rental cars (4)


When it comes to renting a car, you're not settling for a minivan or subcompact economy special. You want reliability, comfort, and some zing under the hood to make those S curves extra exhilarating along with the views. After sitting on a plane for hours with your legs folded up like pretzels and a debilitating case of jet lag, the last thing you want is to wait in line for a sales pitch designed to get your signature on additional insurance coverage for a vehicle you really don't want.

Now in 1

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Bothered by Bio-diesel

Bio diesel is a really cool way of using old cooking oil to create fuel that can be used to operate a diesel truck or car.

Well, I'm just a little confused about the other side of this coin and frankly, I'm hoping that my addition doesn't add up.

This is what I think I know:

    A) You can't buy diesel cars in California because they pollute more than California emmisions allow

    B) You can buy Diesel trucks in California as long as you license them commercially. It doesn't mean you have to use th

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Tips For Driving In Ireland

9008711679?profile=originalFor travellers bound for the Emerald Isle, picking up a car hire in Ireland can be a great way to explore, particularly if you wish to go out into the countryside and not be confined to a single location. Now, driving in Ireland can seem like a no brainer. After all, how different can it possibly be from driving in the UK? The main language spoken is the same, people drive on the same side of the road (the left!), and there's no reason to suppose that driving in Ireland would be any more difficu

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3 Ways in Which Rental Car Insurance a Scam?


So you are at a car rental counter after a six-hour flight, talking to a guy at the counter who presents you a pile of paperwork and some "irresistible" pitches. Indeed, most of said pitches that we get from various sources every day are nothing but garbage, and some also happen to be straight-up scams. In the case of rental cars, this may include a pass for the toll-road service fee or a tank full of fuel pre-paid. Before or after you accept any of these pitches, the counter rep  will also pre

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