Flora (2)

Miami's Springtime Fall Colors

Every fall, tourists converge on New England for the opportunity to witness one of nature's most dazzling spectacles, when leaves explode with color in one triumphant grand finale to a summer of photosynthesis. Few realize that "fall" colors may also be found as far south as South Florida... in the spring. Shortly after the vernal equinox (this year on March 20th), certain species of subtropical deciduous trees put on a show that, while admittedly not of the magnitude of New England's, is noneth

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Holidays Attractions India

India is blessed with so many for every tourist as a number of tourism attractions that never fail to catch the attention of tourists from all over the world are situated in the map of India where tourists can explore a plenty of fantastic attractions with the oldest civilizations of the country. In this cultural land of India tourists find manytravel packages at attractive sights that witness the ups and downs of olden era. So, visit India and enjoy your vacations in superb manner.

What is India

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