For anyone in or interested in the tourism industry to explore issues associated with branding a country, region, destination, attraction, hotel, tour etc
7 of the Top Destination Brands of 2023
Visit Maldives Over the past decades, destinations in Europe, North America, and the Caribbean have been the stars in both destination branding and popularity among travelers. And while all the above certainly remain among the world´s most powerful performers in tourism, the World Travel Awards (dubbed “the Oscars of travel”) in 2023 have underscored strong showings outside these traditional areas, particularly in Asia and the Middle East. Here´s a quick rundown of this year´s winners:…
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The Target is NOT the Market
Does a single, narrowly-focused target such as ShakespeareWallah's (A BritRaj term for people who 'love' all things Shakespearean) attract a wider audience ie. beyond its narrow scope?
Meanwhile, here's how 'Shakespeare Country' uses its
Sub-Brands to attract different market segments:
- Rugby: Home of the Sport of Rugby
- Royal Leamington Spa: A Royal Town Twin (Twinned with Royal Tunbridge Wells in the county of Kent: The Garden of England)
- Nuneaton: Home to the Warks Carnival (Warks is shorthand for Warwickshire)
- Warwick Castle: England's Most Haunted (Featuring the Ghost Tower)
- Warwick University: Leaders in Industry Innovation
To develop Jose's point about 'Shakespeare Country', here's how a single-minded big brand idea transfoms itself into a powerful future-focused story-telling extravaganza on multiple-media channels - from offline to online to mobile (cellphone).
Let's say Jose, your earliest knowledge of 'England' generally and 'Shakespeare' specifically was during your most impressionable years - 7/8 years of age. In other words, 'Shakespeare' is currently residing deep within your sub-conscious - the part of your brain which actually influences your decision-making - but you are not conscious of that on a day-to-day basis. So any focus group that you participate in would not be able to 'extract' that bit of insight from you. Only a 'regression' into your early childhood would be able to do that. And let's say that one of your major roles in life is as a 'Business Person'.
So here are some ways that 'Shakespeare Country' influences the 'business' target market - of which you are a part of - by re-telling Shakespeare's plays and sonnets but within a contemporary business context: Power, Strategy, Identity, Persuasion, Mergers & Acquisitions, Presentation, Creative Partnerships and so on.
Here are some examples:
1. Richard III: The Art of Persuasion
2. Antony & Cleopatra: A Presentation Masterclass
3. The Merchant of Venice: Mass Storytelling & the Power of Advertising
One thing is a slogan or tagline for a destination. Another is your online and offline marketing campaign to raise awareness and drive sales. You have one slogan, of course, and multiple approaches depending on whom you're marketing to.
I would say that a focused tagline, especially for a smaller place like Warwickshire, works for me. It's an anchor in my overstretched mind. Now I know Warwickshire exists. Then, an effective campaign on different sites, coupled with offline ad & editorial, can expand on the message of that tagline to introduce me to other aspects of Warwickshire.
Make sense?
And, is the objective just to make you remember the place, or to give you enough reasons to want to visit? I would argue that if your interest in Shakespeare was reason enough to visit you would probably already know that Warwickshire is Shakespeare Country? Personally I rarely find one reason compelling enough to visit a place, do you?
The other point to make is that the more stories a place has to offer as content on the destination website, the more it's likely to attract online searchers. I don't think it is about overloading people with campaign messages. These days, people are active researchers looking for information, inspiration etc.
The Recife guide I first created as a blog was meant to be a hobby. I never marketed it in any way. The content alone started to generate requests for more information, for tours etc. As a result my audience was self-selecting. Had I identified market segments, bought relevant keywords and done some PR work, this story telling approach would have been even more effective. I am now back in the UK and not actively developing Recife Guide at the moment, still the content is bringing in a consistently level of traffic, which is increasing slowly. I also still get enquiries. This would not happen if I was telling only one story, of that I am certain.
Seriously, I can assure you guys if there's one thing I'll remember even on my deathbed, it's that Warwickshire is Shakespeare Country. That has been etched into my memory in the "Permanent Albeit Not Immediately Useful" folder... a mere couple of days after the first time I ever heard it. Had the message been more diluted, which oftentimes means "more generic," I doubt I'd remember it even now.
I think we are all WAY too bombarded by and overwhelmed with information on a daily basis, what with Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and newsfeeds and blogs to read, etcetera ad nauseam. Our attention spans are getting shorter. Our memories are suffering. Do we really have room in our frazzled brains for more complex messaging on one English county? And how many counties are in the US? And how many provinces in Spain? And cities in Germany? In these cases, I think it makes more sense to focus on the one Unforgettable Message each destination offers.
