by Lee Howard
Cameraphones may be everywhere these days – they’re certainly convenient and their quality keeps improving rapidly. But if you’re off travelling to – and taking pictures of – interesting parts of the world, you still owe it to yourself to not leave your memories entirely to phones with all their limitations when DSLR cameras do the job so much better. And furthermore, even if you’re not a pro photographer – or even a dedicated amateur – you can still pull off some surprisingly fa
photography tips (2)
by Doug Bardwell
Got a special holiday coming up? Chances are you plan to document your every move with a healthy collection of travel photos (who doesn’t these days?). As a professional photographer who’s been at this game for quite a few years, I’ve learned a thing or two along the way about what makes a shot truly memorable. For your edification, then, here are a dozenphotography tips distilling my hard-earned wisdom, whether you’re shooting with acamera phone or an expensive DSLR. Even if a