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7 Utah eco-gems featured in the new Kevin Costner Movie ´Horizon, an American Saga´

©Perry Kibler There´s an undeniable allure for travellers to embark on a cinematic pilgrimage to the locations that have captured our imaginations on screen. One such destination which promises to enchant, with sweeping vistas and rugged landscapes, is Utah, the setting for Kevin Costner's epic four-film series Horizon: An American Saga, the first of which was just released at the end of June. With a budget of $100 million, the films series a dozen years of the settlement of the U.S. West…

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10 places which show how Zambia Is eco-amazing

 Diego Delso When it comes to safaris and ecotourism, Zambia often takes a back seat to the likes of Botswana, Kenya, and Tanzania. But this large country in south-central Africa is positively packed with eco treasures, and its marquis attraction is one of the planet´s most spectacular waterfalls, Victoria Falls, which it shares with Zimbabwe. In addition, there are some 20 teeming nature reserves which offer as rewarding an eco-experience as any of Zambia´s neighbors – arguably even more so,…

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7 ecotourism stars of Honduras

  HermésLeonelVega Though Costa Rica is Central America´s (and perhaps all of Latin America´s) premier star when it comes to ecotourism, there´s also an undersung but incredibly rich trove of eco treasures to be explored next door in Honduras, with lush rainforests and stunning coastlines, among other things. On the marine side – exploring the richness of the world´s second largest coral reef, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef – the islands of Roatán and Utila are better known. But here are a…

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Ecotourism in '10 of the Coolest Experiences You Can Have in Vietnam´

This scintillating southeast Asian country is renowned for its many historic temples, colonial architecture, geological wonders, fine beaches, and mouthwatering cuisine, but Vietnam also offers plenty of cool experiences - some of which are unusual, and several of which you can´t even have elsewhere. Despite years of colonialism, then war, then modernisation, there remain parts of Vietnam which remains relatively authentic, where locals make great efforts to preserve many traditions and…

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  • An inspiring tale from Colombia!
    Pink dolphins and reformed Colombian rebels turn no-go zone into ecotourism hit
    Far upriver in the rainforest, the lure of rare pink river dolphins is creating jobs and promoting conservation and reconciliation after a 50-year war
  • Regrettably, we must add our voice to calls for a tourism boycott of Uganda, a country with much ecotourism potential but which has let virulent bigotry - much of it from anti-gay hate groups in the U.S. - lead its parliament and president to enact a draconian and barbaric law imposing prison and in some cases even the death penalty for homosexual practices. This has no place in a civilized world, and visitors have many other options when it comes to exploring African wildlife and local cultures So until this madness is stopped, please refrain from supporting it with your tourism business.
    Calls for a tourist boycott of Uganda after anti-gay laws passed
    With the death penalty now in place for certain same-sex acts, tourists could vote with their feet
  • There's a lot packed into Singapore's 283 square miles, but visitors don't often think of ecotourism as a draw here. That's why I was interested to see a little island Pulau Ubin included in a recent CNN Travel look at a dozen and a half under-the-radar gems in Asia - find out why:
  • An interesting piece about Grenada beyond the beaches - its eco side:
    Grenada Ecotourism: A Caribbean Hidden Gem
    Grenada, one of our all-time favorite Caribbean destinations, is a frontrunner in the Caribbean on the ecotourism front. We collaborated with Lisa To…
  • Africa's luxury safaris and lodges have been upping their game in recent years, to the point where earlier this year the prestigious Architectural Digest ran a survey of some of the most arresting designs on the continent today - definitely some eye-poppers here!
    Africa’s Most Eye-Catching Safari Lodges
    From a 12-suite camp in Botswana to a Tulum-based brand with a new outpost in Namibia, Africa is home to incredible high-design camps
  • Not directly related to travel/tourism, but interesting nonetheless:
    Why Costa Rica is struggling to maintain its environmental reputation
    The status of sustainable country is facing long-overdue problems, priorities disrupted by the pandemic and the economic crisis, and a new government…
  • A very recent Associated Press piece focuses on climate/indrastructure issues affecting nature parks in eastern and southern Africa in
    African wildlife parks face climate, infrastructure threats
    MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) — Africa's national parks, home to thousands of wildlife species such as lions, elephants and buffaloes, are increasingly threate…
  • Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park is back, and here's what the requirements are like for visitors during the pandemic era:
  • A couple of months ago, The Guardian ran a thought-provoking piece called "Can the Tourism Industry Survive the Climate Crisis?" It began: "One of the terrible ironies of the climate crisis is that some of the most beautiful – and popular – places in the world are also the most vulnerable. Which means as temperatures rise, extreme weather events increase, water sources dry up and natural habitats die, these places are facing another devastating loss: tourists." And proceeded to cite several case studies - mostly ecotourism stalwarts - that paint a fairly grim picture. A sobering read:
    Can the tourism industry survive the climate crisis?
    From the Solomon Islands to Denali national park, how five communities reliant on tourism are coping as climate change upends their industry
  • I've opened a platform for eco and sustainable products. I also want to add tourism options to support the local industry. Especially after the virus. Please be so kind have a look at the page and also contact me through the page if you would like to be a part of it Tesoro Tico - productos sostenibles

    Home - Tesoro Tico - Productos ecológicos y sostenibles
    La plataforma de productos verdes de Costa Rica
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