spy tours (3)

Yes, it's the moment you've been waiting for....seeing 'Mr. X' for real, on YouTube!
Read all about it, and see the video (see if you can spot me!) at the Tour Blog:-

It was a lovely occasion, and I was very honoured to be invited to the ceremony.

For further details of THE INTELLIGENCE TRAIL, London's in-depth spy tour, visit http://www.intelligencetrail.co.uk
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Hi everyone, just to keep you all up to date on THE INTELLIGENCE TRAIL, London's in-depth spy tour....a few updates and things.

Firstly, if you've not already heard, there is an Unofficial Official Blog site for the tour - it's called Below Top Secret and you can find it at http://intelligencetrail.wordpress.com
It's regularly updated with news about the tour, and behind the scenes activities, and also a look on the spy world as well. This includes commemorating particular dates in spy history, wh
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Meeting A La Carte Maps

Hey folks, if you're travelling to some of the world's most exciting cities, and you don't want to be carrying the usual heavy guide-books, maps, and handy hints, you should try these instead! Take a look at A La Carte Maps: part map, part guide-book, part work of art!

Read more about my meeting with them a few weeks ago at London's Travel Distribution Summit, where I met with the founders and learned more about their unique maps.

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