stress (3)

RELAX-05-300x280.jpg?width=300I know what you’re thinking, “I already know this.” The thing is we all do. And yet, most of us don’t heed the wisdom. We work, do, be in action, etc. often until we’re exhausted either physically, mentally or emotionally, or all three. There is always just “one more thing” to do, one more email to answer, one more task to finish. I’m as guilty of it as the next person.

Amazingly enough, if you should ever happen to get sick or injured, you find very quickly that “the world goes on without you.”

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Hangover Prevention Formula

Just in time for New Year’s Eve, I’ve learned about an all-natural product that prevents the ravaging symptoms of a hangover.
Hangover Prevention Formula is made from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus and a handful of B vitamins. Planning on imbibing? Just pop one capsule per 130 pounds of your body weight, avoid fibrous food for a couple of hours (which interferes with its absorption), and you’re good for 72 hours.


And this product isn’t just for preventing hangovers, it’s also good for comb

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Are you tired of dragging your luggage through the airport? Frustrated that it tips over and won't turn when it's supposed to? Does it irk you when you have to stuff your carry-on in the overhead bin by pushing and shoving?

Well, if so, maybe it's time for a Nakation. Yep, you got it, a naked vacation. Just think, you'll never have to pack again! You won't have to worry about baggage charges or airport security - you'll be free in more ways than one!

The American Association of Nude Recreation (AA
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