (if for very different reasons). Antonio Banderas as “El Mariachi” cuts a lonesome, brooding and very dangerous figure wandering through small town Mexico; dangerous that is if you are on the wrong side of the law in the violent world of the Mex

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East Africa Ground handling! INDABA INVITE

The ground handling specialist to Tour operators operating in East Africa product.  The company assists Tour operators to ensure quality product in Uganda and Rwanda. We can also assist you with our lodges (Marasa Africa group ) in Uganda and Kenya and the East Africa region.


Premier Safaris is an East African safari company based in Uganda, specializing in safaris throughout the entire region. Premier Safaris aims to provide you with a safari experience of a lifetime, whether you

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Escorted Group Tour India

Basically, Group tours consist of many people travelling together at one place at a time. These packages have been introduced to meet the interests and choices of the travelers. Today, India has summed up with several enchanting which provide a traveler to make a delightful experience. There are plenty of opportunities that can make your trip special and interesting-Taj Mahal in Agra, pristine beaches in Goa or if some one wishes to explore verdant greenery, kerala would be the best option for y

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Birding in India's Corbett National Park

Watching different kinds of birds and their activities enchants many of us even if we're not be avid bird watchers. The colours of their feathers, the shape of their beaks, their chirping sounds, are all quite interesting to witness. Corbett National Park, being situated in between the Himalayan foothills and the Indo-Gangetic plains, offers an excellent habitat for all kinds of birds, and therefore, this activity can be undertaken while one is staying at Corbett resorts. The forests, the hills

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Teen athletes need a strong dietary foundation and lots of energy. Anyone who knows a young athlete knows they can get hungry … and often! It is important that young athletes eat healthy well-balanced meals and remain hydrated in order to achieve optimal health and performance.

Choose healthy foods to maintain optimal athletic performance

A young athlete needs to be fueled by eating proper types of foods – carbohydrates for fuel (whole grains, fruits and vegetables); calcium for maintaining muscle tissue and bone strength, and protection against stress frac

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