vegetarianism (2)

Dining Vegetarian in Latin America

Latin American vegetarian dining restaurants Mexico guacamole Teri Virbickis shutterstock_248244781photo: Teri Verbickis

On this blog I recently ate my way through some of the top meatless menus of Europe, and today I’m hopping across the pond for a slightly tougher challenge – the best Latin America vegetarian restaurants. Oh sure, Central America, South America, and the Spanish Caribbean are famously the mother lode of corn, potatoes, and especially rice and beans, but if that’s all you rely upon, things can get pretty monótono pretty fast.

Yet as in much of the rest of the world, things are

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How to Travel Costa Rica as a Vegan Easily

I had a pair of friends visit me in Costa Rica not long ago who were vegetarian and vegan. My first reaction was, "Oh, no, what are they going to eat?" I know how much Costa Ricans love their chicken, beef, chicharrones (fried pork), fish, etc.

They said, not to worry. Rice and beans are the nation's main staples, and there is a wealth of fresh vegetables and tropical fruits. It's true!

Vegetarian meal in Costa RicaTraveling in Costa Rica as a vegetarian or vegan, or even needing a gluten-free or dairy-free diet, is relativel

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