taxis (3)

9008602476?profile=originalNew York City's iconic big yellow taxi may soon drive both visitors and residents into dervish ecstasy. The Taxi & Limousine Commission just released its Taxi of Tomorrow survey and, in the humble opinion of 22,000 polled, the Karsan V1, a Turkish-made hybrid car, ought to rule the road.


Big Apple residents who took the taxi-design survey brushed off two other finalist entries by Ford and Nissan. Evidently, thumbs went up instead for the futuristic Karsan V1's unique panoramic glass sunroof "for

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Taking Taxis in Cairo

Simply step outside any five-star hotel, and take the taxi which awaits at the doorstep to anywhere you'd want to go in Cairo. Unfortunately, there is perhaps no more expensive way to get about in this great city. Common taxis are much more affordable, and better yet, take the longer trips on the metro and leave the taxis for short hops.

There are three main types of taxis in Cairo. The first type is the old black and white taxis. These have no meter, and the price of the trip depends on the le

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 So I was watching 60 Minutes or was it Dateline or was it 20/20 or Anderson Cooper 360 or are they all really one show about slightly different views on the same stories?

Yeah so it was about the London Olympics and how the city has informed the Taxi Drivers that they will be limited in terms of their routes and where they can and cannot drive/drop off clients, etc.

Anyway that is probably not what the story was about but what it made me realize is that there are very few female cab drivers here

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