Search Results (466)


It’s baaaack! The 67th edition of the world’s largest, longest, and perhaps most anticipated/beloved music competition, pulling in a worldwide television audience of some 160 million and inspiring tens of thousands of fans to travel

On a personal note, although I haven't yet attended the Eurovision song contest in person, ever since I started traveling more extensively to Europe in 1977 – well before American Idol, The Voice, or The X Factor – it's always been a big deal for mor

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  The Breakers of Palm Beach:
A Unique Universe of a Resort

FrommerLuxuryTravel - archives
Myrna Katz Frommer and Harvey Frommer



Mr. Ponce holds forth beneath the
portrait of Henry Flagler

James Ponce, a youthful octogenarian in a rose-red blazer, begins his historical tour of the Breakers beneath a portrait of Henry Morrison Flagler. The likeness is so striking that for a moment you imagine the man who created the south Florida railroad, south Florida tourism, and the legendary Palm Beach r

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Ibiza in its Summer Splendor


If you’ve been taking in any celebrity news of late, you’ve no doubt seen that Hollywood types have been especially thick on the ground over here this summer – famously featuring an almost punching out of Justin Bieber by Orlando Bloom at Ibiza Town‘s latest hot nightspot, Booom! Besides these two, other boldface names being being bandied about lately are Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Zac Efron, Leonardo di Caprio, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton.

But hereabouts this is par for the course, as Euro

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USA today. September after summer.

Some new and up-to-date stuff about USA:


As of 2009, six of the 25 tallest buildings in the world are in the United States. (12-2009)

As of 2009, the tallest building in the United States was the Sears Tower, also the 4th highest in the world. (12-2009)

The Mustard Museum in the United States in in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. (4-12-2007)

$12 was the cost of General Electric’s first set of 24 Christmas lights (equaled the average paycheck of one work week in 1903).


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If you ever asked me in my younger days what would be an exciting week I may well have said something like “fly 5000 miles, have currencies from 4 countries in my wallet, and wake up wondering where I am.”

In my adult life I have had quite a few weeks like that. I am in the middle of another one.

The day before yesterday I was in Chiang Mai. A 90 minute flight on Air Asia took me to Bangkok for one night. At five a.m. I was on my way to the airport to catch a 7 hour flight to Doha on a Qatar Air T

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Feminism in Sacred Scriptures

Feminism in Migration – a ministry of the gospelTo-day there is much being said and written about feminism that stands on the edge of new possibilities for a common thread in our society. We live in the present time aware of many victims strewn across the pages of our history. These unfold though the ideology of patriarchy and the exploitation of the poor and oppressed.Recognising the need of feminism side by side with liberation theology, we can keep moving along the road to God’s righteousness
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