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6 Best Toronto Dining Deals


After telling a friend about a good dining deal in Toronto— her own home town — she said, “I’ll have to go there; I don’t know that restaurant.” Understandable. Canada‘s largest city is as rich in restaurants as it is in museums, galleries, theaters, boutiques, clubs, and more clubs.

You can always find affordable restaurants in Kensington, the St. Lawrence Market, and Chinatown, but you already knew that. So here are a half-dozen spots for affordable dining beyond the obvious; some are places

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The many immigrants who’ve made Paris home over the years have left an exotic mark tasty enough to justify a visit by itself — especially if you’re curious about unusual cuisines that may be hard to find even in, say, New York, London, or Los Angeles. And oftentimes they’re some of the less pricey — even least pricey — dining options around. Here’s my top seven, discovered on my last visit:

Algeria: Le Taghit This romantic, candlelit spot in southern Paris run by Bashir and Malika Benamrane cla

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Atracciones turísticas más populares de Rajasthan

Una cultura vibrante, gran historia, patrimonio, safaris, vasto desierto, exuberantes selvas y fauna hace que los diversos paisajes de Rajasthan debe visitar destino. Viajando aquí le permitirá explorar tantas facetas de esta tierra de grandes guerreros y pronto te darás cuenta que no hay lugar como Rajasthan en el mundo. Rajasthan tiene mucho que ver y hacer, viajeros aquí tienen la certeza de una experiencia verdaderamente regal. Rajastán es el estado más popular de la India y un destino turís

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A wild beauty in Dong Chau Beach

If you are interested in the wild beauty of beach. Don't miss to visit Dong Chau Beach. It is located in Dong Minh Commune, Tien Hai District, 30km far from Thai Binh City along National Road 39B, and some 145km from Hanoi. The total area is about 10,000 km2. The centre of this tourist spot is Dong Chau Beach with the length of 5 km, green pine forests and tiny clear beach.

Many hotels and guest houses are useful for visitors to stay in when they come here to relax. The hotels and guesthouses hav

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Hoi An's traditional silk village

A silk village in Hoi An, Quang Nam Province, somewhat overlooked for a while, has seen a revival of tourism of late, attracting tourists.

Ma Chau Village in Duy Xuyen District is just one kilometre away from centre of Hoi An City.

The combination of eco-tourism and traditional handicraft product development has helped to preserve the cultural life of people in Quang Nam.

Now, the village appears much more like in the past. Old looms in wooden houses, long unused, have been activated again. Besides

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Sapa covers in the mists

Today, Sapa’s narrow streets are both temporary home and business place to the H’mong, Dao, Giay, Pho Lu, and Tay people, whose traditional ethnic dress marks them out from the multitude of nations who come to Sapa to lose themselves in its landscape.

Deep within the valleys and mountains of Vietnam’s furthest Northern reaches lies the remote hill town of Sapa. Most often viewed through the seemingly never ending carpet of mist, Sapa is a visual feast unmatched in Vietnam; on the one hand remote

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10 Dishes You Must Sample When Visiting Hanoi

Hanoi cuisine is one of the most special local aspects of Vietnam's capital which draws tourists from all over the world. In addition to pho - the most well-known dish, there are lots of others, from fancy to popular, which shouldn’t be missed. All of them help to build up a beloved image of Hanoi capital thousand years of civilization. This article will introduce the most famous dishes of Hanoi and best places for you to enjoy them.

1. Bun Oc (Shellfish Soup and Vermicelli)

Whoever has ever l

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5 Reasons to Visit Costa Rica Off-Season

I love traveling in off-season. High season travelers and summer vacationers are gone. Back to school and back to work, which means better travel opportunities for me and you.

Off-season is when crowds disappear and prices drop, as hotels, tour operators and airlines look to attract travelers with deep discounts.

Granted, it’s not the low season for nothing. In Costa Rica, it is rainy season … but, after all, if you are going to visit a rainforest or a cloud forest, you should expect some rain and

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Da Lat – a flower town of romance

Some traveler ever said: “If you are in love, a week in Da Lat – a rhythmic land of flowers and romance-will make your love turn into a happy ending.

