The top 8 musts in gracious, beautiful Bermuda


13141918089?profile=RESIZE_710xCraig Stanfill

A British Overseas Territory with a land area of just 21 square miles – the size of a middling city anywhere in the world – and a population of 73,000, Bermuda is named after its original discoverer, Spanish explorer Juan de Bermúdez. It has been settled for 412 years and has been a popular tourist destination – especially for those in the United States, for whom it´s a flight of just over two hours from the East Coast – since the 1880´s, when the Hamilton Hotel (now the Fairmont-operated Hamilton Princess) was built. The climate is balmy, the people are friendly, and as I found during my last visit, the island is easily navigable (by moped and taxi, as non-residents aren´t permitted to drive cars here). Many of its hotels and guesthouses are located along the South Shore.

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