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Luxury properties in '12 of Florida's Best Resorts'

Attracting more than 120 million holidaymakers annually, the Sunshine State is famously home to many beautiful beaches on both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and is known for its bright sunshine, tall palm trees, crystal clear turquoise waters, expansive beaches, theme parks; and resorts. And here's our list of picks (obviously by no means exhaustive) of a dozen of the best resorts - from very affordable to very exclusive, and intimate to enormous - across the state:   read post  

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The luxurious plantation inns of Nevis - and Alexander Hamilton

A few years ago, the fact that an island was the birthplace of one of the USA's Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, would have elicited very little excitement. But in recent years, since the advent of the hit Broadway musical Hamiliton, Nevis is all of a sudden a must-see destination.  The very first line of the musical leads you here: “How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean… “ That spot would be Nevis.  But more…

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4 of the Caribbean's top luxury rental villas

In the market for a nice place to call your own on a warm-weather vacation getaway this winter, for example in the Caribbean? Instead of the usual resort, give a thought to renting your very own luxury Caribbean villa, which can be as or more affordable while providing unparalleled privacy and comfort. Here are examples on five islands, marketed through Caribbean Escape, that you'll surely fall in love with! read post

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