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9008761656?profile=originalHe trained with EcoTraining some 10 years ago and is now sharing his knowledge and skills by training guides in Nepal. He hopes to come back to South Africa to do more trails guide and tracking courses. He remembers his time at EcoTraining: 

“It’s hard to imagine that it is now 10 years since embarking on a career in ecotourism and wildlife conservation; all of what has happened in that 10 years would not have been possible were it not for the training I received at EcoTraining.

The level of train

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Searching for a hotel online is actually more complex than, say, searching for a flight or car rental or even Viagra. A hotel stay is more of an emotional experience than flying somewhere. To go from New York to London, is simply to find the most convenient, and best-priced flight.

Choosing a hotel  is choosing a home away from home. It's actually a place where you live for a while, and often with someone you really care about.  It's an emotional experience. Flying isn't. Hopefully.

So, you ha

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Tahoe Donner - Cross-Country Skiing Redux

I never thought I’d go cross-country skiing again, but I went this morning. I tried cross-country skiing years ago, not out of desire but because it was a story assignment for a Tahoe weekly paper I worked on. If I recall, I spent most of my time that day in the snow. Not on it. And my take on the whole idea of cross-country skiing? Tougher than downhill skiing. Painful. Not worth it. Not by a long shot.

For a downhill skier, which is how I identified myself at the time, wobbling along on skinn

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Lynchburg, Virginia Has It All

My playmate’s father walked with a stiff leg from the D-Day invasion of World War II. At the age of seven, we all knew the basics of what this meant – we also knew older kids still without fathers. We boys all talked about what our fathers had done in the recent war. Knowing these men puts faces on the deeds they did as exhibited by the National D-Day Memorial near Lynchburg, Virginia.
Visitors at the D-Day Memorial experience a powerful tribute to the young Americans of the Allied landings in

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Vietnam tourism with top notch tours

When it comes to exotic locations, Southeast Asia is one of the places to beat. It offers a wide range of things to see and experience, including beautiful beaches, rich culture and history, busy cities, and one of a kind natural wonders. Vietnam is one of the most famous choices as of late, though, as it has great offers for tourists, attracting more and more folks to travel to Vietnam.

Vietnam's Bustling Tourism

Since the 1990s, Vietnam has created a name for itself in the tourism industry. With

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Travel tips for Tet in Vietnam 2013

You thought you could relax with the Western new year celebrations out of the way? Think again. The whole of Vietnam is now warming up for the Tet holidays -- noticed all those police stop points and fields full of lucky trees recently? If you're heading this way February 10 to 14 this year, consider what this will mean for your trip.

The whole country will be on a go-slow for at least a week either side; Vietnam becomes  gridlocked, garish and glorious and contrary to most traveller stories it i

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After all the heavy discussions about kidnappings and terrorist groups in Peru, this is hysterical . . .

gives new meaning to the expression "helicopter" mom

Dear Mom,

Thanks for ignoring me and thanks for not butting in to my life.  But mostly thanks for not contacting the Peruvian authorities while I was traveling during the US citizen kidnapping alert.



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Scenic, Gay-Friendly Salta, Argentina


9th July Plaza


By Roy Heale

With remarkably well preserved historic architecture, grand parks, and a vibrant nightlife, it is no surprise that LGBT travelers have recently discovered Salta as a gay-friendly Argentine vacation destination.

Surrounded by the Andes mountains, Salta is a very gay welcoming city located in the Lerma Valley, at almost 4000 feet above sea level in Argentina's north west region. Along with its metropolitan area, it has a population of almost 700,000 inhabitants. Within Ar

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From Stage to Screen

Best known as a Broadway musical, Fiddler on the Roof has been delighting audiences for almost half a century with its blend of boisterous and mournful melodies. The Tony award winning story of Tevye, the humble milkman with five young daughters and a feisty wife, has played out thousands of times on the stages of Broadway, London’s West End and in theatres all around the world.

