yoga in costa rica (2)

Are you happy?

Costa Rica is #1 on the Happiest Planet in the world indexThat seems to be the question being asked in recent times, from boardrooms to bars, international conference centers to offices of government leaders, business schools to book stores. Are we happy? Following our bliss? Living our passion? Are we "me-focused" or "others-focused"?


The tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan even measures its country's prosperity by its "gross national happiness" (GNH), measuring the spiritual, physical, social and environmental health and happiness of its c

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Most surfers are probably already aware that the practice of Yoga results in great benefits for the physical body and beyond.

Yoga increases mental clarity and our ability to concentrate with intention on specific goals and desires. The breathing techniques used in this ancient science are amazing for increasing lung capacity, while helping to lengthen our ability to retain the breath (so necessary for surfers).

On a physical level, the postures (asanas) create flexibility, tone, strengthen, and

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