Books (19)



“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home.”
                                                                                                                                    - 19th-century American naturalist John Muir 


Guest ranches have provided a means for city folks to air out their spirits since the turn of the century, but today they are multi-sport adventures, leapin

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The title says it all – "Bordeaux World Heritage & Its Wines."

The 324-page guide by Laurent Moujon, Bordeaux resident for 20 years, focuses on the city of Bordeaux in France, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and its world-famous wine regions.

Intended for English-speaking individuals, the guide provides excellent content on everything there is to know about the world's major wine industry capital. It covers everything from the history and heritage to the city’s exciting festivals. 120 pages are dedi
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9008657859?profile=originalLustrous adventure

The Best Women's Travel Writing 2010: True Stories from Around the World
Edited by Stephanie Elizondo Grist; Travelers' Tales, 352 pages; paperback, $17.95

Reviewed by Heather Cassell

Published: Ocotber 5, 2011


Get ready. Pack your bags. You are about to embark on 27 adventures that will take you all over the world, inspire your wanderlust, and journey into your own heart in the Best Women's Travel Writing, edited by award-winning writer Stephanie Elizondo Griest.

Succulent and ri

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Best Picks for Summertime Travel Novels


Best Picks for  Summertime Travel Novels

It's summer “ and the reading should be easy,” so I came up with a short list of a few travel novels that I personally found especially rich and exciting.

Very often a travel novel is a far better read than a guide book. It creates a vividness and depth of a town or village or city more memorably.

And so, with temps hovering in the 90’s, here are my summer picks for a lazy read. You certainly have your own.

In Travels with a Tangerine, Tim Mackintosh-Smith  s

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How I Wrote My Cruise Ship Novel

Here is an excerpt of the interview I gave for THE BOOK BLOG. It is British blog about publishing and writing and has a section on featured authors. Since my novel Cruise Quarters - A Novel About Casinos and Cruise Ships is the "Tripatini Read of the Week," I thought you might like to know a little more about our story. 


Tim I am so happy to be appearing on a British blog because my book is such a blend of the British and Americans. It is set on a British ship with many nationalities in the crew

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For pics, more info and similar stories see the author's music, film and books blog.

Have you ever noticed that the best travel writers never really considered themselves as such?  Look at anybody’s list of favorites and you’ll see names like Kerouac, Bowles, Matthiessen, etc. quite often, along with names like Theroux and Iyer, writers who certainly consider themselves travel writers, but not exclusively.  You’ll only rarely if ever see a guidebook writer.  But there is a historical tradition wh

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The indifferent, howling storm tossed us through the night. The Hawaiian Islands are 2,000 miles from the nearest land. The waves come in from the open ocean and there is nothing to slow their momentum. We pitched twenty feet up, then plunged down, slamming on the water with a heavy thud. After several hours of this rude pounding, I gave up to the fatalistic notion that this was the way I was meant to go. Since I planned to have my ashes scattered at sea, I felt this was just a short cut to what

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Travel Through The Theater of the Mind

From NMT Images
Listen to a poor Elvis Presley talk about his daddy’s arrest and imprisonment for forging an eight dollar check to feed his hungry family.

Hear the irrepressible Mark Twain in his always wry observations about New York, the rascals on Wall Street and how sales of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer kept his family afloat in an ever-exciting Manhattan.

Welcome to The Amazing People Club, a new concept in audio storytelling that bring the listener “face to face” with some of the world’s most in
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Haiti: The Audacity of Beauty


Haiti and travel aren't words that naturally pair in our minds. But photojournalist Maggie Steber, who's visited and revisited the country on and off assignment for 30 years, sees beauty there. As reported in Outside Magazine and the New York Times Lens Blog, there's plenty of beauty in Steber's images and stories showcased in her new website  Audacity of Beauty.

"Maybe it's not what we outsiders would recognize as beauty," says Steber in a series of videos on the site."Maybe it's an audacious
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Hardie Karges has one self-professed goal in life: to see every country in the world.

And he’s off to a grand start!

His recently self-published book, Hypertravel -100 Countries in Two Years  is less about Karges’  journey to most of the countries defined by the United Nations as countries, and more of a journey into Karges’ mind.

That’s not to say we don’t get some powerful and startling insights into the countries, villages, bus depots, airports, marketplaces, cafes, cities and dumps he wan

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I'm so thrilled and honored that my novel, The Time Baroness, is Read of the Week! But is it a travel novel you ask? Well, Tripatini co-owner David Paul Appell and I batted that question around, and we agreed that though, no, it is not a travel book, per se, a novel about traveling to another era might just intrigue Tripatini members. To me, fantasizing about time-travel is about as good an escape as vacationing in some exotic locale. In The Time Baroness, the main character travels from the fut

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Are you an armchair traveler?

We are searching for a few good women with an interest in travel who are avid readers to review travel books and good reads while on the road for our new women’s online travel magazine and community that is about to launch.


If you are interested, send us three writing samples, preferably of published book reviews you’ve written, and a brief paragraph about you and why you like reviewing travel books.


We can’t pay much at this time, but it’s something: $15 per book review, plus the book.


For more

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Word Books in Brooklyn, New York


Luis Alberto Urrea signs Queen of America at

Word Books, Brooklyn. Photo courtesy of

On a mild December night, I took my husband for a surprise visit to an independent bookstore in Brooklyn to give him his Christmas present: not just a hard-cover version of the recently released Queen of America by Luis Alberto Urrea, a book we'd been anticipating as the sequel to our favorite, The Hummingbird's Daughter, but a signed copy and a chance to meet the author.

Jon was delighted when he r

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9296545883?profile=originalThe Wine Seekers' Guide to the Livermore Valley, by Tom Wilmer was not written for the wine snob. The book is aimed at those of us who don't understand the intricacies of the grape. I found the guide provided clear and helpful information in an easy to read format.

The book serves as the first exclusive guide to this little-known California wine region, introducing more than forty wineries, the owners and winemakers, and their superb wines. The paperback makes it easy to plan a tour as it provide
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Three Great Non-Travel Travel Books


Three Great Non-Travel, Travel Books

Often a non-travel novel creates the vividness and depth of a town or village or city better than  travel book might.

But recommending a book is always tricky, so here are three recent reads and likes:

In Travels with a Tangerine, Tim Mackintosh-Smith  sets out to follow the footsteps of the great Arab/Muslim traveler, Ibn Battuta  who left his native Tangier in 1325, covered three times the distance of Marco Polo, and returned 30 years later…after some 75,000

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9296540865?profile=originalIf you like spiritual quests, you will enjoy the stories in Song of India: Tales of travel and transformation. The book is a collection of 10 tales about my attempt to recover from grief, understand the essence of yoga and rediscover the joy of living by traveling, studying yoga and volunteering in India.


“India always changes people, and I have been no exception,”author Ruth Prawer-Jhabvala wrote, and I agree. Before I left for India on the first trip, I had experienced a series of devastating

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 9008677655?profile=RESIZE_930xOld Parish Church Cemetery in Whitby, England

My obsession to travel to every site related to either the fictional Count Dracula or his real historical counterpart, Prince Vlad Dracula the Impaler, grew out of a visit to Whitby, England, where part of the novel Dracula takes place.  I stood on the cemetery hill (top) where, in Bram Stoker's Dracula Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray spent hour after hour sitting on their "favourite seat" (a bench placed over a suicide's grave near the edge of the c

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