road trips (57)

6 of Australia's Top Musts

The Land Down Under is a traveller favourite thanks to its warm weather, stunning beaches, exciting cities, and diverse landscapes. And if you´re visiting from the Northern Hemisphere, keep in mind that the seasons are reversed. So this month through November is spring, and December through February is summer - which is an especially fantastic time to visit - including these iconic destinations:


The Submarine Magnificence of the Great Barrier Reef

No trip to Australia is complete without a

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Road trips to new places, discovering new routes, enjoying the journey - the breeze, the views, the people along the way - as well as the destination are one of the great travel experiences you can have. And the serendipity - the unexpected pleasures and adventures that arise along the way - can make them all the more memorable and enjoyable. And if you haven't experienced the joys of motorcycle travel, read on and see what you've been missing.

Enjoy Nearly Unfettered Freedom

Bikers ar

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RV'ing on North Carolina's Outer Banks


The Outer Banks, a 200-mile-long string of barrier islands along the North Carolina coast, are a beach-driving paradise, and the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, covering some 70 miles of it, is a great place to park your RV for an amazing vacation. Where exactly you choose to do so will depend on your budget and your choice of camping style.

Currently there is no admission fee to the National Seashore if you just wish to walk the beaches, swim, picnic, and play water sports such as kayaking,

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9819699281?profile=original"Nature's Grace" along the Maine Sculpture Trail. Photo by Alan Stubbs


Some people are traipsing through lovely landscapes as others explore history from days of North America's earliest tribal peoples to the present. Avid birders use binoculars to spot colorful feathered friends in flight while canoers and kayakers dip paddles into the water. At the end of the day, many of these visitors to Panama City, Florida, belly up to an oyster bar to enjoy freshly shucked bivalves prepared in a variety

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8 Bucket-List Road Trips

We have read hundreds of road trip itineraries, motorcycle diaries, car trips and what not. It is still unbelievable why these road trips are lifting our hearts up. Be it the views, the thrill hidden, the bends and ascends, the food cafes, historical buildings, farms and landscapes, everything on a road trip creates pleasure and most of the time, bliss. Find some of the most exemplary road trips around the world one should have on his bucket list.



Iceland’s Ring Road

On a road trip through the

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Our “ultimate European road trip” terminated in Stuttgart, Germany where we dropped off our once brand-new Macan S, which we named Max, at the Porsche factory for its shipment home. 

After being on the road for almost 30 days driving through Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland, there comes the time when you realize… enough is enough… it’s time to go home!

And on this vacation, of course, we brought back quite an unusual souvenir!



Autobahn to Stuttgart 


Leaves turning to fall colors

The Last

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Our recent “ultimate European road trip” now heads north through Italy's lake country, stopping at Lake Lugano, between Garda and Maggiore. About two thirds of this lake's shoreline is in Switzerland and about one third in Italy, resulting in a blending of their respective cultures which creates a unique as well as charming destination.

Flanked by much two larger lakes, the "lake in the middle" still outshines both with its intimate-feeling setting surrounded by majestic mountains and many pictu

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We began this adventure by purchasing a Porsche Macan S and picking the car up at the Porsche factory in Zuffenhausen, Germany, near Stuttgart... and now our first post-purchase road trip is now officially underway!  And here is our actual driving experience. 

Start Your Engines…. We're Off!

We began our day with a breakfast feast at the Hotel Schlossgarten, then retrieved our car "Max" from his “special” underground, secure parking place reserved for hotel guests.

Stuttgart is the home of Porsch

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4 Top Snacks for an Aussie Road Trip

9009138876?profile=originalBenny Marty

Face it, Australia is one big country and involves a lot of car time to get the full road trip experience.


You can’t avoid bathroom breaks and you can’t avoid gas stops. You can, though, save time by avoiding at restaurants and chowing down on the go, by taking some particularly Aussie goodies along with you!


Anzac Biscuits

A crunchy commemoration (below) of the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought in World War I, its basic ingredients are rolled

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by Mary Gallagher / Photos by Will A. Davis


exit-sign.jpg?zoom=2&resize=150%2C150&width=150If you've driven up and down a lot of the USA's Interstate 95 between the Northeast and Florida numerous times, how many countless times have you passed by or just stopped for a bite to eat at the Florence, South Carolina exit? Well, next time take a two-night break for some big surprises. The ride into this historic city hasn’t always been the prettiest but that’s changing really fast - just like its downtown.


