ecotourism (377)

We set out down the beach under a leaden sky stuffed with clouds. It was 8:00 at night, close to my bedtime (I know, I’m on Costa Rica “country” time). At first it was hard to see, with the nearly full moon sliding in and out of clouds; but soon our eyes adjusted to the dimness. A light mist began to dust us, and not a soul stirred nearby.

Turtle-olive-ridley-300x206.jpg?width=300We were on sea turtle patrol.

Five of us were decked out in dark colors to blend with the night. Sea turtles don’t like bright lights – and, ergo, light-colored

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Lake Elementaita, Kenya

This is a small soda lake on the floor of the Great Rift Valley laying in between the other well known lakes like Naivasha and Nakuru. The Lake was designated as a ramsar site in 2005 and is also an important bird area with the lake boa sting of around 450 species of birds. Its famed to be the only breeding ground for the white pelicans in the East African region.


The landscape around the lake shows evidence of past volcanic activity including some hotsprings on the southern tip of the lake. The

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9008620070?profile=originalLet me introduce you to another type of exciting accommodation: the "Star Beds" of the Loisaba Wilderness eco-resort in northeastern Kenya.

The two sets of Star Beds are unique to Loisaba. The first and original set is located among a kopje of rocks in one of the eastern valleys overlooking the "Kiboko" waterhole. The second and newer set is about 8 kilometres south on the banks of the Ewaso N'giro River. These are cantilevered over the flowing river below and are reached by footbridge from the o
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At the very bottom of Costa Rica, the placid blue waters of the Golfo Dulce shine like a mirror most days, reflecting occasional clouds and the immense cerulean sky. Its calm surface is broken by the odd small, local boat cruising along, but the most action is caused by dolphins frolicking or fishing, sea turtles swimming, fish jumping out of the water, and marine birds diving for those fish.

This time of year, the Gulf gets even busier with visiting migrating Humpback Whales. The “inner sea” of

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Namibia Sossuvlei dunesSome 3 1/2 hours by road from Namibia’s tidy capital of Windhoek, out in the Namib desert of the country’s southwest, you’ll find one of the world’s more impressive natural sights and experiences: its highest (up to some 280 feet/85 meters) and oldest sand dunes. Sossusvlei, part of Africa’s biggest game park, Namib-Naukluft National Park, is punctuated by twisted camel thorn trees; you can balloon and fly over these towering reddish “star dunes,” hike them (guide recommended), and even surf dow
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9008774687?profile=originalOne of the most brilliantly beautiful tropical birds is definitely the scarlet macaw (Ara macao). Its loud, raucous squawks carry for miles, so usually you hear them before you see them. When you do sight a Scarlet Macaw in the wild, they are breathtaking – fire engine red bodies with sunshine yellow and royal blue wing feathers tinged with a bit of green, and a distinct stark white patch around both eyes.

An endangered species, scarlet macaws live in tropical forests from Mexico to South America

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The Central Pacific region of Costa Rica is one of my favorite places in the country. Glittering jade and turquoise on the Pacific Ocean, Manuel Antonio is the Central Pacific’s crown jewel of destinations.

Los-Altos-condo-view-300x168.jpg?width=300Why is this area so intensely popular? Easy. You can find so many of Costa Rica’s top activities and attractions all in one jaw-dropping, gorgeous place. Thick, verdant rainforest spills down steep hillsides to white sand beaches and the azure Pacific Ocean. A scalloped coastline begets coves,

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The exact origins of capoeira are uncertain, although most people recognize that it was created by the 16th-century African slaves who were shipped across the Atlantic. The movements contain unmistakable native Brazilian influences. What noone can deny is that capoeira has been around for almost 500 years and is now as powerful a cultural symbol of Brazil as it ever has been.

Capoeira – The Early Years

Practicing a form that's part dance, part martial art, a capoeira fighter is distinguished

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Central America forms a bridge literally between North and South America, which throughout its three million year history has served as a natural biological passageway between the two continents. In the last century, however, much of that corridor has been destroyed by farming and urbanization.

