Lush, romantic sister islands, they sport plenty of plantation inns, white beaches, and overall as much tropical allure as you could ever want.

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9 top restaurants & chefs on the island of Nevis

  Photos: Timothy Leland, except where noted Visiting tiny Nevis - just 36 square miles - is treat enough, with its ravishing nature, pristine beaches, friendly, laid back locals and charming inns (including several in centuries-old former sugar plantations). But it´s also packed with 40 or so of some of the finest restaurants anywhere, with food from local farm-to-table and sea-to-table found on culturally diversified menus on a par to what you might find in some of the world´s culinary…

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The plantation inns of Nevis - and Alexander Hamilton

A few years ago, the fact that an island was the birthplace of one of the USA's Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, would have elicited very little excitement. But in recent years, since the advent of the hit Broadway musical Hamiliton, Nevis is all of a sudden a must-see destination.  The very first line of the musical leads you here: “How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean… “ That spot would be Nevis.  But more…

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6 of the top adventures on St. Kitts & Nevis

Saint Christopher and Nevis Islands, commonly referred to as “St. Kitts” or “SKN”, comprise a country in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles’ Leeward Islands. They're actually the tops of a submerged volcanic mountain range, covered with rolling green folds of volcanic peaks and lush valleys- and more than a quarter of the "Sister Islands" is conserved as national park lands. Regular ferry service connects the islands of St. Kitts with Nevis – they’re only a couple of miles (three kilometers)…

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Experiencing Nevis through artisan dining/small inns

Situated in the refreshing trade wind breezes of the Leeward Island chain in the West Indies, Nevisremains authentically Caribbean, eschewing the homogenization that has befallen so many other island destinations. This means absolutely no strip development, fast food chains, casinos, or stoplights and only one international brand resort on this 36 square mile island. Nevis's 12,000 residents live in villages where no buildings exceed the height of a palm tree and locally grown and prepared…

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