Otherwise it will all be a jumble in our minds.
I disagree that being called 'Cool' makes you 'Uncool', but calling yourself 'Cool' would for sure.
As for the Single-Focus regional branding idea, I still can't really see the sense in it. In the case of London, do people believe it to be "The Worlds Creative Capital"? For some people it maybe, and that may be a reason to visit. But just as many people, probably the vast majority, do not see it that way and visit for other reasons. They say that the brand exist in the mind of the consumer. For many travelers the brand London is already a firmly established concept. Changing that will not be easy.
To my mind the job of marketing is to understand how target markets and segments currently perceive London and then develop appropriate campaigns to improve or modify them. In other words a more customer focused approach. And, the single big idea approach, unless it is broad enough to have widespread appeal, just isn't consumer focused, or sensitive to existing perceptions.
Related to this issue is the fact that brands are not made or changed by one campaign. The brand that already exist in the customers mind is layer upon layer of information from many sources that are gathered over long periods of time. It is for this reason that perceptions are hard to change, and why the icons that trigger memories and associations are so powerful. It is why one big idea just will not resonate with many people. The images of heritage, royalty, pomp and ceremony etc related to London will be far stronger in the minds on many, far stronger than any notion of it being the 'World's Creative Capital'.
Here's my take on Cool Britannia - a great brand concept which played on the phrase: Rule Britannia but didn't get long-term traction because it was in truth London-centric and not really applicable to most of rural and small town/village Britain. Like most global cities, London isn't Britain, it just happens to be located there. Neither is New York a reflection of the rest of the USA or Paris/France or Sydney/Australia. On the world map these world-class cities might be positioned within their respective countries but in the important mind-map there are located in very different places.
The second point about 'Cool', is that as soon as you attach the word 'Cool' to anything, it immediately becomes 'Uncool'.
This now leads to a new discussion point: Should world-class cities re-brand themselves using the independent city-state model of Singapore and develop a single-focus global strategy? So New York brands itself as the 'World's Capital' (it helps when the UN is based there) delegating its sub-brands such as Manhattan, Broadway, Central Park etc to focus on their respective single big brand ideas. While London brands itself as the 'World's Creative Capital' and delegates its sub-brands such as Mayfair, Bond St, Buckingham Palace, East End etc to focus on their big brand ideas. Same goes for Paris, Sydney etc. So the 'Battle of the City-State Brands' takes on a new dimension going forwards into the future.
Now my take on the world's most valuable country brand: USA, arguably one of the few country brands that follows a single-focus strategy: Home of the American Dream which transcends right down the hierarchy of sub-brands such as New York, Las Vegas, Disneyland etc all conceived and built on the 'American Dream' big brand idea. It is this idea which has sustained Brand USA during one of its darkest periods which the current Chief Brand Architect - Obama - is trying to re-kindle Hope for the future.
Finally on Brand France, the world's leading tourism destination, and specifically one of its regions: Champagne - which has a single-minded future focus on a single product category - sparkling wine - which drives all three economic elements: tourism, inward investment and exports. The Champagne region is the gold standard in single-focus regional branding.
Over to you Tripatinos...
As a resident of France I have seen the multi-focus strategy work for and against this country's many destinations. France is a diverse country because each region has its own subculture. When traveling from Paris to Marseille you'll see that each region has its own culinary specialty, wine, cheese, slang, and patois, and not to mention a general pride for their region (that can be contagious!). Therefore, a multi-focus strategy is advantageous for national and international destination marketing.
However, as I was working on a project to promote a particular area in the Paris Region where a single-focus strategy was best, I saw that the different regions were hesitant to collaborate. So, most of the effort that was put in was to eliminate a sense of rivalry and competition. In this case, the key to the single-focus strategy was to create a collaborative image, but the internal and political challenges make the project implementation very slow.
Britain also has many facets that can appeal to different audiences. I think a single- or multi-focus strategy should be implemented on a case by case basis. I think Warwickshire's decision to use "Shakespeare County" is a great one. Shakespeare is known and loved all around the world, and not only does it reflect its literary roots, but it also evokes notions of history and romance which appeals to a larger public. It may not be on the same level of Cool Britannia, but I think it's effective in assimilating the place in potential visitors' minds.
Monique - I am interested in hearing about your Discover Paris! project. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate!