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Destination ~ Warner Springs, CA

You like wine tasting? Are you up for a little adventure? I bet you love a deal. Can I package all this for you into a rustic vineyard romantic getaway? Yup! Read on.

I know you often go wine tasting and think – OMG this is such a beautiful place, I wish I could linger longer, but alas, there’s only the vineyards, the tasting room and the road leading home at the end of the day. So when you’re in the San Diego area next time…sip, savor and sleep over at Shadow Mountain Winery.

Day 1 Afternoon – Sh

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2008 Gioia Paso Robles Zin!

I really love a bottle of wine that is not only good, but has a story behind it too. That’s why it’s such a treat to introduce you to Gioia Wines and owner/winemaker Teri Love. Gioia is one of the new breed of wineries known as a “virtual” winery – meaning it doesn’t have its own brick and mortar building to make or sell its wine. This doesn’t mean it isn’t premium wine, just the opposite. I think some of the virtual wineries really benefit from this format as they can spend more time, talent, a

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Destination ~ South Park, San Diego

I love finding the hidden jewels of big city destinations…how about you? It’s great fun to immerse yourself in the unsung areas that don’t have big promotional budgets to entice you to discover them. So it was quite a delight when quite by chance, I was introduced to the South Park district of San Diego by a fellow cruise ship traveler. Seriously, there I was floating in the Caribbean, when Jennifer Thompson from Monkey C Media gave me the 411. Now I am passing it on to you. Read on!

The South Pa

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A primer for those traveling/volunteering/possibly relocating to El Salvador,Guatemala and the rest of Central america for the first time.

features photo gallery and travel tour information of every country in Latin Americaand a good section on El Salvador, in Spanish, English and French,click on El Salvador section

Another good resource online is the Alfa Travel Guide (English, Spanish, Swedish) based in El Salvador for all Central Americaclick on

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Dumping the 3-1-1 Rule

From Blogger Pictures

It’s not official, and the Transportation Security Administration is tight-lipped, but practically speaking, the unpopular and probably ineffective 3-1-1 flight rule (no gels, aerosols or liquid) is all but dead.

3-1-1 limited passengers’ rights to carry any kind of liquid on a plane to a 3.4 ounce bottle, in a 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-lock bag, with a limit of 1 bag per passenger, placed in screening bin.
The agency’s web site still posts the restriction, but MSNBC
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Ever wanted to be part of a tribe? Or just like the idea of chilling on a beach, going snorkelling, catching some fish for the evenings dinner, or just getting your hands dirty in some community development work... Well, for all those of you who have the 'outdoors instinct', the need to get away, or the want to experience something different and make a difference along the way, here is what you have been waiting for; a new community-based cultural exchange tourism project based in Sierra Leone,
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Travel in 4x4 rental car in Costa RIca

For travelers seeking the greatest eco-holiday experience, 4x4 Rental in Costa Rica offers one of the most
flexible and easy ways to travel through this beautiful land of contrasts. A regular car may get you from one destination to the next if you're sticking to paved roads, four wheel drives however will get you from the towering cloud forest of the Monteverde National Park to the remote paths at Corcovado National Park, all in true off-road adventure style. Self-drive also has the added benefit

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Travel Recipes We Found and Loved

image credits: Wendie Hansen

Travel Recipes We Found and Love

Travel is about food!
Sure, it’s about shopping and seeing the sights, but there's no better way to get to know a culture and its people than by sharing their food with them. Not cuisine, food!

We mean the fabled falafel stands and savory street food in North Africa, the small tavernas of Italy and Greece.
Maybe the Fish and Chips stands in the UK and certainly the mole sauces in Mexico.

In Canada’s Prince Edward Island we fell in lo
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Tamarindo Costa Rica

Tamarindo Costa Rica is one of the most popular tourism destinations in the world. So many travel agents around the world suggest their guests to visit Tamarindo Beach. Sunny days, nice atmosphere, beautiful sunset, and great waves in the beaches make this beach as a perfect holiday place.

Special Offer at Jardin del Eden Hotel in Tamarindo Costa Rica:

If you are looking to take 3-4 nights at the beach, considerer Jardin del Eden Hotel who offers 3 nights but just paying 2, or 4 nights just paying

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How Not To Travel With Bed Bugs

A few heads were scratched at AOL Travel’s recent story about bed bugs.
We weren’t scratching from the bugs, but from curiosity: Why would author Libby Zay do a piece on the nasty critters?

