Tanzania (22)

5 Top Things To Do in Zanzibar


Zanzibar is a beautiful Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa. It's the perfect place to get away from hectic modern life and enjoy the wonders that nature has to offer. If you are travelling to Tanzania, there are two main things you have to do: Tanzania safari tours and visit Zanzibar. You will see that Zanzibar’s reputation as an island paradise is definitely on the mark.

If the Tanzania safari tours give you an insight into the wild animals' habitat, the beautiful Za

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by Fyllis Hockman

For people contemplating an Africa safaris, the first place that comes to mind may well be Kenya. But many aficionados favor Tanzania, thanks to its vast Serengeti plains and a nearby volcanic caldera called Ngorongoro.

On my trip to this East African country not long ago, Ngorongoro was far and away the star. Occupying just 102 square miles (264 sq. km), this 2½-million-year-old collapsed volcano is a virtual microcosm of this region of the continent, home to som

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