I have been traveling for the good portion of a decade and a half. Often I traveled alone, sometimes with friends, sometimes the partners, but always with a passion for the road. You can say back 15 years ago, the gypsy wandering lifestyle was much less trendy. This is before the start of travel blogs and at the time when people still bought actual books about countries to learn where to go. We went to internet cafés to send emails to our parents, took photos with film, and bought plane tickets
expatriates (2)
The birth of empathy between siblings is a beautiful thing to witness. One of the many unexpected joys of living abroad is watching the way such a powerful experience changes your children. For the better. Kids who travel together, learn to rely on each other in a deeper way than life in suburban America demands.
When we left for Italy, Katie and Matt were fifteen and eleven. At that time they were attending different schools, played different sports, had different sets of friends, and had de