foodie travel (2)

Barbecue in the USA: A Quick Primer


In the USA, barbecue is a year-round treat, and many regions of the country – mostly in the American South – have their own particular slant on the art of roasting, smoking, and saucing meats on a nice hot grill or in a smoker or pit. But summertime is especially barbecue time here, when BBQ cookouts are common. Here’s a quick primer of the top variations for those of you visiting soon.


In this Deep-South state, usually hickory-smoked pork (top) is served chopped, sliced, or pull

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Apart from its divine beauty - including awe-inspiring views of the mighty eastern Himalayas and picturesque Buddhist temples and shrines, India's second smallest state is a delight to the palate, and to truly experience the essence of Sikkim, every visitor should sample as much of the local cuisine as possible. The local culinary culture and traditions are predominantly influenced by the ethnic Nepali people who make up its majority, but also include Tibetans and local ethnic groups such as

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