iphone (3)

9008640674?profile=originalmTrip launched just one year ago with travel guides for iPhone, iPod and Android. Now they have expanded to the web, offering mobile users the ability to add geo-located photos and notes to their trips and instantly sync them online when a free WiFi connection is detected. Travelers can share their trips with friends in real-time, while they are out seeing the sights and when they get home, they will have a personal page with all their trip memories!


Trips can also be shared via Facebook, Twitte

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9008640674?profile=originalmTrip launched just one year ago with travel guides for iPhone, iPod and Android. Now they have expanded to the web, offering mobile users the ability to add geo-located photos and notes to their trips and instantly sync them online when a free WiFi connection is detected. Travelers can share their trips with friends in real-time, while they are out seeing the sights and when they get home, they will have a personal page with all their trip memories!


Trips can also be shared via Facebook, Twitte

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Are Gadgets Making Us Antisocial?


I'm writing on a laptop. Yes I am. I have a blackberry, not an iphone. I do not own a kindle, portable tv or an ipad. I resisted the VHS to DVD switch. I love my original nintendo and don't own (and never have) an xbox, playstation or Wii. I, however, am feeling guilty. On my travels there are some essentials. Computer, Camera, phone, Ipod, chargers (wall and car), dvd player, you know the list. I was at the airport waiting for my plane and stopped. In the crowded waiting room, I noticed everyon

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