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Grounded in Konstanz, Germany


Our “ultimate European road trip” started in Stuttgart, Germany after we picked up our brand-new Porsche Macan S from the factory, now heads back north to Stuttgart as we conclude our extended vacation.  Our car, named Max, will be prepped for his long boat ride home where he trades in his lederhosen for a surfboard rack.

Our adventure continues as we explore this beautiful and historic lakeside city.

Mother Nature Deflated Our Zeppelin Adventure

All the planning in the world is no match for Mot

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Our Porsche Macan road trip started in Stuttgart continues from the Lake Garda area in the north of Italy to the west coast and the Italian Riviera. Our decision to stay in Sestri Levante, just south of Portofino, came from an inspiration after seeing a photo of an unknown beautiful seaside village several years ago, and researching until we found it… let's go there!

The mystery village was perfectly situated in the middle of the Italian Riviera and had easy access to the maj

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Road Trip Out of Flagstaff, Arizona


I crammed a lot into my one day in Flagstaff. Now it was time to move on, and my reservation for the next night was at the Grand Canyon's Yavapai Lodge. I was anxious to get going, but first thing in the morning I had a good breakfast, checked out of the motel and headed over to the Riordan Mansion State Park. Being a state park, I expected it to be outside of town. To my surprise, it is just a couple of blocks off the main road, right by the university campus.

Although one is free to wander ab
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We began this adventure by purchasing a Porsche Macan S and picking the car up at the Porsche factory in Zuffenhausen, Germany... this road trip is now “official”. This segment of the series is dedicated to our adventures while touring the Salzburg area.

Salzburg Arrival

The drive took about four hours, and everything went smoothly. We did experience a few eye-openers along the way, one being the price of fuel.  We complain about the price of fuel in the States but we were experiencing close to

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We began this adventure by selecting and purchasing a Porsche Macan S for our road trip of a lifetime; developing an inspired travel itinerary for the entire month of September; and hanging out in Stuttgart, Germany before the trip begins.

This installment of the series is focused on actually picking up the car at the Porsche factory in Zuffenhausen. This is where the plan meets reality.

The Big Day – Meeting Max

We had a very early breakfast and hailed a taxi around 8:00 AM to get us to our 8:30

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I still remember vividly the first time a local gave me directions in Costa Rica:

Go north 700 meters. At the “pulperia” turn left, and go west 300 meters. At the corner where the old fig tree used to be, turn right. Go 175 meters and it’s the papaya-colored house on the left with the black gate.

Sure. So … how do I count meters? Which way is north from heDRIVE-02.jpg?width=196re? And how in heaven am I supposed to know where the old fig tree used to be?

Or, how about the directions to my old apartment in Rohrmoser, whe

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Driving in Paradise - Panama

When one thinks of paradise, Panama has to be near the top of the list.

In the 90s Costa Rica fast became the chic eco destination for Americans, Canadians and Europeans.  Many expats started buying land and relocating. In the last ten years, a new nirvana was discovered, Panama.

Countries with both beach and jungle are especially appealing. The world is full of small countries where you can view nature and perhaps surf in the same day. Panama fits the bill.

No, You’re not in Miami

The best means of

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Necessary Supplies For A Road Trip


Road trips can be a lot of fun and a great way to travel with flexibility and convenience. But they can also quickly turn into a never-ending string of "are we there yet" enquires. When planning your road trip, there's a number of things you should include in your packing list in order to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Mix CD- Most essential item on any self-respecting road trip. You want a mix CD with up-beat songs, which you can sing along to. You can never go wrong with the classics. This wi

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            The ground was still saturated from the storms that had plagued the area the day before. It did not take long before my boots and pant legs from the knees down were wet and my legs getting cold. The early morning air was barely above the freezing point as we made our way across the lake dam and down the short trail that leads to the three level waterfall. I decided to head further down the trail to start with the bottom falls and then work my way up. I went as far as the underbrush w

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