AsIa (62)


“I have a robe for you’. This short statement left me laughing and engaging with a gentle sense of humour that crossed politics and the equator. The line came from a monk in the precinct where the mighty Shwedagon Paya (Pagoda) gleams and beams across the city of Yangon.

We had been wandering around the centrepiece of Yangon being dazzled by the exemplary temples, buildings, animal statues and Buddha images – cleaned to within an inch of their many karmic lives. Lift your eyes and golden spi

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Friendship and Destiny in Taiwan


Today I left Taiwan. For three weeks I was there, taking each day one by one. The reason was a wedding - a reason I turned into an an opportunity to turn this trip to Asia into something far greater.

It was my second time to Taiwan - a fact that never ceased to amaze Taiwanese. But in reality it was I who never ceased to be amazed by the Taiwanese people, who by the end of the three weeks, left me wondering, "have I ever felt this welcome in a country before?"

The wedding was a fun and also com

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