Fauna (6)

Exploring the Animals & Nature of Iceland


The virgin and harsh beauty of Icelandic nature is really fascinating. It is true, here there is something to see: powerful waterfalls, active volcanoes, geysers (springs, periodically throwing out hot thermal water and steam, one of the manifestations of vulcanism), giant glaciers. Well, the natural beauty of the island is supplemented with the existence of various animals and birds.

Let’s have a closer look at the various fauna of Iceland. One can see arctic foxes, reindeer, mink and mouse li

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Costa Rica posee 27 parques nacionales, 58 refugios, 32 áreas protegidas, 15 humedales pantanosos, 11 reservas forestales y 8 reservas biológicas. La totalidad de territorio protegido representa el 25% de su extensión geográfica completa. Un lugar especial dentro de estos lo ostenta la Reserva Natural Absoluta de Cabo Blanco. Esta forma parte del Área de Conservación Tempisque, en la provincia de Puntarenas. Cuenta con una superficie terrestre de 12,7 Km.² más 17,9 Km.² marinos. Fue la primera z

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por Andrés Figueroa Vásquez

El pasado 24 de abril fue publicada en el diario oficial La Gaceta la nueva Ley de Conservación de Vida Silvestre. Con ella se declaró ilegal y penalizada la cacería deportiva en el país.

Fue un hecho histórico, puesto que por primera vez el Congreso aprobó una ley que no fue colocada en la corriente legislativa por diputados o por el Poder Ejecutivo.

Dentro de ella se incluyen diversas sanciones. Por ejemplo, impone una de hasta ¢1,5 millones a quien cace animales silve

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The Unique Wildlife of Costa Rica

What if I told you there was an animal without lungs that lives on land and can grow back any limb of its body?

Crazy, you say? Well, in the Costa Rican Caribbean rainforest, there is a species of salamander that can.

Salamander-photo-courtesy-of-InBio-300x165.jpg?width=300Salamanders are amphibians that are typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance, with slender bodies, short noses, and long tails, according to Wikipedia. There are approximately 550 species of salamanders that live in Temperate and Neotropical zones around the world.

Unique a

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Holidays Attractions India

India is blessed with so many for every tourist as a number of tourism attractions that never fail to catch the attention of tourists from all over the world are situated in the map of India where tourists can explore a plenty of fantastic attractions with the oldest civilizations of the country. In this cultural land of India tourists find manytravel packages at attractive sights that witness the ups and downs of olden era. So, visit India and enjoy your vacations in superb manner.

What is India

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Travel Packages

This land of diverse faiths and beliefs is one among the few regions of the world where early civilizations of the world flourished. The culture and traditions of India have always attracted the people of the western world.

India Holidays is one of the few countries in the world that are blessed with rich culture and heritage as well as a wide array of natural wonders. It is a popular tourist destination in the world and is visited by millions of international tourists every year and Travel porta

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