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Costa Rica - NosaraThe pristine beaches of Nosara, Costa Rica have caught people’s attention a lot lately.

In December, National Geographic Magazine chose Nosara as one of the best winter trips for 2014. Then, Cable News Network (CNN) selected Nosara as one of its 11 Places to Go Worldwide for 2014. Nosara also was listed as one of the top 45 places in the world to visit in 2012 by the New York Times.

On the North Pacific Coast of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Nosara has caught the spotlight as a top travel de

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Turning the mundane,  frustrating  experience of booking a hotel online into a fun moment, is an act of legerdemain that only is probably able to pull off.

Take a look at their YouTube commercial to see what I mean. It’s wry, funny and self-deprecating.

It’s a spoof on hotel TV commercials that in and of itself, is a smart TV commercial for’s new U.S ad campaign: “Booking Epic.”

But we have come to expect these sorts of creative approaches from the company that’s the

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The Brazilian city of Salvador da Bahia reflects the essence of this country’s rich history and culture. There’s much more to this city than tropical beaches: Salvador da Bahia has managed to conserve a unique cultural and architectural legacy, centred in the area known as Pelourinho, the colourful historic quarter declared a World Heritage Site.  

With its steep cobbled streets, low rise buildings with colonial-style façades and picturesque churches – including the cathedral – the entire distric

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¿Cuzco o Cusco?

En cuanto a la forma correcta de escribir hoy, el nombre de la capital incaica, existen dos corrientes: Unos dicen que debe escribirse CUZCO, sencillamente porque el Acta de la Fundación Española de la ciudad (23 de marzo de \534) consigna esa forma, y que tal documento es algo así como la Partida de Nacimiento de una persona, cuyo contenido es váli­do e inalterable, producto de la opinión autorizada de los pa­dres; y en el caso de la fundación, opinión definitiva del o de los fundadores.


Otros d

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A flash of brilliant red, blue and yellow, and a loud raucous squawk, and you know you are in the jungle. There is nothing quite like the sight of wild Scarlet Macaws flying overhead or contentedly gathered in bunches in a treetop to give you the full feeling of being in the tropics.

Scarlet Macaw released on Osa Peninsula, photo by ARA ProjectTheir distinctive noisy cry carries for miles, so you usually hear them before you see them. When you do sight a Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao), they are a breathtaking rainbow of colors – fire engine red bodies with suns

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A Taste of St. Augustine, Florida

Why is it that small towns seem to possess a sense of place and taste all their own that a big city just can’t compete 9008644083?profile=originalwith?  Don’t you love it when you stroll a city’s downtown area poking your head into one place, sampling cuisine from another place …and you immediately get the feeling that you’ve arrived at a very special destination? And don’t you get a big kick out of the unique attractions that only a small town can offer?  You know what I think? Hurray for small town America… and giant Di

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Tips for Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

Known as the "Eastern Moscow", northeast China's Harbin has always been regarded as a unique and exotic city.


Central Street in downtown Harbin is the ultimate symbol of the city. Harbin Sun Island Scenic Area is the perfect place to free from hot sun in summer. Here, you can embrace the white sand, blue water, green field, blooming flowers, and cool weather. In winter, the island covered with white snow presents another beauty. It becomes a paradise for ice-snow travel. Sun Island is used as th

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Peru's White City: A Weekend in Arequipa

A short while ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Peru's "Ciudad Blanca!" My weekend in Arequipa was just lovely, and so I'd like to share my experience with you in the hope that you'll be able to visit vicariously now and in reality soon!

The second largest city in Peru, Arequipa feels peaceful and genteel. The architecture is beautiful - low buildings of bare white stone or coated in colorful paint, primarily Spanish baroque in style, with local touches - the air is soft and the people are f

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Informacion acerca de Saqsaywaman

Saqsaywaman. Es el más cercano a la plaza principal de la ciudad. La cumbre alcanza 3,650 m.s.n.m., se sitúa al norte de la. ciudad. Da asiento al monumento prehispánico del mismo nom­bre. Si Cusco al ser fundado por Manko Qhápaq tuvo la forma de un puma, la cabeza fue Saqsaywaman, los bastiones de la lla­mada "fortaleza" pudieron representar a nuestro entender, la hi­lera de dientes de la mandíbula inferior, en la abierta boca del felino; las paredes con disposición de bastiones del lado norte

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En el valle del Vilcanota o Ürubamba, los monumentos ar­quitectónicos prehispánicos más importantes en orden descen­dente en cuanto a altitud, son: el TEMPLO DE HUIRACOCHA, en el distrito de San Pedro de Cacha, provincia de Canchis; el PARQUE DE PIKI LLAKTA, en los distritos de Oropesa y Lu­cre, provincia de Quispicahchis; P'ISAK o Písac, K'AJYA QHAWANA o Cacyacahuana, llamado también HUCH'UY QOSQO; y URCO, en la provincia de Calca; YUCAY, OLLANTAYTAMBO, el COMPLEJO DE TORONTOY, el COMPLEJO DE Q

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El río Vilcanota discurre por el centro del departamento del Cusco; se origina en las estribaciones septentrionales del Nudo de Vilcanota. Su nombre procede de las voces aymarás willka y ñuta que significan Casa del Sol. Los campesinos de las provin­cias de Calca y Urubamba, le llaman en lengua quechua, willka mayu o Río Sagrado. Al ingresar en la provincia de Urubamba, el río toma el nombre de la provincia, para las gentes de habla Castellana. A la altura de la localidad de Chaullay (150 km. al

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Donde nace el rio Paucartambo?

