travel photography (24)


The vibrant capital of the United Kingdom presents a parade of delightful spots ideal for your Instafeed - and not just the usual historical landmarks (the Tower, the Palace, the Bridge, the Eye, the Houses of Parliament, and so forth). The city also boasts vibrant street art and exquisite parks and gardens, and The abundance of choices might leave you pondering where to start your Instagram journey, so allow me to make make a few suggestions!

The Barbican Conservatory

Tucked away in t

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Tanzania, a haven for wildlife photographers, offers unparalleled opportunities to capture the natural beauty and wildlife of East Africa. From the world-renowned Serengeti to the lush landscapes of the Ngorongoro Crater, its national parks provide an extraordinary setting for photographers to document the wild. If you’re planning a photographic safari in Tanzania, here’s a detailed guide to help you prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.


Why Choose Tanzania for a Photo Safari?

Tanzania is on

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We adore Manchester in the north of England and part of the United Kingdom´s third largest metro area (pop. 569,000). Reinventing itself after a gritty industrial past, the city these days blends club vibes with industrial roots and some of the UK's finest dining spots, and it´s a top choice for both living and studying. And given its rich cultural heritage and diverse offerings, it´s catnip for our favoruite social media platform Instagram - a perfect canvas for you to showcase your creativit

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 12744842464?profile=RESIZE_710xIn today's digital age, social media has undeniably transformed the way we travel. Among these platforms, Instagram especially has emerged as an essential tool for travelers seeking to connect with locals and experience authentic travel adventures.

Gone are the days when travelers would rely solely on guidebooks or travel agents to explore new destinations. With Instagram not only do we have the opportunity to discover hidden gems through beautiful photographs, but we can also connect directly

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We're diving into the exciting world of travel photography and exploration, where your passion for visual storytelling meets your wanderlust. In this guide, we'll unknot the secrets of transforming from a simple shutterbug to a full-fledged globetrotter, all while unraveling the hidden wonders of [insert destination here]. So grab your camera gear, pack your bags, and let's set off on a captivating expedition together!

Understanding the Power of Visual Storytelling

Picture this: A single expo

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Eileen Tan/


Google recently released its list of its most popular searches during 2022, and when it comes to scenic spots in the United States there are some surprises. For starters, “scenic spots” in Google’s definition does not include iconic places like Vermont’s Technicolor White Mountains in fall or the yawning Grand Canyon in Arizona (and by the waym more about canyons later). Instead, Google users were primarily interested in where to see and photograph some of Moth

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9 of Cape Town's Most Photographable Spots



The "Mother City" is a photographer's dream, offering an seemingly endless supply of impressive landscapes and cityscapes making it the perfect place to practice and hone your photography skills, whether your're a beginner or a pro. And needless to say, Instagram ❤ Cape Town! Here are nine terrific examples.

The Bo-Kaap

Situated on the slopes of Signal Hill above the city centre, this district also known as the Malay Quarter is one of the most colourful in Cape Town. It's also ste

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Are you no good at all at taking pictures, especially when travelling? Do you come back from a trip all excited about the pictures you took but when you show them they are far from what you expected? Don’t worry, it’s something very common, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to settle for just anything, are you? Here go a few tips that won’t make you worthy of publishing your pictures in National Geographic, but they will make your travel photos (and non-travel pictures too) a bit more interest

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4 Accessories to Perk Up Your Travel Pics

by Lee Howard

 may be everywhere these days – they’re certainly convenient and their quality keeps improving rapidly. But if you’re off travelling to – and taking pictures of – interesting parts of the world, you still owe it to yourself to not leave your memories entirely to phones with all their limitations when DSLR cameras do the job so much better. And furthermore, even if you’re not a pro photographer – or even a dedicated amateur – you can still pull off some surprisingly fa

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POSITIVELY My Kind of Town, Chicago Is!


Looking into the city  

Although I grew up about 40 miles southwest of a world class travel destination - that great big wonderful windy city of Chicago, I tend to take it for granted. And like most people around here, I don’t get there often enough. A fact that hits home whenever I do get there. ‘Why don’t I come here more often?’ is what I ask myself every time! 