Biologists have determined that biological corridors are one of the most effective methods of conserving biodiversity to maintain genetic fluency between populations of species and prevent against their po

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Recently, Phu Quoc National Park has become a fantastic eco-tourist destination in Vietnam travel. Coming here, tourists can see a variety of flora and fauna, bringing special and unique biodiversity values compared to other national parks nationwide.

Phu Quoc National Park, which is located on an island with a mixture of continental and coastal climate, possesses a rich ecosystem of primeval, secondary and indigo forests. Its indigo forests are distributed in the wetlands or the lowlands that is

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Pa Khoang Lake lies in the centre of ranges of mountains where there are many types of beautiful natural scenery. Tourists who travel to Vietnam and take a tour to Dien Bien should add this interesting eco-tourism destination to their itinerary.

Located in Muong Phang commune, Dien Bien district, the position of Pa Khoang lake is very convenient, near the road 279, about 20 km from Dien Bien Phu city, linking Dien Bien Phu city with Muong Phang historical and cultural forest where the relics of t

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The Unique Wildlife of Costa Rica

What if I told you there was an animal without lungs that lives on land and can grow back any limb of its body?

Crazy, you say? Well, in the Costa Rican Caribbean rainforest, there is a species of salamander that can.

Salamander-photo-courtesy-of-InBio-300x165.jpg?width=300Salamanders are amphibians that are typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance, with slender bodies, short noses, and long tails, according to Wikipedia. There are approximately 550 species of salamanders that live in Temperate and Neotropical zones around the world.

Unique a

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Phuoc Binh National Park- tranquility of Nature

Phuoc Binh National Park is established on June 8th, 2006 with a total natural area of 19,814 ha. Its target is to enhance riverhead protection capacity for Cai river system in Ninh Thuan prov-ince to serve production and living activities for social and economic development of the South Central area.

Moreover, to preserve biodiversity, to maintain and develop flora and wild fauna species in Tay Nguyen and South Central area, serving scientific research and education tasks on tropical forests, dr

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Vu Quang National Park- evergreen forests

Vu Quang National Park Located in Vu Quang District, north-west of Ha Tinh Province, covers a total area of 52,882ha, 96.7% of which are natural forests. It lies in northern Truong Son (long mountain range) area with an average height of 800m, the slope of 25-35 and many rivers and streams.

61% of the primitive forests are subtropical evergreen forests and tropical evergreen forests with plentiful flora and fauna. There are 307 high-class floral species of 236 genera and 99 families, 60 species o

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9008769080?profile=originalThe mention of coral reefs usually brings to mind crystal-clear, warm tropical waters, bright colorful fish and coral … maybe even the movie, “Nemo.” Coral reefs form such vast, diverse ecosystems that they are commonly called the “rainforests of the oceans.”

Like the rainforests on land, coral reefs are extremely threatened by humans’ actions and climate change. Since the late 1970s, coral reefs across the world have been dying at an unprecedented rate, and it only seems to be getting worse, acc

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Exploring ecotourism in Yang Bay

Tourists on their way to Nha Trang will no doubt be excited about swimming, scuba diving, exploring the marine world or mud bathing, however, they should also consider eco-tourism and the hot spring at Yang Bay Waterfall tourist area.

Yang Bay, about 40 kilometers west of Nha Trang City heading on the road towards Dalat City, belongs to Khanh Viet Company and covers about 596 hectares. Yang Bay is charming due to its mysterious primeval forest and unique cultures of ethnic Raglai people.

Yangbay W

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Tropical forests cover 15% of the globe's surface and capture 25% of the carbon present in the atmosphere. These healthy forests play a critical role in curbing climate change. They "breathe" CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in trees and soil; in fact, roughly half of the world's terrestrial carbon is stored in forests, according to the international organization Conservation International.

Costa Rica is the only tropical country to substantially reverse deforestationCosta Rica is the first, and so far the only, tropical country in the world that has reversed a decades

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