Introduction & Location

“Listening to the noon going down in the romantic town, a Da Lat-violet is filled with fog…” (Written by Minh Ky, Da Cam)  is lyric of a famous song about Da Lat – one of the top prioritized destinations in Vietnam for its romantic beauty. Located in the South Central Highlands of Vietnam (Lang Biang Highlands), Da Lat was ori

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The “ second Dalat” in Central highlands

Also with cold weather, pine forests and mansions nestled in the morning dew, Mang Den is as the second Da Lat city in the majestic forest and mountain of Central Highlands.

In the language of Bana people, Mang Den means the large and flat land. Located at an altitude of 1,200 m over the sea level, Mang Den becomes the ideal place to hide the heat and wind of the Central Highland, with an average temperature of 18-20 degrees C all the year round. About 50 km to the northeast Kon Tum City, Mang De

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Hon Tam beach in Khanh Hoa

Hon Tam Island is an island ecotourism place in the South of Nha Trang bay – Khanh Hoa province. There are many untouched features of nature along with the green tropical forest, which is green all year round.

The long and curling beach is like the mermaids showing their beauty beside the waves days and nights. The whirlpool is swayed in the coral of many colors. All are romantic illusory. Thus, Hon Tam is also chosen for the place to health recovery.

Not only visiting, visitors would also join in

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Buckwheat flower season in Ha Giang

Have you ever seen sunset light fall into the mountain village? Haveyou ever seen sunset light fall into the upland fields of buckwheat flowers? Have you ever encountered "fairy" sunlight? Hurry up! Travel to Ha Giang, now!

Vietnam Tourism will take you go to buckwheat flower season at north pole's Vietnam - Dong Van  stone plateau, Ha Giang Province. The plateau was recognized by the UNESCO as one of the 77 geological parks in the world and the second in Southeast Asia.

With diverse cultures and

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Beauty of Vietnam tour

This is not a joke. We're sitting with a beer in an Irish bar in Ho Chi Minh City and a haka starts blaring from the speakers. Then comes Cheryl Moana Marie, followed by the Interislander theme used in those Cook Strait ferry ads. How bizarre.

It's a nod to us Kiwi patrons from the Irishman behind the bar. But a holiday should not be about hearking for home. And in Vietnam, I discovered, a beer tastes much better when you're perched on a plastic chair - preferably those designed for kids - tippin

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The city of the 41 churches: Nessebar, Sunny Beach. Bulgaria.

This city of Thracian origin, situated in the heart of Sunny Beach on the shores of the Black Sea, boasts no fewer than 41 churches huddled within its old quarter, including a basilica and the Bishop’s residence. This picturesque town is also renowned for its archaeological sites dating back to the times of the Ancient Greeks and Romans and its strategic location in the centre of Europe, yet there are count

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Ladakh additionally know as the "Land of High Passes" is a delightful landlocked area in northernmost part of Indian nation in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Ladakh is a standout amongst the most special spots around the globe. The spot is honored with stunning regular wonderfulness and solidifying atmosphere.

Leh is the biggest town and critical traveler end of Ladakh. The town has numerous prominent vacation spots. Leh Palace is a nine storey high legacy landmark is the prime fascination of th

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by Tripatini staff 

Morocco’s one of those Arab countries where a lot of back-and-forth with Europe — particularly France and Spain — has helped foster a boom in pop music, both on Moroccan and European labels. One of its more prominent figures, Saïd Mouskir (usually spelled Mosker), is a 37-year-old of Berber origin from Casablanca’s Derb Sultan neighborhood, who packs more than ten albums under his belt since his first in 1988 — with a group he formed at the tender age of 15. Like many Morocca

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Top Five Places to Plan Summer Holidays in India

India is the home of numerous awesome summer occasion goals. Many Indian and remote voyagers arrange their Spring occasions in India each year. From delightful mount towns to peaceful shores, backwaters, religious places, national parks and asylums, the nation offers adequate alternatives for a liking summer travels.

Gave us a chance to observe some prevalent summer occasion spots in India to browse.

Manali is an alternate delightful mound station in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Roosted a

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India Tours – Three Popular Tour Packages

India is a huge and assorted nation. It has incalculable vacation destinations for various sorts of voyagers. It has sentimental mound stations, thick woodlands, backwaters, sandy beaches, desolate deserts and uncommon gathering of untamed life. You can uncover various energizing tours bundles for India offered by planet's generally presumed travel offices. Some vital data around the range of three ubiquitous tour bundles in India is taking after.

The lovely state is placed at the southern scene

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