ipod (2)

9008640674?profile=originalmTrip launched just one year ago with travel guides for iPhone, iPod and Android. Now they have expanded to the web, offering mobile users the ability to add geo-located photos and notes to their trips and instantly sync them online when a free WiFi connection is detected. Travelers can share their trips with friends in real-time, while they are out seeing the sights and when they get home, they will have a personal page with all their trip memories!


Trips can also be shared via Facebook, Twitte

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9008640674?profile=originalmTrip launched just one year ago with travel guides for iPhone, iPod and Android. Now they have expanded to the web, offering mobile users the ability to add geo-located photos and notes to their trips and instantly sync them online when a free WiFi connection is detected. Travelers can share their trips with friends in real-time, while they are out seeing the sights and when they get home, they will have a personal page with all their trip memories!


Trips can also be shared via Facebook, Twitte

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