Kuwait (2)

13031553481?profile=RESIZE_710xKhalid Almasoud

This oil-rich little emirate (pop. just under nine million) on the Persian Gulf was last big in the news as the object of invasion by Sadam Hussein´s Iraq just next door. And though its far less touristed than most of its Gulf neighbors, Kuwait does offer a nice selection of travel experiences both traditional and modern, as well as cultural and outdoorsy; many – but far from all – are to be found in the capital, Kuwait City (pop. 3.4 million). Here are its top eight musts:


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There are small states in the world whose currencies play a role in the world economy that is incomparable with their modest size and small population. The entire state of Kuwait consists of the city of the same name and an adjacent piece of a lifeless desert with a length of approximately 200 kilometers from north to south and from west to east. Kuwaiti dinars are happy to accept banks throughout the Middle East, Europe, and North America. The Kuwaiti dinar is the national currency of the State

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