With such a popular stage play it was inevitable that a movie version would be made and in 1971

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9008758291?profile=original[MILFORD, PA] -- The Werner/Koppel Jazz Duo will bring their dynamic sound to the Milford Theatre on April 26th. Featuring American pianist Kenny Werner and Danish saxophone luminary Benjamin Koppel, the duo's music ranges from lush ballads to up-tempo exuberance, and they'll play some tunes from their latest CD, Walden. This concert -- the first of a series soon to be announced -- will begin at 7:30 p.m., and tickets cost $15 in advance (see below) or $20 at the box offi

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La encuesta reveló que existen tres focos principales de turismo en el país. De tal modo, Guanacaste, el Pacífico central y Puntarenas (con sus islas) son las áreas más apetecidas por los vacacionistas. En contraposición, las zonas las Llanuras del Norte, el Valle Central y el Caribe son visitadas con menor frecuencia por el turismo. Así, cualquier visitante extranjero puede aprovechar las zonas y momentos menos concurridos para planear su tiempo de ocio. En esta línea, la playa es el destino de

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I watched the horse, as if  possessed by the devil, run at full speed, urged on by a charro (Mexico’s answer to the cowboy). It was useless though; there was no possible way out. The circular arena, called a lienzo, only allows for running in circles. Meanwhile, in the middle of the ring, another impeccably spiffy charro, with coffee-colored hues on his boots, pants, jacket and shirt, whips his lasso, twirling it in the air, waiting for the charger (called a corcel) to get close.

One turn left

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por Cristóbal Ramirez

Bajo sus calles se esconde oro. Cemento, hormigón y más abajo oro. 
Johannesburgo se erigió sobre la riqueza de este mineral y hoy sus rascacielos brillan bajo el sol sudafricano. Pero eso fue hace mucho tiempo y hoy lo que todos tenemos en mente es el Mundial de Fútbol de este año, un evento donde la ciudad fue protagonista y demostró su capacidad (y la de todo el país) para organizar grandes acontecimientos. En el distrito cultural de Newton ya no se escuchan vuvuzelas, per

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Buenos Aires' Chicest Boutique Hotels


Nicknamed the “Paris of South America,” Buenos Aires leaves a lasting impression on visitors with its high-end boutiques, museums, galleries, nightlife and stunning architecture.

Algodon Mansion - It’s no sleek secret that the Algodon Mansion is the city’s chicest boutique hotel. Yet not one to rest on their luxury laurels, the city’s only Relais & Châteaux hotel recently opened their own Veuve Clicquot Lounge, located on the first floor lobby of this beautiful boutique property. Needless to say

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Koh Kong in pictures

So Chris has been on yet another little work-based adventure this week, this time to Koh Kong on the west coast of Cambodia to investigate some land rights issues affecting local villagers and island communities.

As before there's no chance of any more detail from the grumpy old Englishman but he did take a few photos. So enjoy a little visual insight about this corner of Cambodia that doesn't see many tourists yet, but will do much more so in the future with new developments arising all the time
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Costa-Rica-Map-large-300x286.jpg?width=266Looking for ideas on where to go and what to do on vacation in Costa Rica?

Here’s an interesting and fabulously varied trip to 6 of Costa Rica’s top tourist destinations, and all while staying in charming and luxurious boutique hotels. The unique architecture, personalized service and enchanting intimacy that you find at boutique hotels make this Costa Rica tour package especially attractive.

Put together by Costa Rica vacation experts, Team CRT, the Costa Rica Boutique Hotels” package lasts 11 d

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Writer and poet Henry David Thoreau said it best, “I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least … sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.”

I agree wholeheartedly. I always feel renewed, refreshed, and more at ease with the world after walking in nature. The wilder, the better. Even if I return drenched in sweat, covered in mud, tired, even hungry and sore … afterward, the feeling of

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A visit to India's Corbett National Park is only a two day affair, provided you are not planning to go for excursions, which are, if not more, as exciting and enchanting as the jeep safari in Corbett Park.

There are so many other places to be seen around the Corbett National Park that one is tempted to increase the stay duration at Corbett resorts by another two days at least. Hence, if you’re planning a four-five days trip to Corbett, here are the places you definitely need to visit.

1.    T

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Writer and poet Henry David Thoreau said it best, “I think that I cannot preserve my health and spirits, unless I spend four hours a day at least … sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.”

I agree wholeheartedly. I always feel renewed, refreshed, and more at ease with the world after walking in nature. The wilder, the better. Even if I return drenched in sweat, covered in mud, tired, even hungry and sore … afterward, the feeling of

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