

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).

Travel media for many years; now work in travel/tourism content marketing; co-founder of Tripatini.com.

On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?

USA, Europe, Latin America

What destinations are you most interested in learning about?


Other travel / language expertise?

Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Czech

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  • Thanks Dave..I look forward to it. Let me know what time you will be arrriving so that I can plan to meet you to let you in the unit.
  • Hey!
    I saw the video and article about EPIC.
    I liked it.
    See you soon.
  • Thanks, I am just figuring out how to use this thing! I am in the Italy group. I will check out the Media only link.
  • So far I love this site, and I hope to contribute some entertaining if not instructive tidbits. I blog at www.theothersideofthecoconut.wordpress.com about my current experiences in the UAE. I ove it when people leave me comments, even hisses and boos!
  • Re: TravelTalkRADIO or BusinessTravelRADIO
    Please give me a pitch and tell us why our audiences would benefit from interview and what is your messsage.

    I will submit to our content committee and get back to you.

    warm regards,
  • I'm in the south end.
  • Well... anytime you want a place to stay in Ottawa, my couch is free for you.
  • I have been to Guanajuato. Fascinating city. I spent a day there and they have the most amazing architecture. Additionally, the city is built on a series of tunnels with underground parking and the, once you park your car, you then walk stairs to get above ground. Diego Rivera grew up there and there his parents house is now a museum. Let me know if you want to go to San Miguel de Allende. I love the central part of Mexico including Mexico D.F. It's so enlightening, cultural and beautiful...nothing that most Americans expect when they just go to the resort areas.
  • Thank you,David.I have led many lives and have lived in many places.....
    Think of me as a living Picasso catalog with all the different periods.
  • Thank you David. One of my hats is acting as the media specialist for USAID tourism project in Palestine, I am looking for qualified writers who can help us create visibility for the region. Have any ideas of how to reach good writes who write for high circulation pubs?
    Thank you!
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