Iconic guardians of the Art Institute  

Chicago is a city of contrasts – the old and the new, the North Shore with the South Side, Gra

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We love travelling so we love travel photography !!!

GrandtourGo is searching for beautiful pictures from all over the world.

Compete to win prizes !


There are 3 main categories:




9008782692?profile=originalPortrait of a person or a group of people who have caught your attention. Wheatear is your grand mother or a local you have met on the top of the Himalaya share it with us!













9008784281?profile=originalShare with us your creativity and special composition gift while taking pictures of your most loved cities.






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How to Cameraphone in Your Best Travel Pics

cameraphone vs slr cameras

by Doug Bardwell

More and more people leave home without it – their camera, that is. But, let’s face it, people seem to be pretty happy with the photos they can get from a smartphone, so let’s get into it and make them the best they can be.

The Smartphone Itself

Just a few hints to make sure you get the best photos possible from your smartphone:

1)    Clean the lens.  When was the last time you wiped down that little speck of glass? That’s where all the photo glory starts, and smudges, smears and

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12 Tips To Make Your Travel Pics Pop


by Doug Bardwell

 Got a special holiday coming up? Chances are you plan to document your every move with a healthy collection of travel photos (who doesn’t these days?). As a professional photographer who’s been at this game for quite a few years, I’ve learned a thing or two along the way about what makes a shot truly memorable. For your edification, then, here are a dozenphotography tips distilling my hard-earned wisdom, whether you’re shooting with acamera phone or an expensive DSLR. Even if a

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Nothing throws a wet blanket on a vacation faster than dropping your phone or camera into the water.


You hear the dreaded “Ker plop” as you lean over a railing to get a better view, or you step out of taxi into a rain puddle, or worst- positioned over a toilet bowl. Whenever or however it occurs, it dampens your spirits immediately.  Your favorite piece of electronics is now a soggy mess. You can’t make phone calls or text your BFF.

Your vacation memories are now in Davey Jones’s Locker. Or are

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Professional Photo Tips for Travelers

Shared by my friends from International Expeditions




We’re sharing veteran wildlife and nature photographer George Ritchey’s tips for getting the most out of your equipment and experience. With over 35 years of wildlife photography experience and credits including Robb
, Atlanta Journal Constitution andBirmingham Magazine, Ritchey offers travelers tips on how to capture, preserve and enhance their memories while traveling.

  • Equipment

    I don’t recommend that you bring a tripod unless it is a ver
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By BuzzInRome

Can photography interpret the future, can it provide Futurspectives? This is the underlying question that the Photography Festival of Rome, on display until October 24, will try to address. Bumpy ride, Maps and Legends, Unpublished-Unknown are the three main sections of the Festival, complemented by the work of Tod Papageorge on the city Rome, Giuliano Matteucci’s pictures of Africa, and a preview of “Mutations 3″, the new production by the European Month of Photography.

The ninth ed

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Photography has done a great deal to change the way we document and share our travels. Back in the 18th and 19th century, when the Grand Tour was in vogue, travel journals were all the rage. Nowadays, a picture is worth a thousand words, and it's increasingly easier to snap a shot. Film cameras are a relic of the past, decreasing even further the costs associated with photography, and nowadays any half decent mobile phone has camera capabilities, turning anyone among us into a budding photograph

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Next to dropping your camera in the water, the next worst thing has to be losing your memory- that is your camera's memory. All your photos stored on one little card, GONE!


An ounce of prevention

Don't buy the biggest memory card you can afford and try to store your entire vacation on that single card. Lose or zap the card and there goes all your vacation photos.  So if you were thinking of getting one 32Gig card, buy four 8Gig. Same storage and certainly less risk.


You can use different strate

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Traveling on Three Legs…

It appears that my last post Professional Photo Tips for Travelers started some discussion on the use and types of
tripods. So for those unfamiliar with this three-legged companion I offer the following:

Tripods are used to steady a camera for a variety of reasons:


1)  Allowing for slower shutter speeds without blurring stationary objects

  1. Low light
  2. Night shots
  3. Eliminating people from a shot. They don’t stay
    in frame long enough to leave a substantial image. Although phantom blurs may be evident.

2)  Pe

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