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Varanasi, India's Holy City


Varanasi… one of the most ancient inhabited cities of the world is also the oldest living city of the world. Varanasi is considered to be India's religious and spiritual hub and derives its name from the tributaries of the Ganges, Varuna and Asi that it is located on. Its original name Kashi comes from Kasha meaning the place of sacred light. The other name Benares might have been either a corruption of Varanasi by the British or from the Pali version of the word Varanasi to Baranasi to Benares.

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Through working at the Secret Garden Hostel in Quito I learned a lot about the people who make up the places and activities that Ecuador has to offer. The Galapagos is the bread winner for those who try and make a living while keeping a healthy perspective about the way they are living.


The learning curve for travellers is steep. Hostels vary in quality and commitment to those staying there. The Secret Garden is a very well regarded hostel because the owners are hands on and make the effort to tr

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ken_keseys_bus.jpgThe GypsiesThe Gypsies

"Notions of chance and fate are the preoccupation of men engaged in rash undertakings" --Cormac Mccarthy

IMG_1339.JPG I recently met three people travelling from Columbia that came to Ecuador with a mission. To buy a bus! After meeting them at the Secret Garden Hostal i was a little skeptical at first. They had just come from Columbia after working the season in Colorado as bartenders. They met the third in thier party in a hostel in Columbia and had hatched thier plan to buy a bus and travel around Ecuador

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Jet Set Zero-Adventure comes to Quito

Jet Set Zero // How to Find Work Abroad few weeks ago I met a woman named Jenna who is from Los Angeles and in town for three months working for an online tv show about living and working in Quito with her three roomates. The Show, Jet Set Zero, has had five other seasons in , Seattle,USA , Saigon, Vietnam (I), Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, Istanbul, Turkey, and Saigon,Vietnam(II).

Jenna found out about the program form an airline magazine and decided that despite having a good life in the S

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Fruit Wine Selection at Russell Orchards

If you’re headed up Argilla Road north of downtown Ispwich, you’ll get the distinct feeling that you’re heading into more remote surroundings of rolling farm fields, and wooded glens. One pastoral gem that you simply can’t miss is Russell Orchards. Only about 5 minutes from Crane Beach, you’ll see a wood shaked barn to your right and once inside, it’s apparent that this is the real deal…not some knock off built within the last decade to look like an antiqu

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From From Kaleel

Proposed DOT Rules Give Passengers Legal Rights At Last

With the tarmac meltdown this week of a Virgin Atlantic (a 4-hour delay with fainting passengers) flight still in the news, Travel Law attorney Mark Pestronk could barely contain his enthusiasm for the new proposed Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations: Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections. He calls them "the most important measure that the government has taken for airline passengers in the 72 years since it began
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I’m what you might call a pretty casual Harry Potter fan. I read the first book and saw most (not sure if all) of the seven movies with varying degrees of pleasure. But visiting “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter,” the long-awaited theme-park-within-a-theme-park at Universal’s Islands of Adventure after its official opening this past Friday in Orlando, Florida, I found myself awash in a sweaty sea of Potterphiles — many presumably so devoted to J.K. Rowling’s creation that they’ve made a point
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From From Kaleel
How To Be A "Perfect Packer" And Avoid Airline Baggage Charges

Every time an airline adds a fee for a checked bag, visitors to jump. And so does the site's revenue.

With baggage and other fees layering costs to airline tickets, previously mundane questions like how to pack, what to pack, and how can I pack everything I need into one bag, become a mantra for cost-conscious travelers.

Every traveler wants to be a perfect packer, and 3,500 daily visitors to OneBag think they
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Summer Splash and SpongeBob Make Grand Cayman Grand

The Cayman Islands have come up with a popular, value-driven, summer program for families that’s fun and educational.
Appropriately dubbed the Cayman Summer Splash package, the program runs until September 6 and features a weekly appearance of everyone’s favorite squishy hero, Nickelodeon’s own SpongeBob SquarePants.
The highlights of the Summer Splash program include:
• Stay five nights, pay for 4 at participating hotels and condos. These are l
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Once again it may appear that all M. and I do is consume large amounts of alcohol when we go away for the weekend. So besides visiting Swhisky, what else can you do in the region of Ardon and where can you stay to get to it all?


La Petite Cigale

This Bed ‘n’ Breakfast has earned every one of its four stars. Rarely have I stayed somewhere where the owners have paid such close attention to detail, down to the way they lay the table at breakfast. Emmanuela and Claude Rebord run La Petit

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Okay, so you’re travelling and you gotta go. So you whip out your Blackberry or your cell phone, access your mobile browser and voila, you’re on your way to relief courtesy of who provides information on public toilet locations across the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

Or, if you're visiting Australia, check out their National Public Toilet Map - an impressive list of over 14,000 toilets with details as to the facilities offered and the hours they're open - so you'll never have to go outbac
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The Art of Europe

When one thinks of Europe, one tends to think of art. With its plethora of offerings including historical sites, museums, and even art galleries, the choices are truly endless.

Students in the Art History program at University of Redlands, a top Southern California university, spend time exploring the classics through studying the paintings and sculptures found in museums like the Louvre in Paris, British Museum in London, or the Vatican Museum in Rome.

But art in Europe doesn’t necessarily mean

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Step Up Your Act, BA Cabin Crew

Just arrived back in UK from six weeks in Oz visiting our daughter & her newborn baby.
All previous trips have been Singapore Airlines or Emirates and cabin crew have been really good.
This time flew Qantas and the cabin crew were good but first leg out to Singapore was a British Airways flight and cabin crew all disappeared after serving the meal and seemed quite disinterested.
Get your act together BA cabin staff!
You might think you're good. You're not!
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… And then when you do, take some time to admire it! Some of Europe’s bridges may not be able to compete with the likes of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, but what they lack in size they make up for in charm and character. Here are some that I believe deserve to be mentioned.

The ‘Devil’s Bridge’


Continue reading on Chickstravelflicks!

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Summer Vacation in California Wine Country

With spring in full swing and summertime in our collective sightline, I am pretty sure we’re all chomping at the bit for some time off to relax and renew. Since we're ready to go let's settle in and make plans now.

Although I am not a psychic, I get the vibe that you’re looking for warm sunny days, lush green vineyards, crisp white wines, fruit driven reds, outstanding food, happy smiles, and some wine country fun. Temecula Valley Wine Country in Southern California is the perfect complement to a

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High Seas Wine Adventure

Looking for some high seas adventure with a decidedly gourmet food and wine focus? Then check out the Schooner Stephen Taber for a uniquely tactile and visual experience. This gorgeous century-old tall ship takes you from Rockland, Maine on a stunning tour of the untouched islands of Maine’s rocky coast. Think lush green inlets and islands, lighthouses, old farmhouses, seals and dolphins…and of course the ever-present lobster traps.

Captain Noah and Jane Barnes’ hospitality and gourmet galley far

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TripAdvisor and Facebook Get Friendly

From From Kaleel

The travel news of the day is clearly the announcement of TripAdvisor's deal with Facebook and the introduction of TripAdvisor's Trip Friends.

The Boston Business Journal went to far as to claim the Facebook-TripAdvisor partnership was "game changing," and we think they're right.
It does change the travel search paradigm.
It's also a major and logical step for the review giant because research and anecdotal evidence has shown that travelers increasingly p
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