El río Paucartambo nace en los deshielos septentrionales del Nevado Ausangati, en la provincia de Quispicanchis; en sus na-- clentes se llama Ocongate, por su proximidad a la población del mismo nombre; luego se denomina Paucartambo, al pasar por la población de ese nombre; cuando llega a la zona de Laqo, en la provincia de Calca, el río toma el nombre de Laqo; finalmente multa ser el Yavero en su curso inferior, hasta unirse con el Urubamba, en el interior de la provincia de La Convención. Es e

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Dive into Fun in Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula

If you are looking for an unforgettable memory that this rich country has to offer, you’ll want to consider going on an adventure tour in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula! Whether you want to go diving in one of the most pristine, beautiful areas in the world or explore the breathtaking Corcovado National Park, there is something in the pure Osa Peninsula for all aspiring adventurers. 


Go on a scuba diving expedition with an experienced guide who knows the unspoiled areas of Cano Island. Nearly all th

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9008808472?profile=originalIMMEDIATE RELEASE

Girls That Roam Launches Its Travel Business Directory

(San Francisco, Calif. – January 13, 2014) Women are traveling and need to know where to stay, where to go, what to do and more. To help women travelers find businesses ready to serve them, Girls That Roam developed our travel business directory.

“This directory will help our customers find the right businesses that want to serve them,” says Heather Cassell, publisher and editor of Girls That Roam. “It will also help businesse

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With approximately 150 ski areas, suitable for all levels of the winter sports lovers, Switzerland has some of the best skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing and sledging, not only in Europe – the country is undoubtedly at the center of the winter sports universe. The scenic beauty of the Swiss Alps, its perfect slopes and wide range of accommodation make this country a favorite among ski enthusiasts. For beginners, all Swiss resorts have high quality ski schools where you can just turn up and pay f

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Plan Your Next Break in Sydney

Using a total section of about 4,689 sq miles and population that could reach over 4.5 million as of 2010, Sydney is amongst the coveted places on the planet for everyone to go to. It's the state capital of Nsw as well as Australia’s most populated city. This however does not mean that this city is crowded. It's well endowed with a variety of open spaces and parks for passing time. It had been founded last month 7th 1788 and is also consistently highly ranked among other cities on the globe for

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Những điều cần biết khi đi du lịch tỉnh Vân Nam - du lịch Trung Quốc


1. Để chuẩn bị cho một chuyến du lịch sang tỉnh Vân Nam, du lịch Trung Quốc du khách nên  liên hệ với một nhà cung cấp dịch vụ có kinh nghiệm, thường xuyên tổ chức các Tour du lịch sang tỉnh Vân Nam tại tỉnh Hà Giang để nhận được các thông tin cần thiết và  chương trình theo yêu cầu của du khách.

2. Du khách cần báo rõ số người, lịch trình, thời gian cụ thể, đặc điểm đoàn khách(số cặp vợ chồng, người già, trẻ em, đi du lịch ha

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Viena Kosher y Sinuosa


Será una ciudad imperial, que se mira y se gusta, pero para nada está encerrada en ella misma.Viena, a pesar de estar erigida sobre piedra y mármol históricos, mira de frente al futuro igual que lo hacen otras capitales trendy como Berlín y Londres. Si quiere palpar el ritmo juvenil más vibrante, dirija sus pasos hacia el distrito 2, también llamado Leopoldstadt. Este trozo de tierra rodeado por el Danubio y un canal fue en el pasado un barrio judío. Hoy Leopoldstad es un distrito cosmopolita, l

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9008808472?profile=originalIMMEDIATE RELEASE

Girls That Roam is a Preferred Media Sponsor for The Dinah 2014

(San Francisco, Calif. – January 6, 2014) Girls That Roam is proud to announce that it’s an official Preferred Media Sponsor of The Dinah 2014.

Two lucky winners will also win Platinum Passes to the Dinah.

“We are super excited and honored to be a Preferred Media Sponsor of The Dinah in 2014,” says Heather Cassell, publisher and editor of Girls That Roam. “We had an amazing time last year working with The Dinah team a

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Jomsom Muktinath Trek


Fly deep into the Annapurna Himal for an incredible close-up view of the Himalaya. This short trek along the Kali Gandaki reveals the life of the Thakhali who make this area their home and explores from Kagbeni peak north towards the long forbidden kingdom of Mustang. The temple of Muktinath although dedicated to Vishnu is sacred to both Hindu and Buddhist and many ascetic sadhus gather here.

Highlights of the Trip:

Duration: 12 days

Maximum Altitude: 3867 m

Trek Grade: Moderate

Best Season: Spring/a

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