The road warrior, the business traveler, represents a huge 50% or more of a hotel’s revenue, but what we found very interesting is a trend to combine a family vacation with a business trip.
An impressive 67.7 percent of those randomly polled said they combine business travel with family travel, a major shift from just ten years ago when corporations frowned on the practice of mixing business with pleasure.
One study actually suggested that business travelers filed 80% more medical claims than
family vacations (11)
The birth of empathy between siblings is a beautiful thing to witness. One of the many unexpected joys of living abroad is watching the way such a powerful experience changes your children. For the better. Kids who travel together, learn to rely on each other in a deeper way than life in suburban America demands.
When we left for Italy, Katie and Matt were fifteen and eleven. At that time they were attending different schools, played different sports, had different sets of friends, and had de
Not so long ago we stumbled upon an online chat where the subject was banning children from flying, or at least banishing them from flying in business class.
So we were not completely surprised at the USA Today Travel article that said 74% of UK-based business class travelers get annoyed at children on flights, and that airlines should provide children-free flights, or at least flights for those over 18 years old.
The survey of 1,000 business-class
Do you remember going on family vacations when you were a kid?
It's funny how I can't remember where I put my keys or my phone or what I was supposed to pick up at the store (so when I arrive, I just stand there looking around for some hint) but I can remember being on vacation with my family when I was a kid.
My parents worked several jobs at once to keep us afloat. Neither of them had it easy.
We weren't able to spend much time with our Dad as he worked a day job and a night job.
The popularity of family travel has caused parents, grandparents, and toy manufacturers to come up with creative ways to keep kids entertained and engaged en route to their destination.
One of the best ideas I’ve seen yet is the Trunki – a durable plastic suitcase that pre-schoolers can pack, ride-on, and pull along behind them.
Made by Melissa & Doug, the educational toy company, the Trunki comes in a variety of bright kid-friendly colors. My favorite is the red one that looks like a lady bug

1. Don't break the
Flying the Family Unfriendly Airports
Crying kids, stressed parents and unhappy families may not be exactly typical of families flying from our nation’s airports, but the scene is all too familiar.
And it’s not the families’ faults.
Skyscanner, the flight comparison site, asked 1000 family travelers what they thought about their airports, and, unsurprisingly, about two-thirds said airports are not family-friendly places, lacking facilities for families and doing nothing that caters to their needs
Summer time and the traveling’s easy.
And as any traveling family will do, at some point in their journey they’ll just opt to forget the big sights for the day, and play in a playground.
If they don’t, they should.
Hanging out in playground is a great way to get to know the locals, the scenery and just enjoy each other as a family.
Often I found that a few hours relaxing and picnicking at a playground were more valuable to my family travels than time at a
The road warrior, the business traveler represents a huge 50% or more of a hotel’s revenue, so the report just out in Travel Leaders was good news..
The 2011 business travel survey suggested that 76% of business-focused travel agents are predicting their booking will match or exceed bookings for 2010, and while they were at it, they identified the top reasons a business traveler books a hotel.
But what we found very interesting in the same report,
Family vacation planning has always been a balancing act between fun, time and dollars invested. So, I think it is always a benefit to discover ways to increase vacation value but not exhaust the budget. The economic crunch has made each of us pay closer attention to vacation budgets and to consider the