travel writing (26)

The road less traveled

Something to Declare: Good Lesbian Travel Writing
Edited by Gillian Kendal; University of Wisconsin Press, 230 pages; paperback, $19.95

Reviewed by Heather Cassell

Published: Ocotber 5, 2011


When I embarked on a search for stories by queer women travelers, I didn't expect that it would be a journey in itself: "L Word", "power lesbians" and years of treasure troves of lesbian travel tales pilfered from the pages of lesbian magazines be damned. Someone somewhere would have the

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A Girl For Every Port

by Heather Cassell

Published: Ocotber 3, 2011


Founder of Tanya Churchmuch dines at her favorite Paris restaurant, Le Chartier.
Photo Credit: Carrie MacPherson

An avid worldwide traveler, Canadian Tanya Churchmuch wanted more from lesbian travel guides, but couldn't find what she wanted.

"I was somebody who always traveled a lot and always became frustrated by the lack of useful information for lesbian travelers that was available," says Churchmuch, a former broadcast anchor and inter

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by Heather Cassell

Published: Ocotber 3, 2011

Damron owner Gina Gatta with business and life partner, Erika O'Conner, enjoying Iceland.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Damron

It must be hard traveling the world to let people know where the best queer places are to go and what to see, but for Gina Gatta, president and editor-in-chief of Damron, the oldest LGBT travel guide company in the world, it's all in a days work.

For the more than 20 years, Gatta, 46, an openly gay woman, has traveled the world and n

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Travel & Words Spring '11 conference offers opportunities to connect learn and write about sustainable, green and responsible travel and tourism for an early registration fee of $99.


9008607275?profile=originalTravel & Words Spring ‘11, recommended by Writer's Digest as a premier travel writers' conference, confirmed today a full agenda of industry speakers, destination specialists, and travel publishers and editors at the May 1-2 event. The conference focus is on sustainable, green and responsible travel and tourism.



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Lost Angel has fun conversation with Yolanda Rene

Linda Ballou author


Linda Ballou shares highlights in her new book Lost Angel Walkabout filled with chills, spills, giggles, and squeaks, along with her secrets on "How to Make Travel Writing Work for You." Join her in this fun "Conversation with author Yolanda Renee on blog talk radio. Plug for Tripatini in here!

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From NMT Images

Huffington Post Launches Travel Section

In saying that some of her happiest moments as well her most "enriching and enlightening moments have come through travel," Arianna Huffington, editor in chief of the Huffington Post, announced late last week that the Huffington Post launched a new travel section, HuffPost Travel.
The new on line feature will be headed by Kate Auletta, daughter of well-known New Yorker writer and author, Ken Auletta

The site is good, as far as it goes. It's ful
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