A comment from a reader actually suggested she needed “to get a life.”

Well, the reality is that the bed bugs infest places that are part of travel, like motels. hotels, planes, trains and buses. And bed bug infestation is increasing, it seems, because the decline in using pesticides has contributed to the scou
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Time moves on, seasons change, and it’s seems inevitable that winemakers will come and go. So it is that David Raffaele, formerly part of the winemaking team at Maurice Car'rie and Van Roekel Vineyard and Wineries in Temecula Valley, CA. , has been selected as the new winemaker at Keyways Winery. I think this is an excellent choice for this winery and I know you’ll enjoy reading about this interesting young winemaker.

Keyways Winery, founded in 1989 by Mr. Carl Key, was one of the original wineri

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How Safe Is Your Airline?

The question everyone is afraid to ask: So how safe is this airline?
For better or worse, there is no real answer.
The Virginia-based Flight Safety Foundation which prides itself on being independent and impartial, candidly admits that since there are so few U.S. airplane fatalities, there really is no recognized way to determine which airline is safer than another. The statistical sample is too small.

It’s possible to look up such intriguing data as fatal events by airlines, most recent crashes,
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Are you ready for an exciting vacation in the most popular and passionate places in South East Asia? With the foundation of care and in-depth attention, as an online reservation portal takes you to fabulous hotel accommodations with the best deals and huge discounts. Based in Singapore, offers a vast database of dream hotel accommodations in much-sought after countries, cities and towns with exciting prices in Southeast Asia. offers discounted d

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So your mother is a chicha-swilling, altimeter-toting, coca-leaf chewing
adventuretraveler. You've never understood her and you're not about to
start now. While other "normal" mom's are getting their nails and hair
done, scheduling their massages, and having luncheons of delicate baby
greens smothered in goat cheese and balsamic vinegar, your mom is
scheduling her next expedition to a remote valley, somewhere far away
(guaranteed not to be a Mexican resort) where they eat things you prefer
to pet,

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Fly In ~ To So-Cal Wine Country

Wohoo! Spring break is here and if you miss that feeling of carefree abandon and going on a road trip…via your airplane...then read on my friends. Frankly, I think many of us in our college years were too busy prepping for finals, looking for summer jobs, or just didn’t have the cash on hand or an airplane to fly to do much with their last spring break. So I am offering you a chance to go back in time and have the spring break you should have had in college–but better, because you’re a little ol

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Continental and United Airlines Tie The Knot, Say “I do.”
It seems the final “I do’s” or at least ”I promise to try” have been spoken in the long and somewhat rocky courtship between Continental Airlines and UAL Corp’s United Airlines creating the biggest airline in the world. It will surpass Delta Air Lines in terms of the number of passengers carried.

From Blogger Pictures
The talks stalled in 2008 when Continental’s CEO Larry Kellner squashed the deal either because of excessive caution or fear
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Viva the Villa Experience!

If you let it, Italy will blow your mind. — Mario Scalzi

It happened quite by accident, and I was hooked. My first trip to Italy — back in the Spring of 2000 — was
organized by some friends who said that we would be renting a villa. I had no idea what to expect. I looked
up the word “villa” and here’s what I found: (a) a large, luxurious house in the country or (b) a house rented
for a vacation. I immediately saw the potential discrepancy between these two definitions, but decided to go,

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Calling All Princesses

It may just be the event planner in me, but I L-O-V-E- anything with a cool theme. So it’s not going to come as a surprise to anyone that I want to introduce you to Briar Rose Winery in the Temecula Wine Country. Based on a Snow White theme, this high-end boutique winery not only showcases a Disney’esque ambiance, but it delivers the goods with ultra premium wines. So any of you looking to arrange a day fit for a princess with an emphasis on amazing wine…read on!

Briar Rose is celebrating its thi

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Since the recent news touching on the chaos that the Icelandic Eyjafjallajokull volcano caused for tens of thousands of air travellers, I decided to look at the possibility of travelling overland to West Africa. It may take much longer, however it also could cost about the same as a flight, be much more rewarding, allow you to explore different elements of African culture along the way and be more environmentally friendly when it comes to your carbon footprint. After all, according to a Chinese
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