Many are the countries that offer their very own fascinating & tasty distillations -- Scottish single malts, Mexico's tequila, Kentucky bourbon, habushu in Japan -- you name it. An intoxicating way of exploring the world! And of course most countries also have their own beers - often very distinctive indeed. We raise a glass to all of it here!
What is a single-malt whisky? Plus some prime examples
Dylan de Jonge Few spirits have captured the hearts and palates of spirits enthusiasts quite like whisky, a sophisticated elixir born from the perfect blend of time-honored tradition, premium ingredients, and meticulous craftsmanship. Distilled in Scotland and Ireland since at least the 15th century, single malt is now also produced in more than two dozen other countries, even including the likes of Brazil, Lebanon, Pakistan, South Africa, and Taiwan. Whisky is also widely available…
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by Rigel Celeste
The "Eat Pray Love" frenzy continues and for those who have been inspired to set off on their own soul-searching adventure in Indonesia Kamandalu Resort has come up with their own version of Elizabeth Gilbert's story...(cont.).
The package is available from September 2010 thru July 2011 and sounds like a nice balance of experiencing the movie's theme while still leaving room for a personalized experience, and if you were really inspired by the movie you can enter their contest and potentially win a trip for free. Otherwise there's a minimum two night stay required with rates ranging from $280 - $440/night, depending on which villa you choose. Let yourself go!
Detailed package: