This fabled sea, covering more than a million square miles and 7,000 islands with diverse languages, cultures, and ecosystems, has become probably the planet's premier vacation playground. Here it's all about its regional issues and allures. And yes, the (Plus) means we're including the Bahamas and Bermuda!

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Martinique, c´est magnifique!

  David Stanley One of the four islands of the Antilles Françaises, with around 370,000 inhabitants, Martinique was settled by the French beginning in 1635 and today is an overseas département (meaning an integral part) of France. It’s packed with a vibrant blend of French and West Indian cultures; stunning landscapes, nature, and beaches; rich historical sites; fantastic rum; and a chill, laid back vibe. I visited here around 15 years ago and still remember it fondly and fairly vividly.…

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Wastin´ away again at the Dominican Republic´s Margaritaville Island Reserve Cap Cana

    Set along a stretch of pure white-sand beach in Cap Cana, an exclusive enclave of the DR´s most popular resort area Punta Cana - and just 15 minutes from the Punta Cana International Airport -  five-star all-inclusive property Margaritaville Island Reserve Cap Cana., which opened a little over three years ago is one of just eight Cap Cana resorts. On our visit, my husband and I found its “no worries,” tropical vibe spoke to me the moment we pulled up to the hotel entrance adorned with a…

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A quick peek at the best of Bonaire

 Matt KiefferOne of the “ABC” islands* of the Dutch Antilles, just 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela, this 111-square-mile island is a welcoming and tranquil trove of eco-adventure (which they play up with the tourism tagline “It´s in Our Nature”), and it´s known especially for its diving and snorkeling. For a nice, laid-back slice of the old Caribbean (albeit a pretty arid one, so please don´t go expecting luxuriant greenery), many travelers in the know very much appreciate this…

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11 of the best experiences in Haiti

  SPC Gibran Torres Haiti, really? You´re no doubt wondering. Well, yes, the Americas´ most impoverished country has been an abject basket case for many years, and its current tragic vicissitudes with violence and instability make it seem unlikely to recover any time soon. But here´s a reminder of what a fundamentally beautiful country this is, how rich is its history, how vibrant its culture, and how friendly its people – as I can attest when I visited way back in 26 years ago. This, then, is…

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  • 9012276679?profile=originalThanks for the advice from everyone about Caribbean destinations. We just returned from a seven island sail on the Royal Clipper - a most amazing way to travel the Caribbean. I would recommend it highly to anyone looking for an authentic sailing cruise. A large selection of photos are available on my photo site:

    Needed ASAP -- For a possible major metro front page feature, journalist seeks hotels in warm climes that have seen a recent uptick in guests from New England escaping the cold. Will need to interview guests and file story by Feb. 4th. Contact


  • Will do - thanks Julie.
  • Hi Doug, I echo Debbie's tips for photo opps on St Lucia. Antigua has beautiful beaches. Sites to see (and great photo opps) on Antigua would Shirley Heights lookout and Devil's Bridge, a natural arch bridge. Have a great trip!
  • Doug,

    You'll be back a few weeks before I leave. I'm taking the Feb. 19-26 cruise. Will be anxious to hear your review of the ports and ship, etc. Happy sailing!

  • Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe I'll see you in Barbados as we debark.
  • Doug,

    Sounds like you are doing a Royal Clippers cruise next week. I can tell by the itinerary... I will be doing the same cruise mid-February. I've been to St. Lucia and St. Kitts; the others will be new to me so I'm excited to add four islands to my list. St. Lucia is the place for spice shopping. Lots of photo opps on both. The Botanical Gardens, Waterfall, and of course, the Pitons are musts to photograph on St. Lucia. Tour the Brimstone Hill Fort on St. Kitts, the Batik Factory and Romney Manor. My favorite island, Nevis, is a short ferry ride across the 2-mile channel, so I may go there instead to check out the newly opened Four Seasons and have a lobster salad at Sunshine's. I would love to hear all about your cruise upon your return, so perhaps you can help ME with tips and must-dos for my mid-February trip! Feel free to email me privately at

  • Heading to the Windward Islands next week. Arriving and departing from Barbados, we will also spend a day each on St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Martinique, Dominica, Antigua, and Iles des Saintes. Looking for "not to be missed" activities or adventures, as well as "off the beaten track" places for spice shopping, drinks and photography. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  • @Lynne - if you're still reading this, a belated thank you to you also for that time we were on a press trip together in the USVI and you gave me such helpful insights on compiling a travel book during my early days in travel writing.  I've used your books as a reference guide since and that day and your kindness are remembered with gratitude.
  • David and Hal, thanks for the interesting chat on Cuba and tourism. I understand both points of view and both totally make sense. It will be interesting to watch the impact on Cuba when US citizens have "full freedom" to vacation there.
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