Plans (2)

Thomas Cook have recently unveiled a new way to pay for your holiday with the launch of their zero deposit scheme, ‘Book Now, Pay Later’.



For holiday makers who are on a budget, forking out a heap of cash upfront when booking your holiday can leave you feeling the pinch. And, with the rise of travel costs, many can’t afford to do so.


The £0 payment plan is a handy alternative for customers to help spread the costs of their next holiday.


Instead of paying your holiday off in one chunk, you contri

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Hurricanes pose danger to travelers

Whether travelling locally or abroad.  It is wise to best check the path of any severe weather.  While such storms can be an annoyance causing delays, flight cancellations, and trip deviations, they can be much worse.  I have travelled with some that  say that "It is nothing.", or "I've been through it before."  But it is always worse than they care to admit.  Others seek danger and look to stare the hurricane in its face-  tempting it, taunting it, daring it to harm them.


Visit this link for pi

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